Crocodile Banjo

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Crocodile Banjo is a transformation in Banjo-Kazooie.


Crocodile Banjo is the transformation of Bubblegloop Swamp in Banjo-Kazooie. It is required for challenging Mr. Vile in his mini-game where the goal is to eat more Yumblies and/or Grumblies than the other. Crocodile Banjo is also used to go to Cheato in the lava area of Gruntilda's Lair for the "BLUEEGGS" cheat code.


Crocodile Banjo can walk on piranha water without receiving damage and enter small spaces. It is the only transformation in Banjo-Kazooie that can attack, biting enemies with B Button, and the only one in the Banjo-Kazooie series that can wear Turbo Trainers.



Language Name Meaning
French Crocodile Crocodile
German Krokodil Crocodile
Japanese ワニ