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List of questions from the Tower of Tragedy Quiz

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This is a list of all possible questions that may appear in the Tower of Tragedy Quiz. They are sorted by category; for convenience, the general category is also sorted by area.

General category[edit]

Spiral Mountain[edit]

What has Cheato the spellbook lost?
His pages His pager His pageboy
How does Cheato the spell book help Banjo?
Awards cheats Gives Mumbo spells Provides refreshments

Isle o' Hags[edit]

How many egg nests are there in Heggy's Egg Shed?
5 1 3
Where does King Jingaling live?
In a shed In a boat In a throne room
What is the name of the Jinjos' king?
Jingaling Dingaling Singalong
How many times did Banjo defeat Klungo?
1 2 3
What is the name of the female bee who gives you extra energy?
Buzzy B Bumble B Honey B
Who lives in Jinjo Village?
Master Jiggywiggy Banjo The Jinjos
What is unusual about Master Jiggywiggy?
He's got no head He's got a Jiggy for a head He's got two heads
What shape are the floor tiles in Jiggywiggy's Temple?
Triangular Jigsaw-shaped There are no tiles
Which of these is Bottles' kid?
Goggles Tizers Biggles
What type of doll is Bottles' daughter playing with in Jinjo Village?
Joanna Dark Banjo Donkey Kong ("An adorable gorilla" in the Xbox Live Arcade port.)
What is Bottles' son playing with in Jinjo Village?
A plane A Game Boy A tiger
What is Mrs. Bottles' first name?
Betty Milky It was never mentioned
What can be found in the Isle o' Hags Quagmire area?
A railway bridge A large dinosaur head A Mumbo Skull
What color Jinjo House did the digger flatten in Jinjo Village?
Grey Yellow White
Who owns the sacred temple where the Jiggy games are played?
Jiggywiggy King Jingaling Master Jigjag
What is the name of the broken ride outside the entrance to Witchyworld?
Cauldron Canyon River Raft Rapids Flume of Doom
Which of these is not an area on the Isle O' Hags?
Quagmire Forest Grove Wooded Hollow

Mayahem Temple[edit]

What is the name of World 1?
Mayahem Temple Glitter Gulch Mine Mayahem Mine
What animal had a problem with a plague of flies?
A cow A pterodactyl A monkey
How did Banjo get inside the Kickball Stadium in Mayahem Temple?
With a Grenade Eggs Disguised as a Stony Bribes the guard
Which of these areas is found in Mayahem Temple?
Targitzan's Almost Sacred Chamber Targitzan's Slightly Sacred Chamber Targitzan's Super Secret Chamber
Which image isn't on Mayahem Temple's prison switches?
A sun Haley's Comet A star
What does Mayahem Temple's catlike warrior baddy carry?
A club A spade The Queen of Hearts
Which of these areas is not found in Mayahem Temple?
Jade Snake Grove Kickball Stadium Dart Gun Fields
What didn't the Jade Snake do in Mayahem Temple?
Bite Banjo Sleep Eat a Jiggy
What spell did Mumbo perform in Mayahem Temple?
Summon Power Levitate
How are Mayahem Temple's statue dart guns deactivated?
With a big switch Using the Bill Drill Firing an egg between their eyes
What color are the feathers on the darts fired by the Mayahem Temple statue dart guns?
Yellow Blue Red
What do you have to shoot to gain entry to Mayahem Temple's Treasure Chamber?
Mumbo's head Snake heads Flies
What is Targitzan the Mayan God of?
Sunlight Target shooting Tiddlywinks
What is found at the top of the highest structure in Mayahem Temple?
Jamjars Jinjo Jiggy
Who is the 'Mighty Mayan God of Target Shooting?'
Marzipan Fryinpanz Targitzan
What had Terrydactyland's nasty Unga cavemen stolen from Mayahem Temple?
A car A sacred stone A gold relic

Glitter Gulch Mine[edit]

What is the name of World 2?
Jolly Roger's Mine Glitter Gulch Mine Grunty's Mine
What had the prospector lost in Glitter Gulch Mine?
His partner His wallet His pickaxe
What is the name of the train that travels between the worlds?
Chuffy Pufta Guffo
Who lurked in the train's boiler in Glitter Gulch Mine?
Old King Coal Big Bad Boiler Beast Master Pufta
What is on the picture in the Prospector's Cabin in Glitter Gulch Mine?
He and his wife He and his partner He and some glamour models
What was stuck in Glitter Gulch Mine that belonged in Witchyworld?
The prospector The burger stall owner The saucer
What color is the toxic gas in Glitter Gulch Mine?
Purple Green Browny yellow
What tool attacks Banjo in Glitter Gulch Mine?
A shovel A cordless drill A hammer
What is the name of the birdlike character in Glitter Gulch Mine?
Crow Joe Parakeet Pete Canary Mary
What spell does Mumbo perform in Glitter Gulch Mine?
Sunlight 1000-year curse Levitate
What mine-related feature is not in Glitter Gulch Mine?
A rail track A drill A power generator
How many water tubs are in the Water Storage Cavern in Glitter Gulch Mine?
2 3 4


What is the name of World 3?
Witchyworld Jolly Roger's Lagoon Jolly's Circus O' Fun
What is in the Haunted Cavern's Zoo?
Alien child The Sick Styracosaurus Gobi the Camel
What is the name of the saucer ride in Witchyworld?
Saucer of Milk Saucer of Peril Saucer of Tragedy
What is Witchyworld's inflatable castle called?
Crazy Castle Fort O' Fun Silly Stockade
Where is the Jiggy located in Witchyworld's Star Spinner?
In a crater Under a UFO On top of a planet
What is Mr. Patch announced as in Witchyworld?
Bizarre Bouncing Blow-up Blimp Ridiculous Rotund Rubber Ruffian Strange Wobbly Inflatable Thing
Why was Witchyworld closed?
Appalling safety record All the rides were broken The staff were on strike
What does Humba Wumba change Banjo into in Witchyworld?
A van A washing machine A kitchen sink
What color is Witchyworld's Big Top tent?
Blue and white Red and white Black and blue
What fairground fast food is not available in Witchyworld?
Burgers Doughnuts Fries
What happens inside Madame Grunty's Tent in Witchyworld?
Inflatable boss fighting Fortune telling Drinking
What is Witchyworld's strength-based attraction called?
Stagecoach of Might Cactus of Strength Poncho of Power
How many tickets are required to get into Witchyworld's Big Top tent?
3 4 6
What spell does Mumbo perform in Witchyworld?
Power Turned lead into gold Life Force
In the Witchyworld Star Spinner, how many steps lead you up to the mechanical planet?
2 3 4

Jolly Roger's Lagoon[edit]

What is the name of Jolly Roger's partner in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
Happy Haggy Merry Maggie Mucky Makky
What is the name of the giant anglerfish in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
Baron Woo Fak Fak Sir Woo Fak Fak Lord Woo Fak Fak
What is Lord Woo Fak Fak announced as in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
High and Mighty Aquatic Hero Egotistical Locker Lurker Self-important Anglerfish
Which sea-based creature is not seen in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
Octopus Shark Anglerfish
Who is not found in Jolly's?
Captain Blubber Jamjars Jolly Roger
Which of these moves is learned in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
Breegull Blaster Bill Drill Talon Torpedo
What does Blubber rent out from his waveracer shop in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
Go-karts Videos Waveracers
What was the pig in the cage in Jolly Roger's Lagoon trying to do?
Film the paintings Repair the temple walls Look for lost treasure
What drink is on sale at Jolly's?
Orange Squash Ginger Beer Jolly's Juice
What is the name of the seasick pirate in Jolly's?
Foureyes Blackeye Browneye
What name is on the locker you could enter in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
M. Bates D. Jones W. Anchor
What object did the UFO aliens in Jolly Roger's Lagoon not carry?
A ray gun A walking stick A hammer
Which area does not exist in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
Anchor Repair Shed Seaweed Sanctum Temple of the Fishes
What was Tiptup the turtle's problem in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
His egg wouldn't hatch He'd been hit with a cannonball He'd lost his shell
What's unusual about the Mumbo Skull at Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
There was a Jiggy in it An evil Mumbo lived inside It had a secret passage
What was wrong with the pirate in Jolly's?
Homesick Sickness and diarrhoea Seasick
How many broken waveracers does Captain Blubber's shop have in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
2 3 4
What is on Jolly's menu in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
Seaman's Surprise Cabin Boy's Sausage Pirate Crew Stew
What was wrong with the aliens' UFO in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
It had run out of fuel The toilets were blocked The computer was broken
Who has one of the prizes from my last quiz, Grunty's Furnace Fun?
Captain Blubber Pawno Jolly
Apart from Davy Jones, the lockers in Jolly Roger's Lagoon display names of whom?
Famous movie stars Former American presidents Banjo-Tooie team members


What is wrong with the dinosaur who lived in the lake inside Terrydactyland's mountain?
Broken neck Stomach cramp Headache
What is the name of the dinosaur who lived in Terrydactyland's lake?
Dippy Chewadocus Chompasaur
What move does Banjo learn on his own in Terrydactyland?
Taxi Pack Sack Sack Pack Whack
What do you have to shoot inside the Chompasaur's belly in Terrydactyland?
Boils Balloons Ulcers
What did one of the nice Oogle Boogle cavemen do?
Threw himself on the fire Rubbed two sticks together Scraped two rocks together
What did the nice Oogle Boogle cavemen need in Terrydactyland?
Food and drink Food and warmth Furs and clubs
Which area does not exist in Terrydactyland?
Stomping Plains The Hatchery River Passage
What spell does Mumbo perform in Terrydactyland?
Enlarge Bubonic plague Sunlight
What is the name of Terrydactyland's two rival cavemen tribes?
Unga Bungas and Oogle Boogles Unga Bungas and Oopsy Doopsies Ugly Buglies and Oogle Boogles
What is the name of the pterodactyl in Terrydactyland?
Larry Barry Terry
What did the giant pterodactyl accuse Banjo of in Terrydactyland?
Messing up his nest Stealing his eggs Hitting the smaller pterodactyls
What type of dinosaur are Terrydactyland's mother and three kids?
Styrofoamus Styroramoanasaurus Styracosaurus
What dinosaur type is not found in Terrydactyland?
Stegosaurus Velociraptor Pterodactyl

Grunty Industries[edit]

What is the name of the factory in World 6?
Grunty Industries Witchyworks, Inc. Witch Industrials
How many floors does Grunty Industries' Service Elevator stop at?
4 5 6
The oil pipeline in the Grunty Industries Waste Disposal Plant comes from where?
Jolly Roger's Lagoon Glitter Gulch Mine Hailfire Peaks
What is at the very top of the lift shaft in Grunty Industries?
Signposts A Jinjo An egg nest
What was unusual about the Mumbo Skull in Grunty Industries?
There wasn't one It was made of metal It had a secret passage
The water pipeline in the Grunty Industries waste disposal plant comes from where?
Glitter Gulch Mine Jolly Roger's Lagoon Hailfire Peaks
What is at the top of Grunty Industries' chimney stack?
Empty honeycomb A Jinjo Jamjars
How many different ways into the factory in Grunty Industries are there?
13 11 9
What item of clothing does Banjo the Washing Machine fire in Grunty Industries?
Shorts Socks Shirts
Which is not a cable color in Grunty Industries' Cable Room?
White Yellow Black
What is the name of Grunty Industries' boss character?
Wellard Weldar Weldup
What is Weldar announced as in Grunty Industries?
Sonically-limited Welding Torch Visually-impaired Welding Torch Nasall-congested Welding Torch
In Grunty Industries, what is wrong with Weldar the welding torch?
He has stomach cramps His eyesight is bad His nozzle is sore
What spell does Mumbo perform in Grunty Industries?
Petrify EMP Enlarge
Which Jet Force Gemini character can you find a poster of in Grunty Industries?
Vela Juno Lupus
What is the color of the rotating lights in Grunty Industries?
Yellow Purple Red
What is written on the electromagnet cover in Grunty Industries?
Caution - Stay Clear Danger - High Voltage Warning - Powerful Magnet
Which of these is an area in Grunty Industries?
Transport Depot Repair Depot Delivery Depot
What is the main danger in Grunty Industries' Quality Control?
Toxic gas Crushers Laser beams
What brand of battery is used to open the battery-operated doors in Grunty Industries?
Bazza Lezza Shazza
What is blocking the vents in Grunty Industries' sewer system?
Clinkers Turdlets Squitters
How many chimneys does the factory have in Grunty Industries?
0 1 2
What pressure level is shown on the exterior dials of Grunty Industries' Trash Compactor?
10 50 125
Which of these isn't an area in Grunty Industries?
Boiler Plant Generator Plant Air Conditioning Plant
What is packed in Grunty Industries' packing room?
Twinklies Nuts, bolts and washers Chocolate
In Grunty Industries, what do the mean factory workers try to whack you with?
A wrench A hammer A pillow
Why did Loggo complain in Grunty Industries?
He needed unblocking He needed a cleaning He needed flushing
What is on the wallpaper in the factory Workers' Quarters?
Mumbo Joanna Dark Gruntilda
What game does not have a refrigerator magnet in the Workers' Quarters in Grunty Industries?
Jet Force Gemini Perfect Dark Banjo-Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts in the Xbox Live Arcade port)

Hailfire Peaks[edit]

Boggy the Polar Bear has given up sled racing to do what?
Go fishing Watch TV Read pawn magazines
What are the names of Mr. and Mrs. Ice Cube in Hailfire Peaks?
Ed and Gabby Albert and Ethel George and Mildred
Which of these is one of Boggy's kids?
Soggy Doggy Foggy
Which of these is an area in Hailfire Peaks?
Icicle Grotto Boggy's Den Crystal Caverns
What is the color of Boggy the polar bear's bedspread in his Hailfire Peaks igloo?
Purple and green Red and blue Orange and yellow
Why couldn't Chuffy the train travel to the ice side of Hailfire Peaks?
Tracks didn't go there Ran out of steam Boiler was too hot
On Hailfire Peaks, how many different sizes of Banjo the Snowball are there?
4 5 6
What is the name of the frozen explorer in Hailfire Peaks?
Sabreman Daggerchap Cutlass Guy
What wall-dwelling fiery object attacks you in Hailfire Peaks?
A burning torch A massive foot A giant hand
Which of these isn't an area in Hailfire Peaks?
Glacier Grotto Lava Crater Inside the Volcano
What is the name of the big-footed yeti in Hailfire Peaks?
Biggafoot Biggoboot Clubbafoot
Who might you find lurking on the ice side of Hailfire Peaks?
Biggahead Biggafoot Biggabutt
Which item isn't found inside an ice cube in Hailfire Peaks?
A Jinjo A Treble Clef A Cheato Page
What spell does Mumbo perform in Hailfire Peaks?
Sunlight Stormcloud Life Force
How did Gobi the camel help you once he'd reached Hailfire Peaks?
He started the oil drill He cooled the train He freed Sabreman
What object is the alien girl holding in Hailfire Peaks?
A mirror A hairbrush A ray gun
What does Hailfire Peaks' oil drill unearth?
An alien kid Oil A Jiggy
How many icicles fall from the Icicle Grotto roof in Hailfire Peaks?
5 7 10
What game is played in Hailfire Peaks' Colosseum?
Kickball Table football Pinball
How many points do the players start with in the semifinal game of the colosseum kickball?
0 25 50
What does Boggy the polar bear want to eat in Hailfire Peaks?
Pizza Fish Burgers and fries
Since when has Sabreman been frozen in his block of ice in Hailfire Peaks?
1982 1984 1986
What miniature doll is one of the alien kids holding on Hailfire Peaks?
Jinjo Mumbo Banjo
What falls from the Icicle Grotto roof in Hailfire Peaks?
Light fixtures Icicles Rocks
What is the name of a dragon boss brother in Hailfire Peaks?
Silly Billy Hottie Tottie Chilly Willy

Cloud Cuckooland[edit]

What is the name of sky-high world 8?
Cloud Cuckooland Cloud Kingdom Fluffy Cloudland
What is the name of Mumbo's cyborg impersonator?
Mingy Jongo Jinja Minga Spongy Mattross
What is Mingy Jongo announced as in Cloud Cuckooland?
Devious Mumbo-a-like Fiendish Master of Disguise Crafty Shaman Impersonator
Which of these areas is home to Guffo in Cloud Cuckooland?
Inside the Trash Can Inside the Jelly Castle Inside the Snack Tin
How many Jiggies do you have to shoot in Cloud Cuckooland's Pot O' Gold game to win a Cheato Page?
50 75 90
What can be raced around Cloud Cuckooland?
A clockwork mouse A battery-powered bird A wind-up tortoise
What is the name of Cloud Cuckooland's athlete?
Mr. Fat Mr. Fit Mr. Fab
What color is Cloud Cuckooland's Jelly Castle?
Strawberry Orange Lime
By which method could you travel around Cloud Cuckooland?
Cannon plants Mushroom taxis Flower Gliders
Which is a weapon used by the flat bad guys inside Cloud Cuckooland's Central Cavern?
A pork chop A hot dog sausage A fish
Which is a weapon used by the flat bad guys inside Cloud Cuckooland's Central Cavern?
A banana A candy cane A baseball bat
What is at the very top of Cloud Cuckooland?
A cuckoo A wasp statue The hive entrance
What is the name of Cloud Cuckooland's talking safe?
Superstash Deluxe Swagbox Supreme Booty Grabber Pro
What brand of food container is not seen in Cloud Cuckooland's trash can?
Salted Snack Treats Snacky Fatty Chocs Wonderbarf Snacks
What is the combination of Cloud Cuckooland's talking safe?
0898 1984 2001
What's found inside Cloud Cuckooland's Cheese Wedge?
Tomatoes Onions Biscuits
How many ways are there into Cloud Cuckooland's Central Cavern?
9 12 15
Which spell does Mumbo perform in Cloud Cuckooland?
Levitate Rain Dance Sunlight
What's found inside Cloud Cuckooland's Pot O' Gold?
A hoard of stolen gold Jamjars' secret ability A shooting game
What label would you find on the bottle inside Cloud Cuckooland's Trash Can?
Jolly's Juice Mingella's Milk Wumba's Water
Which character first seen in an earlier world made a Cloud Cuckooland reappearance?
Canary Mary The aliens Gobi
What did the Zubba want you to do in his hive on Cloud Cuckooland?
Shoot his friends Collect the money Find the queen
What is the full name of Cloud Cuckooland's floating creature?
Floaty Maximus Floatsum Jetsum Floatus Floatium

Cauldron Keep[edit]

What did Klungo say he was going to do as a new career?
Sell used cars Make games Become a DJ
What is the background of the quiz logo on the wall over there?
Me and my sisters A fork of lightning The gun tower
How heavy is the weight above your stupid head?
1 ton 10 tons 100 tons
What shape is the stand that I'm reading these questions from?
Circular Star-shaped Square


Who many letters are there in the name "Banjo-Tooie"?
11 More than 9 Less than 10
How many different characters were involved in the opening story sequence?
6 7 8
What is the difference between Colosseum Kickball compared to Mayan Kickball?
There were more opponents You only played two games Whoever scored the least won
What color are the normal Blue Eggs?
White Blue Red
What do the Jinjos say when they are rescued?
Jinjo! I'm free! Cheers!
What color is Mumbo's feeble energy staff attack?
Yellow White Pink
Which of the Banjo-only moves is activated by holding Z Button and pressing Camera up Button?
Sack Pack Snack Pack Shack Pack
What would Banjo do if you pressed A Button?
Crouch Jump Attack
What was the first game that Banjo appeared in?
Diddy Kong Racing Super Banjo Land 64 Banjo-Kazooie
What can Kazooie do when she is on her own that she can't do when Banjo is with her?
Wear Claw Clamber Boots Fly Hatch eggs
Which of the following worlds does not have a Train Station?
Glitter Gulch Mine Jolly Roger's Lagoon Terrydactyland
Which of these worlds has the most letters in its name?
Mayahem Temple Terrydactyland Hailfire Peaks
Now for a nasty one - what number question is this on my list?
73 166 228
What is the name of a quiz I haven't hosted?
Tower of Tragedy Grunty's Furnace Fun Beat the Bear
Who is my lovely thin sister?
Mingella Mungella Makky
Who is my rather large sister?
Gutbuckita Blobbelda Lardella
Which color Jinjo does not appear in this game?
Grey White Black
What is the name of the Indian who changes Banjo into other characters?
Boobly Doobly Wocka Nocka Humba Wumba
What does Humba Wumba live in?
A cardboard box A tent A skull
What does Mumbo Jumbo the shaman live in?
A magical castle A tent A skull
What spell can Mumbo not perform?
Earthquake Heal Rain Dance
Which Banjo-Kazooie world is not seen as a picture in Banjo-Tooie?
Gobi's Desert Treasure Trove Cove Freezeezy Peak
Which potion does Klungo not drink before attacking you?
Enlarge Invisibility Speed
What shape is the TV in the game selection screen?
Honeycomb-shaped Circular Star-shaped
What color are the Clockwork Kazooie Eggs?
Red with yellow spots Yellow with red spots Blue with green spots


Hag 1 questions[edit]

What was the name of the first game I starred in?
Perfect Grunty Grunty Kong 64 Banjo Kazooie
Who is on the front of the Banjo-Kazooie box?
Banjo, Kazooie and Donkey Kong Banjo, Kazooie and Gruntilda Banjo, Kazooie and Mumbo
Who is the largest character on the back of the Banjo-Tooie box?
Banjo Gruntilda Mumbo Jumbo
What ESRB rating has Banjo-Tooie got?
E - Everyone K-A - Kids to Adults M - Mature
How many letters in my name?
Thirteen minus four One plus seven Five times two
What is the name of the local magical creature?
Global Glowbo Globule
What is my name spelled backward?
Adlitnurg Alitnrug Addiltnurg
Which of you take part in the multiplayer quiz?
Banjo, Jamjars, Bottles and Wumba Banjo, Mumbo, Jamjars and Wumba Banjo, Mumbo, Jamjars and Bottles
What cards did you have during your stupid little card game? and a jack 3,4,7, ace and a king 4,4,8,10 and a queen
Which of Jamjars' abilities cost the least and most to learn?
Grip Grab and Shack Pack Egg Aim and Sack Pack Egg Aim and Shack Pack
How many buttons has an official Nintendo controller?
10 8 9
What is on the license plate of my lovely digger?
Grunty 1 Witch 1 Hag 1
What color potion did Klungo never use?
Yellow Purple Green
Which Jinjo family had the most members?
Pink Black Brown
How many characters live in buildings within Jinjo Village?
46 49 50
Which Jinjo family had 5 members?
Blue Red Green
What color were King Jingaling's slippers?
Pink Green Blue
Which Jinjo family only had one member?
White Black Yellow
What color Jinjo was on the front of the Banjo-Kazooie box?
Orange Green Purple
What color is my scarf?
Red Purple Green
What number am I thinking of?
One Two Three
Which is these is true?
Jamjars teaches you 27 new moves Cheato has lost 24 pages There are 3 yellow Jinjos
Which Jinjo family house did I demolish with my little digger here?
Pink Silver Grey
What is the name of my beautiful life-sucking gun?
W.I.L.L.I.A.M. B.O.B. D.A.V.E.
What logo was on Mrs. Bottles' coffee mug?
Banjo Tooie Banjo Kazooie Donkey Kong 64
Who lives in the enormous egg just outside Mayahem Temple?
Cocky the Cockerel Hooter the Rooster Heggy the Hen
What is the total number of legs on all of Humba Wumba's transformations?
14 12 16
What is the national sport in Mayahem Temple?
Tiddlywinks Basketball Kickball
How many sections made up Targitzan in Mayahem Temple?
Five Four Three
Before you met me, which boss character had the most energy?
Old King Coal Terry Lord Woo Fak Fak
What was the name of Glitter Gulch Mine's prospector?
Gold Bar Bryan Bullion Bill Klondyke O'Reilly
What different-colored gem piles were found in Glitter Gulch Mine?
Red, green and yellow White, blue and red Blue, green and purple
What was strange about Canary Mary?
She had wings She had two heads She had fifteen legs
Who sold burgers in Witchyworld?
Little Willy Medium Moe Big Al
Where was the switch for the burger stand in Witchyworld?
In the Star Spinner area On top of the ticket booth Behind the fries stand
How Many Tents were there in Witchyworld?
Two Three One
What are the arch enemies of the Jinjos called?
Joojoos Minjos Bumjos
How many section did the Saucer of Peril Ride fly through?
Four Five Six
How did the missing dinosaur get home?
By plane By sea By train
What color was Mumbo's Pad in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
Green Yellow Blue
What type of drink was Captain Blackeye drinking?
Water Cappuccino Ginger beer
Who was in the Painting in Pawno's Emporium?
Brentilda Bottles Captain Blackeye
What was wrong with the kids' pool in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
It was too small It was full of shopping carts and car tires It was cold and full of toxic waste
How many members of the Unga Bunga tribe were there?
Two Three Four
Why was big Terry unhappy?
His eggs had been stolen His nuts had been stolen His crisps had been stolen
How many battery-operated doors were there in my factory?
Four Five Six
What was blocking up the vents in the factory sewers?
Clonkers Clankers Clinkers
Who is Boggy?
A silly hippo A polar bear A toilet
What did the dragon brothers want on Hailfire Peaks?
Pizza Doughnuts Pork rinds
What was Biggafoot guarding in the icy side of Hailfire Peaks?
A Jiggy Some Golden Eggs A pair of Claw Clamber Boots
What was on the empty bottle in the trash can on Cloud Cuckooland?
Jolly's Juice Cheato's Cheapo Cola Blobby's Brew
What was the name of my excellent and entertaining quiz?
Tower of Trivia Tower of Triumph Tower of Tragedy
What is the name of my cauldron located in the gun chamber?
Dingpot Dungpot Cold Ron
How many Jiggies did you need to open the door that led up here?
65 70 75
What was the first word I said when you got up here?
You're Finally Hey!

Added in the Xbox Live Arcade port[edit]

What are Banjo and Kazooie doing on the the Banjo-Tooie arcade box?
Cooking Flying Playing cards
What is the name of the latest Banjo and Kazooie adventure?
Banjo-Kaboomie Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Banjo-Threeie