Informational Signpost

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Informational Signposts are an object in Banjo-Tooie.

Location and uses[edit]

Informational Signposts are wooden signs. There are a total of 61 signposts in the game, which can be read by pressing B Button in front of them. Jamjars reads them for Banjo and Kazooie, except for the ones inside Jiggywiggy's Temple which are read by Master Jiggywiggy.


Isle o' Hags[edit]

  • "In loving memory of the Grey Jinjo family. Passed away unexpectedly when a huge digging machine flattened their house."
  • "Have you looked on the roof of the Red Jinjo house?"
  • "Witchyworld is where fortune may smile upon you."
  • "An egg container followed by Jingaling?"
  • "When fortune smiles, here will be written the Jiggy secrets..."
  • "Suitable eggs may be found closer to home than you think."
  • "Magic Glowbo creatures are usually found near Mumbo Jumbo and Humba Wumba."
  • "The management accepts no responsibility for the thieving pickpockets that it employs within Witchyworld."
  • "Anyone who rides all the quality attractions and survives is entitled to join the Witchyworld fan club. Current club members - 0."
  • "Witchyworld theme park is currently closed due to an appalling safety record. Once the authorities have been bribed, we will reopen. Thank you."
  • "Come visit the charming resort of Jolly Roger's Lagoon. Hire a waveracer from Blubber's, shop at Pawno's or drop in at Jolly's for a refreshing ginger beer. Fun for all the family!"
  • "Queue here to ride in the great bubble elevator up to the clouds."


  • "Find the train tunnel door switches in other worlds to enable Chuffy to travel between stations."

Mayahem Temple[edit]

  • "Warning! Trespassers in the quicksand are liable to be eaten."
  • "The mighty shiny one sleeps until his services are required once again..."
  • "Use the giant shiny one to open the huge stone doors."
  • "Look out for door panels and press A when standing in front of one to open it."
  • "When in Breegull Blaster sections, activate the aiming sight by holding R. Release the button to deactivate it again."
  • "Only a Stony can understand what another Stony speaks."
  • "Pressing the control stick only slightly will make you tiptoe silently."

Glitter Gulch Mine[edit]

  • "Anything that goes through the grinders will come out in pieces, including Jiggies."
  • "The generators need to be lit, but to switch on the lights requires a split." (Xbox Live Arcade only)
  • "Warning! Unreliable generators. Use at your own risk."


  • "Big Al's burgers. 100 percent 'meat of rodent origin' topped with a synthetic cheese slice."
  • "Salty Joe's fries. The taste-free greasy alternative to a decent meal."
  • "Looking for the kids? You might find them in the Inferno, Star Spinner, Crazy Castle or the Dodgems."
  • "Come inside and have your fortune told by Madame Grunty! However, we are contractually obliged to point out that you may not necessarily like what she decides."
  • "Ring the bell to win a top prize!"
  • "To ring the bell requires three different strikes."
  • "Warning! The management accepts no responsibility for soiled underwear as a result of viewing the Cave of Horrors exhibits."
  • "Is your fortune a secret? Find out at Madame Grunty's!"

Jolly Roger's Lagoon[edit]


  • "It's eggsciting in the Oogle and Unga caves!"
  • "Only when the secret code of the dinosaurs is heard will this Jiggy be yours."
  • "Has Terry someone been repairing holes in their nest recently?"
  • "Roar, roar, rrroaaaarr, roar, rrroaaaarr, rrroaaaarr, then the glittering prize will be yours."

Grunty Industries[edit]

  • "Short on battery power? Try looking here... 1. Above the world entry and exit. 2. Floor 2 - Guarded by Tintops. 3. Floor 2 - Near the Electromagnet Chamber door. 4. Floor 3 - Near Mumbo's Skull."
  • "Unscrew bolts with the Bill Drill."
  • "The twin chimneys both have a prize."
  • "Try looking here for the filthy workers... 1: Outside the back door. 2: On the floor 1's compactor. 3: Floor 2. 4: Floor 3's boiler plant. 5: Floor 5. 6: In the room next door!"

Hailfire Peaks[edit]

  • "Warning! Trespassers in the exceedingly hot water are likely to be cooked."
  • "Hot links cold in the skull and wigwam."
  • "Only a ball of great size can start the oil drill."
  • "When things get too hot, remember your bearded buddy."

Cloud Cuckooland[edit]

  • "She who mends carts can also fix mice."
  • "Have you looked in this pool yet?"
  • "Plant a seed, watch it grow. Up the beanstalk you will go!"


  • In the original release of Banjo-Tooie, the Informational Signpost within the Gloomy Caverns reads the same as the one near Ssslumber. As tiptoeing is not necessary in any part of Glitter Gulch Mine, this text was changed in the Xbox Live Arcade port.