Yellow Flibbit

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“Urrr... an ugly hairy trespasser! He's after our gold, but he'll never beat us all!”
Yellow Flibbit, Banjo-Kazooie

Yellow Flibbits are an enemy in Banjo-Kazooie.


Yellow Flibbits are a type of Flibbit found within Bubblegloop Swamp. They can be found protecting a Jiggy, They Think it's Their gold from Gruntilda, and need to be defeated in order for it to be obtained. They act as stronger versions of the regular Flibbits, being able to take more hits than them, Otherwise, They behave the same. Once all six Yellow Flibbits are defeated, they admit defeat and hand over their Gold.


  • "Urrr... an ugly hairy trespasser! He's after our gold, but he'll never beat us all!"
  • "Urrr... an ugly scaly trespasser! He's after our gold, but he'll never beat us all!"
  • "Blub... He's back! Get him Flibbits!"
  • "Blub... You're too tough for us Flibbits, take our gold!"