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Tower of Tragedy Quiz

The Tower of Tragedy Quiz is a minigame in Banjo-Tooie,
Location and rules[edit]
The Tower of Tragedy Quiz is a game show hosted by Gruntilda in Cauldron Keep. It is played after defeating Klungo for the third time and, much like in Grunty's Furnace Fun from Banjo-Kazooie, the witch asks Banjo and Kazooie multiple questiond of different categories, and the bear needs to press his buzzer before Mingella and Blobbelda (the other two contestants) to answer first and score. Pressing it first and getting the answer right scores 2 points, pressing it after Grunty's sisters got it wrong and getting the answer right scores 1 point, pressing it first and getting the answer wrong loses 2 points and pressing it after Grunty's sisters got it wrong and also getting the answer wrong loses 1 point. At the end of each round, the one with the lowest score gets squished by a 1-ton weight. When only Banjo is left, Gruntilda starts asking various questions for the bear to answer and score at least 15 points within 180 seconds. Once the quiz is completed, she flees to the roof where the Hag 1 is so she can beat the duo with it.
The Tower of Tragedy Quiz also appears as both a single-player and a multiplayer mini-game that can be played as Mumbo Jumbo (player 1), Jamjars (player 2), Banjo and Kazooie (player 3) or Humba Wumba (player 4). In the multiplayer version, players compete to reach a set score of 10 or 20 points, or to get the highest score within a time limit of 5 or 10 minutes, and the rules are the same as the first two rounds of the single-player version. The player that wins will be spared while all other players will be squished. If there is a tie for first place in a timed game, Gruntilda will randomly decide the winner between the tying players.
- Devil Bottles' talking icon can appear to represent some answers despite the fact Bottles' Revenge was scrapped.
- A Zubba's talking icon with Bottles' voice can appear to represent some answers, which was likely simply a mistake by the developers.
- The Beehive talking icon is reused from Banjo-Kazooie, even though Beehives don't speak in Banjo-Tooie.