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[[Gruntilda]] is infamous in the gaming world for her hilarious and very bizarre rhyming quotes. This page is a collection of Gruntilda's rhyming quotes throughout the Banjo-Kazooie series.
This is a list of quotes from [[Gruntilda]] throughout the [[Banjo-Kazooie (series)|''Banjo-Kazooie'' series]].
*[[Dingpot]], Dingpot, by the bench, who is the nicest looking wench?
===Instruction booklet===
*Yes you're right, I'm rather proud, my looks stand me out from the crowd!
*"''Tiny creatures far below, which of you'll be first to go?''"
*What do you mean, this cannot be, there's no one prettier than me!
*"''As cute as me, you [[Dingpot|stupid pot]]? For [[Tooty|her]] own sake, I hope she's not!''"
*No, no, no, you must be mad, nicer beauty can't be had!
*"''I need those looks far more than [[Tooty|she]], and finally perfect I shall be!''"
*If [[Tooty ]]thinks she's fairer than me, I'll steal her looks and ugly she'll be!
*Come to me, my little pretty, you'll soon be ugly, what a pity!
*Don't scratch and bite, my little bear, you'll soon need bigger underwear!
*"''Dingpot, Dingpot, by the bench, who is the nicest looking wench?''"
*This fine contraption, so I'm told, will make me young and Tooty old!
*"''Yes you're right, I'm rather proud, my looks stand me out from the crowd!''"
*Rescue you he will not dare, there's many dangers in my lair!
*"''What do you mean, this cannot be, there's no one prettier than me!''"
*Hurry, [[Klungo]], push that switch, I'm tired of being an ugly witch!
*"''No, no, no, you must be mad, nicer beauty can't be had!''"
====[[Gruntilda's Lair]]====
*"''If Tooty thinks she's fairer than me, I'll steal her looks and ugly she'll be!''"
At Random
*"''Come to me, my little pretty, you'll soon be ugly, what a pity!''"
*Many tricks are up my sleeve, to save yourself you'd better leave!
*"''Don't scratch and bite, my little bear, you'll soon need bigger underwear!''"
*Grunty's plan is rather cunning, when I'm thin guys will come running!
*"''This fine [[Beauty Steal Machine|contraption]], so I'm told, will make me young and Tooty old!''"
*Long of tooth and strong of arm, Grunty's got the lasting charm!
*"''Rescue you [[Banjo|he]] will not dare, there's many dangers in my [[Gruntilda's Lair|lair]]!''"
*My filthy bed gives me a rash, I never wash, I save my cash!
*"''Hurry, [[Klungo]], push that switch, I'm tired of being an ugly witch!''"
*I don't like stairs much in my lair, they always make me gasp for air!
*Can't you get here any faster? Come and fight me, I'm the master!
===Gruntilda's Lair===
*If you think I'm rather soft, I'll be waiting in the loft!
*Why do I talk all the time, it's really hard to make these rhyme!
*"''Many tricks are up my sleeve, to save yourself you'd better leave!''"
*I'm still here, I watch you play, but I can't think of much to say!
*"''Grunty's plan is rather cunning, when I'm thin, guys will be running!''"
*It really does sound quite absurd, adventure of a bear and bird!
*"''Long of tooth and strong of arm, Grunty's got the lasting charm!''"
*How bright they are, your stupid shorts, a target for my dumb cohorts!
*"''I don't like stairs much in my lair, they always make me gasp for air!''"
*That ugly bear, you feathered freak, is nothing but a stupid geek!
*"''Can't you get here any faster? Come and fight me, I'm the master!''"
*Join me now and dump the bear, that little backpack then I'll wear!
*"''If you think I'm rather soft, I'll be waiting in the loft!''"
*Your side with Banjo but change tack, imagine you on Grunty's back!
*"''Why do I talk all the time, it's really hard to make these rhyme!''"
*Your feathered buddy, that you've brung, useless like a pile of dung!
*"''I'm still here, I watch you play, but I can't think of much to say!''"
*I can see it's quite hard work, to lump around that squawking jerk!
*"''It really does sound quite absurd, adventure of a bear and [[Kazooie|bird]]!''"
*My next world is the hardest yet, and you'll fail on that I'll bet!
*"''How bright they are, your stupid shorts, a target for my dumb cohorts!''"
*Tooty's fate is looking grim, it's because her brother's dim!
*"''That ugly bear, you feathered freak, is nothing but a stupid geek!''"
*I've got this skirt so when I'm thinner, it really makes me look a winner!
*"''Join me now and dump the bear, that little backpack then I'll wear!''"
*When Tooty is a big ole lump, I've got just the frock to hide her rump!
*"''Your side with Banjo but change tack, imagine you on Grunty's back!''"
*Your butt will tell you and you'll know, when my boot swings to and fro!
*"''Your feathered buddy, that you've brung, useless like a pile of dung!''"
*When the back of Grunty's hand, whups your butt you'll hardly stand!
*"''I can see it's quite hard work, to lump around that squawking jerk!''"
*Hey Banjo, you're looking glum, it must be hard, being so dumb!
*"''My next world is the hardest yet, and you will fail, on that I'll bet!''"
*Grunty's stomach and leg thins, goodbye to all those double chins!
*"''Tooty's fate is looking grim, it's because her brother's dim!''"
*Once I'm nice and thin once more, burgers, fries, and chips galore!
*"''I've got this skirt so when I'm thinner, it really makes me look a winner!''"
*[[Tooty]] says she's fine with me, if you go home I'll set her free!
*"''When Tooty is a big ole lump, I've got just the frock to hide her rump!''"
*Grunty admits she's a hog, I really need a big hot dog!
*"''Your butt will tell you and you'll know, when my boot swings to and fro!''"
*Monsters chase you, they're a hounding, then you'll get a Grunty pounding!
*"''When the back of Grunty's hand, whups your butt you'll hardly stand!''"
*My belly's big, it's rather neat, it's years since I have seen my feet!
*"''Hey Banjo, you're looking glum, it must be hard, being so dumb!''"
*I've learned this spell, it's really neat, I'll keep it later for your treat!
*"''Grunty's stomach and leg thins, goodbye to all those double chins!''"
Specific Events
*"''Once I'm nice and thin once more, burgers, fries, and chips galore!''"
*There he is, the fun begins, my tricks and traps will see who wins!
*"''Tooty says she's fine with me, if you go home I'll set her free!''"
*That was such an easy fit, the others may just test your wit!
*"''Grunty admits she's a hog, I really need a big hot dog!''"
*You've found some notes but you need more, to break my spell and pass this door!
*"''Monsters chase you, they're a hounding, then you'll get a Grunty pounding!''"
*That door was easy you got past, unfortunately your first and last!
*"''My belly's big, it's rather neat, it's years since I have seen my feet!''"
*When you open a world door, baddies escape and roam once more!
*"''I've learned this spell, it's really neat, I'll keep it later for your treat!''"
*Hey, [[Cheato|book brain]], what did you say? You'd better not give my spells away!
*If one more page I see you turn, than Grunty shall make Cheato burn!
====Specific Events====
*That traitor book has pushed its luck, so in the burning fire I'll chuck!
*"''There he is, the fun begins, my tricks and traps will see who wins!''"
*What's wrong Banjo, is it tough? Let me know when you've had enough!
*"''That was such an easy fit, the others may just test your wit!''"
*It's not over stupid bear, see my picture over there!
*"''You've found some [[Musical Notes|Notes]] but you need more, to break my spell and pass this [[Note Door|door]]!''"
*To fill it up is no mean feat, lots of Jiggies make it complete!
*"''That door was easy you got past, unfortunately your first and last!''"
*Pieces that you've left behind, to battle me you must go find!
*"''When you open a world door, baddies escape and roam once more!''"
*I'm sad to say down there you'll stop, 'cuz I'm safe here at the top!
*"''Hey, [[Cheato|book brain]], what did you say? You'd better not give my spells away!''"
*Don't be sure you silly pot, soon I'll have you nice and hot!
*"''If one more page I see you turn, then Grunty shall make Cheato burn!''"
*See these filthy clothes I've got, when I've won you'll wash the lot!
*"''That traitor book has pushed its luck, so in the burning fire I'll chuck!''"
*Grunty's fate this should not be, so hurry, Klungo, rescue me!
*"''What's wrong Banjo, is it tough? Let me know when you've had enough!''"
*I lost my doll, you ugly bear, get it and bring it to my lair!
*"''It's not over stupid bear, see my picture over there!''"
*Now I can sleep at night, you're lucky because I was ready to fight!
*"''To fill it up is no mean feat, lots of [[Jiggy|Jiggies]] make it complete!''"
*But you've have told them my last code, damn you book, I'm ready to explode!
*"''Pieces that you've left behind, to battle me you must go find!''"
*My evil plan has worked so well, now I'm off to make [[Spiral Mountain]] hell!
*"''I'm sad to say down there you'll stop, 'cuz I'm safe here at the top!''"
*Now I've got that bear and bird, there's nothing you can do you silly nerd!
*"''Don't be sure you silly pot, soon I'll have you nice and hot!''"
*"''See these filthy clothes I've got, when I've won you'll wash the lot!''"
*"''Grunty's fate this should not be, so hurry, Klungo, rescue me!''"
*"''Stop using cheats in my tower, you are getting all the power.''"
*"''Now I will erase your Game Pak, because you had the need to hack!''"
*"''The free trial's over so here's where you're staying, or buy the full game to carry on playing.''"
===[[Treasure Trove Cove]]===
*"''That golden treasure was for me, now harder still the [[Banjo-Kazooie|game]] will be!''"
*"''That lousy [[Cheat Codes|cheat]] for extra [[Blue Eggs|eggs]], won't help bear and chicken legs!''"
*"''All my [[Red Feathers|feathers]], it makes me sick, [[Flight|fly]] to me, your butt I'll kick!''"
*"''[[Gold Feathers|Golden Feathers]] you may have twenty, but bruises you'll still get plenty!''"
*"''Stop this cheating Grunty says, or your Game Pak I'll erase!''"
*"''You didn't listen, I'm amazed, so now your save game is erased!''"
===[[Bubblegloop Swamp]]===
*"''First you see it, now you don't, the fast one wins, the slow one won't!''"
*"''I'll be young and Tooty old, before you get Gruntilda's gold!''"
===[[Gobi's Valley]]===
*"''Grunty's race you cannot beat, until you find some [[Turbo Trainers|faster feet]]!''"
===[[Mad Monster Mansion]]===
*"''Oh, those lovely thorns, how they've grown, music to my ears as you moan!''"
*"''I can't believe you went in there, wash your hands now, filthy bear!''"
*"''These two guests are rather dumb, let's make sure they're unwelcome!''"
*"''Yes I'm mad, my boot I'll put, up your useless [[Napper|spooky butt]]!''"
*"''Big oak door is very tough, stupid bear's not fast enough!''"
===[[Rusty Bucket Bay]]===
*"''My oily water, in you plunge, you'll lose [[Oxygen|air]] while in that gunge!''"
*"''Under the scum you'll breathe your last, 'cuz air is used twice as fast!''"
*"''Stupid bear, you'll have to learn, that red hot ovens tend to burn!''"
*"''A simple task you were sure, but Grunty's engines start once more!''"

====[[Treasure Trove Cove]]====
===[[Click Clock Wood]]===
*That [[Jiggy|golden treasure]] was for me, now harder still the game will be!
*"''My bramble field makes you yelp, and loss of [[Extra Life|life]] it sure does help!''"
*That lousy cheat for extra [[Blue Eggs|eggs]], won't help bear and chicken legs!
*"''You'll use your air up double fold, I've made this water double cold!''"
*All my [[Red Feathers|feathers]], it makes me sick, fly to me, your butt I'll kick!
*"''Yes that's right, swim under there, [[icy water]] takes double air!''"
*[[Gold Feathers|Golden Feathers]] you may have twenty, but bruises you'll still get plenty!
*Stop this cheating Grunty says, or your Game Pak I'll erase!
*You didn't listen, I'm amazed, so now your Game Pak is erased!

====[[Bubblegloop Swamp]]====
===[[Grunty's Furnace Fun]]===
*First you see it, now you don't, the fast one wins, the slow one won't!
*I'll be young and Tooty old, before you get Gruntilda's gold!
*"''Welcome all, Grunty's the name, Banjo's here to play my [[Grunty's Furnace Fun|game]]!''"
====[[Gobi's Valley]]====
*"''My lair is done and there he stands, through all my tricks and traps and lands!''"
*Grunty's race you cannot beat, until you find some faster feet!
*"''This final test will see me win, when Banjo fails then I'll be thin!''"
====[[Mad Monster Mansion]]====
*"''The prizes on this stand bring joy, from Tooty down to cuddly toy!''"
*Oh, those lovely thorns, how they've grown, music to my ears as you moan!
*"''My little quiz will make you sweat, and Tooty you shall never get!''"
*I can't believe you went in there, wash your hands now, filthy bear!
*"''{{'}}Cuz somewhere soon along the way, your lack of skill will make my day!''"
*These two guests are rather dumb, let's make sure they're unwelcome!
*"''{{'}}Cuz in the fiery pit you'll go, and I will win the prize on show!''"
*Yes I'm mad, my boot I'll put, up your useless spooky butt!
*"''So step on over to the square, press {{button|N64|A}} to try it if you dare!''"
*Big oak door is very tough, stupid bear's not fast enough!
*"''So I see you're back to try, one more time but you will fry!''"
====[[Rusty Bucket Bay]]====
*My oily water, in you plunge, you'll lose air while in that gunge!
*Under the scum you'll breathe your last, 'cuz air is used twice as fast!
*Stupid bear, you'll have to learn, that red hot ovens tend to burn!
*A simple task you were sure, but Grunty's engines start once more!
====[[Click Clock Wood]]====
*My bramble field makes you yelp, and loss of life it sure does help!
*You'll use your air up double fold, I've made this water double cold!
*Yes that's right, swim under there, icy water takes double air!
====[[Grunty's Furnace Fun]]====
*Welcome all, Grunty's the name, Banjo's here to play my game!
*My lair is done and there he stands, through all my tricks and traps and lands!
*This final test will see me win, when Banjo fails then I'll be thin!
*The prizes on this stand bring joy, from Tooty down to cuddly toy!
*My little quiz will make you sweat, and Tooty you shall never get!
*'Cuz somewhere soon along the way, your lack of skill will make my day!
*'Cuz in the fiery pit you'll go, and I will win the prize on show!
*So step on over to the square, press {{A}} to try it if you dare!
*So I see you're back to try, one more time but you will fry!
*A little answer's all I seek, about this game you furry geek!
*A visual challenge you stupid bear, To tell me who is it or where!
*A question on the sounds I play, get it wrong to make my day!
*Just one chance to get this right, win a joker and help it might!
*Each joker card that you have got, will skip your question, that's your lot!
*Press {{B}} to use it you little cheat, when on a square you get cold feet!
*Your joker misses out on a square, accept the test you did not dare!
*Prepare yourself to take a whack, pick this test, you won't come back!
*I think it's time, so let me see, how much you know of little old me!
*Get this wrong for Grunty's sake, then a lava bath you will take!
*The name of your game you must spell, backwards though, be quick as well!
*Mighty Big Box you must now fight, but be quick as the time is tight!
*This is tough, your chances are slim, of you eating more than [[Mr. Vile|him]]!
*Little stings that make a bear shout, whack them all before time's out!
*The tiles await for you to match, time is tight but that's the catch!
*Watch as the turtles sing their song, repeat it quick, you won't get long!
Answering Correctly
*A lucky guess, you got it right, the next square's yours without a fight!
*Hear the crowd, they boo and hiss, to see you fail they would not miss!
*That's a secret, how did you know? Did [[Brentilda|my sister]] tell you so?
Failing a square
*Fail a square and you'll feel pain, please press {{A}} to try again!
*Get more wrong, yes that's the way, the crowds are happier today!
*An easy challenge you have assumed, one more wrong and you are doomed!
Collecting an item on the board
*An extra life, I do not care, It will not help you scruffy bear!
*The energy that you have found, won't stop me making Tooty round!
*No one can win, I was assured, by the makers of this board!
*It's not fair, I want to win, how I longed to be real thin!
*Now you can take the prize on show, while up the winding stairs I go!
*You won't catch me, I've made sure, all the credits you'll now endure!

====[[Top of the Tower]]====
Banjo and Kazooie Entering
*"''A little answer's all I seek, about this game you furry geek!''"
*I can't believe that furry pair, got right up here it's so unfair!
*"''A visual challenge you stupid bear, to tell me who is it or where!''"
*But now the stupid bear must fight, this battle tests your skill and might!
*"''A question on the sounds I play, get it wrong to make my day!''"
*Back once more, you'll never learn, that suits me fine, your butts I'll burn!
*"''Just one chance to get this right, win a joker and help it might!''"
*Who's back up here, oh my word, it's birdy geek and hairy nerd!
*"''Each joker card that you have got, will skip your question, that's your lot!''"
*I can't believe you're up here again, dumb bear and stupid bird brain!
*"''Press {{button|N64|B}} to use it you little cheat, when on a square you get cold feet!''"
*I'm not one to brag or boast, but after this you'll both be toast!
*"''Your joker misses out on a square, accept the test you did not dare!''"
*So you're back, you must be thick, you'll lose again, I'll make it quick.
*"''Prepare yourself to take a whack, pick this test, you won't come back!''"
1st Phase
*"''I think it's time, so let me see, how much you know of little old me!''"
*"''Get this wrong for Grunty's sake, then a lava bath you will take!''"
*"''Try this one, but don't be lame, you'll lose a life and lose the game!''"

Gruntilda Hurt
*Ouch my butt, it's now quite sore, I'll make you suffer, that's for sure!
*"''The name of your game you must spell, backwards though, be quick as well!''"
*What was that, you got me now, you've really angered this old cow!
*"''[[Boss Boom Box|Mighty Big Box]] you must now fight, but be quick as the time is tight!''"
*A glancing blow, nothing more, now I'll knock you through the floor!
*"''This is tough, your chances are slim, of you eating more than [[Mr. Vile|him]]!''"
*Now you've got me in a fluster, faster spells I'll have to muster!
*"''Little stings that make a bear shout, whack them all before time's out!''"
Banjo and Kazooie Hurt
*"''The tiles await for you to match, time is tight but that's the catch!''"
*Did you hear that lovely clack, my broomstick gave you such a whack!
*"''Watch as the [[Tiptup Choir|turtles]] sing their song, repeat it quick, you won't get long!''"
*AAAH! I see it makes you sad, to know your skills are really bad!
*I hit that bird right on the beak, let it be the end of her cheek!
*My fiery blast you just tasted, Grunty's spells on you are wasted!
*See my swoop and how I flew, my broomstick made a meal of you!
*Hopeless bear runs to and fro, but takes a whack for being so slow!
*Mmm, I see you took that one, a few more and your life is gone!
2nd Phase

====Answering correctly====
*It's too easy, so I fear, now watch me step things up a gear!
*"''A lucky guess, you got it right, the next square's yours without a fight!''"
*Don't hit me, that's quite enough, I think you'll find the next bit tough!
*"''Hear the crowd, they boo and hiss, to see you fail they would not miss!''"
*That last hit did clip my ear, but you can't get me over here!
*"''That's a secret, how did you know? Did [[Brentilda|my sister]] tell you so?''"
*Ah, it's time to change, my spot to put me out of range!
Gruntilda Hurt
*That didn't hurt, I feel no pain, Grunty's back to fight again!
*ARGH! I'm slow with all of this lard. That egg of yours caught me off guard!
*I can't dodge with all this weight, those nasty eggs I sure do hate!
*Ouch! My gut you nearly hit, if your shot was down a bit!
*This spot is proving rough, I'll have to move to make it more tough!
*Ahh, it's time for me to change, my spot just to put me out of range!
*Ooof! I took another whack, but watch me give you double back!
Banjo and Kazooie Hurt
*So I got you there once more, I knew your skill was very poor!
*That last blast you forgot to duck, so Banjo's useless head it struck!
*These bolts fly with such a whiz, I love the way they screech and fizz!
*Simply put I'm rather proud, your yelps and screams I heard quite loud!
*Hah you took another zap, I got you through that little gap!
*Grunty's fireball you did kiss, you're so slow I can hardly miss!
3rd Phase

====Failing a square====
*Off I fly 'cuz then we'll see, if you can get the best of me!
*"''Fail a square and you'll feel pain, please press {{button|N64|A}} to try again!''"
*Did you know I learned to fly? At witch's school, I'm sure you know why.
*"''Get more wrong, yes that's the way, the crowds are happier today!''"
*A big old gal I may be, but when I fly you can't get me!
*"''An easy challenge you have assumed, one more wrong and you are doomed!''"
*Old [[Bottles|Bottle Brain]] has taught you well, but bears can't fly and I can tell!
*"''No lives are left, he burns and chokes, I'm pleased to say that's all folks!''"
*Now I'm off into the air, leaving Banjo way down there.
*See my broomstick, watch me fly, I'll beat your butt, don't even try!
*Up in the air I'll be safe, at my leisure your butt I'll strafe!
Gruntilda Hurt
*Another hit, I'm getting weak, I really need to take a leak!
*ARRGH! You got me once again, prepare to take this sizzle brain!
*Oooh! You sniveling little pup, have this bolt, I'm speeding up!
*YOW! That beak sure gave me a jolt, so you can have this here lightning bolt!
*Ouch! Now that one really stung, take this nasty spell I've brung!
Banjo and Kazooie Hurt
*This broom is hard and as it streaks, across the sky it chafes my cheeks!
*Fireball fizz and fireball fly, blast that bear out of my sky!
*Another hit, that's how it goes, watch me fly and pick my nose!
*Soon you'll lose and when you've gone, I have to go and use the john!
*Grunty's spell your body numbs, an easy task to hit those bums!
4th Phase

====Collecting an item on the board====
*I may be old and rather wide, but underneath this shield I'll hide!
*"''An Extra Life, I do not care, It will not help you scruffy bear!''"
*That pointy beak did not miss, but let's see it get through this!
*"''The [[Honeycomb|energy]] that you have found, won't stop me making Tooty round!''"
*Look at me I'm quite a mess, here's a shield to hide my dress!
*A special shield I need to call, to stop your hits once and for all!
*So Grunty doesn't come to grief, here's a spell I can hide beneath!
[[Jinjo]] statues appear
*Come on then you little punks, Grunty's spells will make you chunks!
*I hid those Jinjos really well, but must have used a lousy spell!
*I hid you well for being bad, don't help the bear, you'll make me mad!
*So your little furry friends, come here to share your very end!
Gruntilda Hurt
*How that Jinjo stung and burned, he got me when my back was turned!
*That wasn't fair, I wasn't ready, Jinjos make me so unsteady!
*Hey, that Jinjo really hurt, now I'll rub you in the dirt!
*That wasn't fair, I wasn't ready, I feel all faint and unsteady!
*I hold on hard and grit my teeth, to stop it dangling underneath!
*Useless Jinjos sneer and hoot, go back right now or taste my boot!
*Ooh! Those nasty pointy beaks, are causing swelling in my cheeks!
*Don't hit me you flying pig, my anger is now growing big!
Banjo and Kazooie Hurt
*Your stupid friends aren't much help, they stand there while I make you yelp!
*Your silly friends upon their blocks, they're going to take a couple of knocks!
*Your Jinjos really are a joke, now watch your lives go up in smoke!
*Another hit, I don't believe, you didn't dodge, why don't you weave!
5th Phase

*Useless broomsticks I can't stand, it's left me stranded back on land!
*"''No one can win, I was assured, by the makers of this board!''"
*That last shot I failed to stop, so down onto the ground I drop!
*"''It's not fair, I want to win, how I longed to be real thin!''"
*My broomstick failed with that last blow, now on my legs I have to go!
*"''Now you can take the prize on show, while up the winding stairs I go!''"
*Ooof! You've winded me all around, to catch my breath I'm on the ground!
*"''You won't catch me, I've made sure, all the credits you'll now endure!''"
*I've bet you thought you had me beat, but look! I've landed on my feet!
Jinjonator appears
*What's all this, how dare you cheat, but I don't care, I can't be beat!
*That's no good you stupid jerk, the Jinjo statue will not work!
*I really think you ought to run, when I beat him and spoil your fun!
*That rocky moron can't hurt me, 'cuz Grunty will the winner be!
Banjo and Kazooie Hurt
*Hear the fizzle and feel the pain, you're going to lose a life again!
*Spells rain down upon your head, you stand no chance when I see red!
*The bear is dumb, the bird's a twit, 'cuz I just got another hit!
*I'm just warming up right now, such fine shots from this old cow!
*Grunty's aim is rather good, if you could run, I know you would!
[[The Mighty Jinjonator|Jinjonator]] Attack
*I could take these shots all day, there's no way I'm going to sway!
*See your Jinjo fail to work, he's nothing but a feeble jerk!
*Your crafty plan stands no chance, I'm firmly rooted in this stance!
*There's no way he'll shift my bulk, I watch you cry and have a sulk!
*Even with your extra friend, I know you'll meet a nasty end!
*Grunty's strength will see me through, when Jinjo's gone, I'll batter you!
Attack succeeds
*That last Jinjo has finished me, but who laughs last we shall soon see!
*I'm done for now hear me choke, but look what's hidden in my cloak!
*Poor old Grunty, set to fall, upon this spell I'll now call!
*AARGH! I'm beaten fair and square, before I go I've got this to share!
*It's all over I can tell, but Grunty's got just one more spell!
Magnet Spell

*Here's my Magnet Spell at last, run and hide you won't get past!
*Magic spell, seek out your prey, it's sure to hit, O' happy day!
====Banjo and Kazooie entering====
*See this spell, I think you'll find, its target will be your behind!
*"''I can't believe that furry pair, got right up here it's so unfair!''"
*Here is a spell of Banjo homing, get him now to stop his roaming!
*"''But now the stupid bear must fight, this battle tests your skill and might!''"
*It's now time to end your fun, here comes a spell you can't outrun!
*"''Back once more, you'll never learn, that suits me fine, your butts I'll burn!''"
*"''Who's back up here, oh my word, it's beaky fool and hairy nerd!''"
*"''I can't believe you're up here again, stupid bear and dumb bird brain!''"
*"''I'm not one to brag or boast, but after this you'll both be toast!''"
*"''So you're back, you must be thick, you'll lose again, I'll make it quick.''"

===Game Over===
====1st Phase====
=====Gruntilda gets hit=====
*"''Ouch my butt, it's now quite sore, I'll make you suffer, that's for sure!''"
*"''What was that, you got me now, you've really angered this old cow!''"
*"''A glancing blow, nothing more, now I'll knock you through the floor!''"
*"''Now you've got me in a fluster, faster spells I'll have to muster!''"

*[[Banjo]]'s game ends in my tower, turn it up, I need full power!
=====Banjo and Kazooie get hit=====
*Look at Grunty she's a beauty, I'm much prettier than [[Tooty]]!
*"''Did you hear that lovely clack, my [[broomstick]] gave you such a whack!''"
*"''Aaah! I see it makes you sad, to know your skills are really bad!''"
*"''I hit that bird right on the beak, let it be the end of her cheek!''"
*"''My fiery blast you just tasted, Grunty's spells on you are wasted!''"
*"''See the swoop and how I flew, my broomstick made a meal of you!''"
*"''Hopeless bear runs to and fro, but takes a whack for being so slow!''"
*"''Mmm. I see you took that one, a few more and your life is gone!''"

====2nd Phase====
*"''It's too easy, so I fear, now watch me step things up a gear!''"
*"''Don't hit me, that's quite enough, I think you'll find the next bit tough!''"
*"''That last hit did clip my ear, but you can't get me over here!''"
*"''Ah, it's time for me to change, my spot to put me out of range!''"

*Stupid Bear and Dumb [[Kazooie]], I'll be back in [[Banjo-Tooie]]!
=====Gruntilda gets hit=====
*All the [[Jiggies|jiggies]] you did snatch, but I'll be back for my rematch!
*"''That didn't hurt, I feel no pain, Grunty's back to fight again!''"
*"''Aargh! I'm slow with all of this lard. That egg of yours caught me off guard!''"
*"''I can't dodge with all this weight, those nasty eggs I sure do hate!''"
*"''Ouch! My gut you nearly hit, if your shot was down a bit!''"
*"''This spot is proving rough, I'll have to move to make it more tough!''"
*"''That's not fair, I wasn't ready! Now I feel faint and all unsteady...''"
*"''Ahh, it's time for me to change, my spot just to put me out of range!''"
*"''Ooof! I took another whack, but watch me give you double back!''"

=====Banjo and Kazooie get hit=====
*"''So I got you there once more, I knew your skill was very poor!''"
*"''Simply put I'm rather proud, your yelps and screams I heard quite loud!''"
*"''Hah! You took another zap, I got you through that little gap!''"
*"''Grunty's fireball you did kiss, you're so slow I can hardly miss!''"
*"''You're so sad and little lame — I've moved on, keep playing this game!''"
*"''Hear the fireball fizz and bang, your hairy butt took quite a clang!''"

====3rd Phase====
*"''Off I fly 'cuz then we'll see, if you can get the best of me!''"
*"''Did you know I learned to fly? At [[List of implied locations#Witch School|Witch School]], I'm sure you know why.''"
*"''A big old gal I may be, but when I fly you can't get me!''"
*"''Old [[Bottles|bottle brain]] has taught you well, but bears can't fly and I can tell!''"
*"''Now I'm off into the air, leaving Banjo way down there.''"
*"''See my broomstick, watch me fly, I'll beat your butt, don't even try!''"
*"''Up in the air I'll be safe, at my leisure your butt I'll strafe!''"

*No, no, no, this cannot be! What's happened to little old me?
=====Gruntilda gets hit=====
*I hate bones, a body I need, can you help with this little deed?
*"''Another hit, I'm getting weak, I really need to take a leak!''"
*Right then, girls, let's fix me up, then [[Banjo]]'s hairy butt I'll whup!
*"''Arrgh! You got me once again, prepare to take this sizzle brain!''"
*Leave it to me, he's no hassle! I'll kick butt, then off to the castle!
*"''Oooh! You sniveling little pup, have this bolt, I'm speeding up!''"
*Revenge is mine, I cannot miss, let's see that furry fool dodge THIS!
*"''Yow! That beak sure gave me a jolt, so you can have this here lightning bolt!''"
*Hold on, sis, I'm nearly there, I've just been to blast that bear!
*"''Ouch! Now that one really stung, take this nasty spell I've brung!''"
*No, no, [[Klungo]], you stay here, I'll be back, have no fear!

=== When [[B.O.B.]] scene starts ===
=====Banjo and Kazooie get hurt=====
*"''This broom is hard and as it streaks, across the sky it chafes my cheeks!''"
*"''Fireball fizz and fireball fly, blast that bear out of my sky!''"
*"''Another hit, that's how it goes, watch me fly and pick my nose!''"
*"''Soon you'll lose and when you've gone, I have to go and use the john!''"
*"''Grunty's spell your body numbs, an easy task to hit those bums!''"

*Come on, sisters, time I lack! What's the plan to get my body back?
====4th Phase====
*"''I may be old and rather wide, but underneath this shield I'll hide!''"
*"''That pointy beak did not miss, but let's see it get through this!''"
*"''Look at me I'm quite a mess, here's a shield to hide my dress!''"
*"''A special shield I need to call, to stop your hits once and for all!''"
*"''So Grunty doesn't come to grief, here's a spell I can hide beneath!''"

==[[Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge]]==
=====Jinjo statues appear=====
*"''Come on then you little punks, Grunty's spells will make you chunks!''"
*"''I hid those [[Jinjo]]s really well, but must have used a lousy spell!''"
*"''I hid you well for being bad, don't help the bear, you'll make me mad!''"
*"''So your little furry friends, come here to share your very end!''"

=== Opening ===
=====Gruntilda gets hit=====
*"''How that Jinjo stung and burned, he got me when my back was turned!''"
*"''That's unfair, I wasn't ready, Jinjos make me so unsteady!''"
*"''Hey, that Jinjo really hurt, now I'll rub you in the dirt!''"
*"''That wasn't fair, I wasn't ready, I feel all faint and unsteady!''"
*"''I hold on hard and grit my teeth, to stop it dangling underneath!''"
*"''Useless Jinjos sneer and hoot, go back right now or taste my boot!''"
*"''Ooh! Those nasty pointy beaks, are causing swelling in my cheeks!''"
*"''Don't hit me you flying pig, my anger is now growing big!''"

*With the [[Mecha-Grunty]] [[Klungo]]'s made, Banjo's favor will be repaid.
=====Banjo and Kazooie get hurt=====
*I'll steal [[Kazooie]] and in a blast, I'll use my suit to change the past.
*"''Your stupid friends aren't much help, they stand there while I make you yelp!''"
*Without his bird, [[Banjo]]'s lost, I won't give up at any cost!
*"''Your silly friends upon their blocks, they're going to take a couple of knocks!''"
*Now I have your [[Kazooie|feathered friend]], on my sisters I won't depend.
*"''Your Jinjos really are a joke, now watch your lives go up in smoke!''"
*With this duo split in two, there's nothing that I cannot do!
*"''Another hit, I don't believe, you didn't dodge, why don't you weave!''"
*Hold tight, [[Kazooie]], we'll move quite fast, to travel back into the past.
*"''Get used to that, there's plenty more of other nasty spells in store!''"

=== [[Breegull Beach]] ===
====5th Phase====
*"''Useless broomsticks I can't stand, it's left me stranded back on land!''"
*"''That last shot I failed to stop, so down onto the ground I drop!''"
*"''My broomstick failed with that last blow, now on my legs I have to go!''"
*"''Ooof! You've winded me all around, to catch my breath I'm on the ground!''"
*"''I've bet you thought you had me beat, but look! I've landed on my feet!''"

=====[[The Mighty Jinjonator]] appears=====
*"''What's all this, how dare you cheat, but I don't care, I can't be beat!''"
*"''That's no good you stupid jerk, the Jinjo statue will not work!''"
*"''I really think you ought to run, when I beat him and spoil your fun!''"
*"''That rocky moron can't hurt me, 'cuz Grunty will the winner be!''"

=====Banjo and Kazooie get hit=====
*Captive breegulls are the best, they work all day without a rest.
*"''Hear the fizzle and feel the pain, you're going to lose a life again!''"
*Now that I have trapped Kazooie, Banjo I can make chop-suey.
*"''Spells rain down upon your head, you stand no chance when I see red!''"
*Look, Banjo's here without Kazooie's beak! No doubt your efforts will be weak.
*"''The bear is dumb, the bird's a twit, 'cuz I just got another hit!''"
*You won't hurt me much without a bill, so I hope you've written out your will!
*"''I'm just warming up right now, such fine shots from this old cow!''"
After beating
*"''Grunty's aim is rather good, if you could run, I know you would!''"

*My defeat was a surprise, I think the sun was in my eyes!
=====The Mighty Jinjonator attacks=====
*I'd better get this suit upgraded, the bear alone I underrated.
*"''I could take these shots all day, there's no way I'm going to sway!''"
*"''See your Jinjo fail to work, he's nothing but a feeble jerk!''"
*"''Your crafty plan stands no chance, I'm firmly rooted in this stance!''"
*"''There's no way he'll shift my bulk, I watch you cry and have a sulk!''"
*"''Even with your extra friend, I know you'll meet a nasty end!''"
*"''Grunty's strength will see me through, when Jinjo's gone, I'll batter you!''"

=== [[Spiller's Harbor]] ===
=====Attack succeeds=====
*"''That last Jinjo has finished me, but who laughs last we shall soon see!''"
*"''I'm done for now, hear me choke, but look what's hidden in my cloak!''"
*"''Poor old Grunty, set to fall, upon this spell I'll now call!''"
*"''Aargh! I'm beaten fair and square, before I go I've got this to share!''"
*"''It's all over I can tell, but Grunty's got just one more spell!''"

=====Magnet Spell=====
*"''Here's my Magnet Spell at last, run and hide you won't get past!''"
*"''Magic spell, seek out your prey, it's sure to hit, O' happy day!''"
*"''See this spell, I think you'll find, its target will be your behind!''"
*"''Here is a spell of Banjo homing, get him now to stop his roaming!''"
*"''It's now time to end your fun, here comes a spell you can't outrun!''"

===Game Over===
*Kazooie seems a little bitter, she should be my heavy hitter.
*"''Banjo's game ends in my tower, turn it up, I need full power!''"
*Since she's stayed by Banjo's arm, I'm going to have to do her harm!
*"''Look at Grunty she's a beauty, I'm much prettier than Tooty!''"
After beating
*This [[Mecha-Grunty|jumbo-mecha]] really stinks, a few small holes and it just sinks.
*But when I meet you in my tower, I won't hold back, I'll use full power!

=== [[Grunty's Castle]] ===
*"''Stupid bear and dumb Kazooie, I'll be back for [[Banjo-Tooie]]!''"
*Thank you Klungo, that's fantastic, to stop the bear my plans are drastic.
*"''All the Jiggies you did snatch, but I'll be back for my rematch!''"
*If this won't work, you know what to do, 'cos I'll be counting on plan two!
After beating at the first battle

*Don't think you've beaten me so quick, I've got a plan, I'm not so thick!
Before starting a quiz
*"''No, no, no, this cannot be! What happened to little old me?''"
*"''I hate bones, a body I need, can you help with this little deed?''"
*"''Right then, girls, let's fix me up, then Banjo's hairy butt I'll whup!''"
*"''Leave it to me, he's no hassle! I'll kick butt, then off to the castle!''"
*"''Revenge is mine, I cannot miss, let's see that furry fool dodge this!''"
*"''Hold on, sis, I'm nearly there, I've just been to blast that bear!''"
*"''No, no, Klungo, you stay here, I'll be back, have no fear!''"

*Now you've entered my fair castle, I'm giving you lots of hassle.
===When the witches arrive [[Cauldron Keep]]===
*Before you go up a floor, I'll test your brain a little more.
*"''Come on, sisters, time I lack! What's the plan to get my body back?''"
*With an answer is correct, with button A you can select.
*"''Oh... If I must."''"
After finishing a quiz

*Drat, I'll see you at the next fight, it seems you got the answer right.
===Tower of Tragedy===
*Hah, you got the answer wrong, I don't think you'll be living long.
*"''Thank you, thank you... I'm Grunty, your host, and may I welcome you to my Tower of Tragedy quiz! Let me run the rules for you all. There are three rounds of general knowledge questions, and the person with the lowest score at the end of each round will be eliminated! Correct answers score 2 points, with 1 point being awarded if it was a second guess following the incorrect answer from another contestant. Get one wrong and I'll take 2 points off you! Press B to buzz in and then A to answer if you can. Now let's meet tonight's victims, err...I mean contestants, shall we?''"
*This quiz is great, it builds my power! It's time to see you on the tower!
*"''Introducing on the left...It's my gorgeous, slim sister, [[Mingella]]!''"
*"''On the right we have...my lovely, err...shapely sister, [[Blobbelda]]!''"
*"''And in the middle...just some loser bear called Banjo.''"

===  Final Boss Battle ===
*"''Welcome. it's my [[Tower of Tragedy]] "Just for Fun" quiz round 1. Do you need the rules?''"
*"''Fair enough.''"
*"''Not bad.''"
*"''You know-it-all.''"
*"''A lucky guess.''"
*"''I'll accept that.''"
*"''Well, it was 50/50...''"
*"''I'll give you 1 point.''"
*"''1 point, I suppose...''"
*"''Only 1 point though.''"
*"''About time too.''"
*"''What about the rest of you?''"
*"''Any other takers?''"
*"''I'll have to offer it...''"
*"''Missed your chance...''"
*"''Buzzer broken, huh?''"
*"''You fool! Anyone else?''"
*"''Dunce! Anyone else?''"
*"''You half-wit! Anyone else?''"
*"''Thicko! Anyone else?''"
*"''Numbskull! Anyone else?''"
*"''You plank! Anyone else?''"
*"''No, no, no, you idiot.''"
*"''That was easy...''"
*"''Yippee! Wrong again!''"
*"''No, no, no, you idiots!''"
*"''I'm surrounded by morons...''"
*"''That's the end of round 1. Looks like my sister Blobbelda is as thick as her waist, and her score of [x] is as low as her IQ. Here's your consolation prize, Blobby...''"
*"''That's the end of round 1. It seems that my sister Mingella has set a new standard of dumbness, with a hopeless score of [x]. Time to say goodbye, Mingy...''"
*"''That's the end of round 2. It seems that my sister Mingella has also been beaten by that useless bear. Time to say goodbye, Mingy...''"
*"''That's the end of round 2. Looks like my sister Blobbelda has also failed to beat that dumb bear. Here's your consolation prize, Blobby...''"
*"''Oh goody. Round 1's ended in a draw. So I'll just unfairly select a loser at random. I choose... [x]!''"
*"''Excellent. It's a draw after Round 2, so I'll just unfairly select a loser at random. I choose... [x]!''"
*"''That's the end of round 1. As expected, it's the dunce bear who's last, with a loser's score of [x].''"
*"''That's the end of round 2. Your luck's run out, furface. I'm pleased to say you lost.''"
*"''That's the end of the final round. Look at the bear's score, everyone. Isn't it pathetic? I declare me the winner!''"

*The time has come to end this game, the future cannot be the same.
==''[[Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge]]''==
*To your destruction you both race, of [[Banjo|bear]] and [[Kazooie|bird]] I'll leave no trace!
*My victory will be most splendid, when I rule all, and your life's ended!!
*"''With the [[Mecha-Grunty]] Klungo's made, Banjo's favor will be repaid.''"
After beating the final boss when you hit 10/12 hits
*"''I'll steal Kazooie and in a blast, I'll use my suit to change the past.''"
*"''Without his bird, Banjo's lost, I won't give up at any cost!''"
*"''Now I have your feathered friend, on my sisters I won't depend.''"
*"''With this duo split in two, there's nothing that I cannot do!''"
*"''Hold tight, Kazooie, we'll move quite fast, to travel back into the past.''"

*Although you've smashed my mecha-suit, don't think you given me the boot.
===[[Breegull Beach]]===
*Now I trapped you on my tower, I'll crush you with my ghostly power!
After beating the final boss when you hit all 12/12 hits
*"''[[Captive Breegulls]] are the best, they work all day without a rest.''"
*"''Now that I have trapped Kazooie, Banjo I can make chop-suey.''"
*"''Look, Banjo's here without Kazooie's beak! No doubt your efforts will be weak.''"
*"''You won't hurt me much without a bill, so I hope you've written out your will!''"

*AAAH! This can't be, my plan's a ruin, it's all Banjo and Kazooie's doing!
====After beating====
*"''My defeat was a surprise, I think the sun was in my eyes!''"
*"''I'd better get this suit upgraded, the bear alone I underrated.''"

=== Ending===
===[[Spiller's Harbor]]===
*"''Kazooie seems a little bitter, she should be my heavy hitter.''"
*"''Since she's stayed by Banjo's arm, I'm going to have to do her harm!''"

*Why are my henchmen fools and twits?! That [[Mecha-Grunty]] just fell to bits.
====After beating====
*Klungo!! Get here NOW! Be quick! This defeat makes me feel sick!
*"''This jumbo-mecha really stinks, a few small holes and it just sinks.''"
*Listen Klungo, save your shoulder, you'll never shift this massive boulder.
*"''But when I meet you in my tower, I won't hold back, I'll use full power!''"
*If you insist on getting blisters, first send a message to my sisters!

==[[:Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts|Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts]] ==
===[[Grunty's Lair]]===
*"''Thank you Klungo, that's fantastic, to stop the bear my plans are drastic.''"
*"''If this won't work, you know what to do, 'cos I'll be counting on plan two!''"

====After beating Grunty at the first battle====
*"''Don't think you've beaten me so quick, I've got a plan, I'm not so thick!''"

*Eight long years to bounce back here. I'll win this time and make you cheer!
====Before starting a quiz====
*Yes, it's me, you podgy fool. I'm back again and ready to rule!
*"''Now you've entered my fair castle, I'm giving you lots of hassle.''"
*At least I haven't got a gut. Let's rumble now, I'll bite your butt!
*"''Before you go up a floor, I'll test your brain a little more.''"
*Your name is odd and you look a bit queer, So tell old Grunty, what brings [[Lord of Games|LOG]] here?
*"''With an answer is correct, with {{button|GBA|A}} you can select.''"
*That sounds like a preposterous ruse. What'll you do if we refuse?
*My body's gone, but not my eyes. All I see is a pack of lies!
*Bird was bad in our last game, now it seems she's extra lame!
*Too slow losers, watch me go! I'll win this time, I just know!
*While you've slept I've become a mechanic, building my [[Gruntbot|Gruntbots]] to make you panic!
*So birdbrain gets a nice new wrench, well what do you have for this lovely wench?

====[[Showdown Town]]====
====After finishing a quiz====
*"''Drat, I'll see you at the next fight, it seems you got the answer right.''"
*"''Hah, you got the answer wrong, I don't think you'll be living long.''"
*"''This quiz is great, it builds my power! It's time to see you on the tower!''"

*Hey there bear, go fetch me a drink. I'm getting hot and my armpits stink!
===Final Boss Battle===
*After some deep consideration, I'll treat this farce as a free vacation!
*"''The time has come to end this game, the future cannot be the same.''"
*Your feathered friend is such a joke, where are the "funny" lines she once spoke?
*"''To your destruction you both race, of bear and bird I'll leave no trace!''"
*The race is on, the game is afoot, Banjo's chances just went kaput!
*"''My victory will be most splendid, when I rule all, and your life's ended!''"
*With special abilities left on the bench, all you have is that stupid wrench!
*"''Although you've smashed my mecha-suit, don't think you given me the boot.''"
*I came all the way to take you down, to bust your butt and reclaim my crown!
*"''Now I trapped you on my tower, I'll crush you with my ghostly power!''"
*A [[Banjo|bear]], [[Kazooie|a bird]], and a [[Lord of Games]]? How nice to have rivals so shockingly lame!
*"''Aaah! This can't be, my plan's a ruin, it's all Banjo and Kazooie's doing!''"
*You must think you're a champion bruiser, all I see is a fleabag loser!
*This town is such a confusing place, I'd slap the planner across the face!
*Is it just me or is your nose square? The fans will hate it, you butt-ugly bear!
*The Safehouse is open, the police are coming, I'll just stand here innocently humming!
*You've open up more Showdown Town districts, shame they're full of freaks and misfits!
*[[Jinjo|Jinjos]] and [[Jiggy|Jiggies]]? [[Bottles]] and [[Mumbo Jumbo|Mumbo]]? Remind me again why I came back, dumbo!
*My Gruntbots are out there causing trouble, smashing those cretinous worlds to rubble!
*Spiral Mountain isn't so great, but it's Grunty's slice of real estate!
*My body's not mine and my skull's all cracked. You still can't beat me and that's a fact!
*You must have gone mad from Kazooie's blabbing, lazing around for years in that cabin!
*I'll build a car from sticks and twine, and still outclass your best design!
*All those years since we've butted heads, and still you're wearing those horrible threads?
*Hunting Jiggies, I don't see the point. Why drag us here to this dead-end joint?
*You're stubborn, bear, I can't deny it. If this goes wrong, I'll start a riot!
*You can't beat me good in this game, I'll still come out as an eyeball or brain!
*Beating my challenge, I think you're so clever. Your next success approximately never!!
*Can't be long from until the finale? Don't put too much faith in the Jiggy tally!
*You were so porky and in such a mess. I'm stunned you got this far, I confess!
*That smell doesn't mean I'm starving to worry, it's what happens after a Dingpot curry.

====[[Nutty Acres]]====
*"''Why are my henchmen fools and twits? That Mecha-Grunty just fell to bits.''"
*"''Klungo!! Get here now! Be quick! This defeat makes me feel sick!''"
*"''Listen Klungo, save your shoulder, you'll never shift this massive boulder.''"
*"''If you insist on getting blisters, first send a message to my sisters!''"

*Now, what's this before my eyes? A coconut of such a size!
==''[[Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts]]''==
*The Loco Coco this must be. Soon it's Grunty's, wait and see.
*With a nut so big, so hard and strong, to flatten the farm won't take too long.
*"''Eight long years to bounce back here. I'll win this time and make you cheer!''"
*Loco Coco, you'll soon be mine. I'll ace this place before bedtime.
*"''Yes, it's me, you podgy fool. I'm back again and ready to rule!''"
*The Loco Coco is lost for all time, all I have left is my talent for rhyme!
*"''At least I haven't got a gut. Let's rumble now, I'll bite your butt!''"
*"''Your name is odd and you look a bit queer, So tell old Grunty, what brings [[Lord of Games|L.O.G.]] here?''"
*"''That sounds like a preposterous ruse. What'll you do if we refuse?''"
*"''My body's gone, but not my eyes. All I see is a pack of lies!''"
*"''Bird was bad in our last game, now it seems she's extra lame!''"
*"''Too slow losers, watch me go! I'll win this time, I just know!''"
*"''While you've slept I've become a mechanic, building my [[Gruntbot]]s to make you panic!''"
*"''So birdbrain gets a nice new wrench, well what do you have for this lovely wench?''"

====[[LOGBOX 720]]====
===[[Showdown Town]]===
*"''Hey there bear, go fetch me a drink. I'm getting hot and my armpits stink!''"
*"''After some deep consideration, I'll treat this farce as a free vacation!''"
*"''Your feathered friend is such a joke, where are the "funny" lines she once spoke?''"
*"''The race is on, the game is afoot, Banjo's chances just went kaput!''"
*"''With special abilities left on the bench, all you have is that [[Mumbo's Wrench|stupid wrench]]!''"
*"''I came all the way to take you down, to bust your butt and reclaim my crown!''"
*"''A bear, a bird, and a Lord of Games? How nice to have rivals so shockingly lame!''"
*"''You must think you're a champion bruiser, all I see is a fleabag loser!''"
*"''This town is such a confusing place, I'd slap the planner across the face!''"
*"''Is it just me or is your nose square? The fans will hate it, you butt-ugly bear!''"
*"''The Safehouse is open, the police are coming, I'll just stand here innocently humming!''"
*"''You've open up more Showdown Town districts, shame they're full of freaks and misfits!
*"''Jinjos and Jiggies? Bottles and [[Mumbo Jumbo|Mumbo]]? Remind me again why I came back, dumbo!''"
*"''My Gruntbots are out there causing trouble, smashing those cretinous worlds to rubble!''"
*"''[[Spiral Mountain]] isn't so great, but it's Grunty's slice of real estate!''"
*"''My body's not mine and my skull's all cracked. You still can't beat me and that's a fact!''"
*"''You must have gone mad from Kazooie's blabbing, lazing around for years in that cabin!''"
*"''I'll build a car from sticks and twine, and still outclass your best design!''"
*"''All those years since we've butted heads, and still you're wearing those horrible threads?''"
*"''Hunting Jiggies, I don't see the point. Why drag us here to this dead-end joint?''"
*"''You're stubborn, bear, I can't deny it. If this goes wrong, I'll start a riot!''"
*"''You can't beat me good in this game, I'll still come out as an eyeball or brain!''"
*"''Beating my challenge, I think you're so clever. Your next success approximately never!''"
*"''Can't be long from until the finale? Don't put too much faith in the Jiggy tally!''"
*"''You were so porky and in such a mess. I'm stunned you got this far, I confess!''"
*"''That smell doesn't mean I'm starving to worry, it's what happens after a Dingpot curry!''"

*[[Banjo|Porky bear]] needs to move a lot quicker, to stop the glubber being used as cat litter!
===[[Nutty Acres]]===
*I'll give you a chance, since I'm no gloater. Race me to stop [[Piddles]] leaving a floater!
*"''Now, what's this before my eyes? A coconut of such a size!''"
*My plan's destroyed, you're in the top rank. This cat's worse than [[Klungo]] if I'm being frank!
*"''The Loco Coco this must be. Soon it's Grunty's, wait and see.''"
*"''With a nut so big, so hard and strong, to flatten the farm won't take too long.''"
*"''Loco Coco, you'll soon be mine. I'll ace this place before bedtime.''"
*"''The Loco Coco is lost for all time, all I have left is my talent for rhyme!''"

===[[LOGBOX 720]]===
*"''Porky bear needs to move a lot quicker, to stop the glubber being used as cat litter!''"
*"''I'll give you a chance, since I'm no gloater. Race me to stop [[Piddles]] leaving a floater!''"
*"''My plan's destroyed, you're in the top rank. This cat's worse than Klungo if I'm being frank!''"
*"''Persistence pays off, I've always found! I've rebuilt my boat for another round!''"

*[[Banjo|Thick-witted bear]] and [[Kazooie|feather face]], do you know why I'm here in this dreary place?
*No, you fools, I came to lay waste. But it's already trashed. I should have made haste!
*"''Thick-witted bear and feather face, do you know why I'm here in this dreary place?''"
*Fine then, freaks. I'll wreck it some more! Now don't interrupt my childish chore!
*"''No, you fools, I came to lay waste. But it's already trashed. I should have made haste!''"
*Useless bear, come here and fight! I stayed up building this thing all night!
*"''Fine then, freaks. I'll wreck it some more! Now don't interrupt my childish chore!''"
*Where are you, bear? I'll pound you flat, and wear the bird as a novelty hat!
*"''Useless bear, come here and fight! I stayed up building this thing all night!''"
*You've taken the spring right out of my step. I've got to stop losing, it's losing my rep!
*"''Where are you, bear? I'll pound you flat, and wear the bird as a novelty hat!''"
*"''You've taken the spring right out of my step. I've got to stop losing, it's ruining my rep!''"
*"''Looks like I'm thwarted good and proper. This thing's become a hopping cropper!''"

*"''Water Polo, it's the finest of sports, I'll never lose to a bear in shorts!''"
*"''I scored all those goals in my first try. Beat that, you can't! Now don't you cry!''"
*"''All those balls, and you won't come close. Just try it and you'll end up toast.''"
*"''I'll bash and block, ram and charge! Competitive Grunty giving it large!''"
*"''Stop looking so smug, you brainless bear! You trounced me, so what? I don't even care!''"
*"''9-Ball is my latest game. Grunty's the hustler, that's the name!''"
*"''My new weapon's rather glorious. I'll smash your balls and be victorious!''"
*"''You can't do that, it's just not fair! You pay the price, you sweaty bear!''"
*"''Don't spoil my fun, you furry clown! You set 'em up, I'll knock 'em down!''"
*"''You're cheating now, come on, come clean! Don't interfere with my machine!''"
*"''These laser blasts were meant to break you. It's going wrong, I really hate you!''"
*"''This laser makes me hard to beat. Bend down and kiss my warty feet!''"
*"''Thanks for nothing, stubborn fool. You're undermining my new tool!''"
*"''You took me out without missing a trick. You scruffy old bear, you make me sick!''"
*"''I'm working hard to cause you grief. Now lose the torch you Jiggy thief!''"
*"''Dropping stuff is tons of fun! I'll drown or squash you as you run!''"
*"''I see you're making one last dash. Do try to dodge the massive splash!''"

*Water Polo, it's the finest of sports, I'll never lose to a bear in shorts!
===[[Terrarium of Terror]]===
*I scored all those goals in my first try. Beat that, you can't! Now don't you cry!
*"''See my vehicle, I'm proud to man it! Full of surprises and bad for the planet!''"
*All those balls, and you won't come close. Just try it and you'll end up toast.
*"''This vehicle guzzles so much gas, destroying more ozone with every pass!''"
*Stop looking so smug, you [[Banjo|brainless bear]]! You trounced me, so what? I don't even care!
*"''Don't get in the way, your plans will flop! I'm hard to see and harder to stop!''"
*9-Ball is my latest game. Grunty's the hustler, that's the name!
*"''I'd curse if this game had a higher rating, your confidence is so nauseating!''"
*My new weapon's rather glorious. I'll smash your balls and be victorious!
*Don't spoil my fun, you furry clown! You set 'em up, I'll knock 'em down!
*You're cheating now, come on, come clean! Don't interfere with my machine!
*These laser blasts were meant to break you. It's going wrong, I really hate you!
*This laser makes me hard to beat. Bend down and kiss my warty feet!
*Thanks for nothing, stubborn fool. You're undermining my new tool!
*You took me out without missing a trick. You scruffy old bear, you make me sick!

===[[Terrarium of Terror]]===
===[[Spiral Mountain]]===
*"''You can whip the game worlds and trounce the town, don't think for a minute you'll keep me down!''"
*"''My body was still, but my mind was racing, inventing new vehicles to give you a pacing!''"
*"''You underestimate my cunning, hear my plan and then start running!''"
*"''My minions have built them, I knew they'd look after me. I'll claim this place while you slave in that factory!''"
*"''Goodbye Spiral Mountain, hello Grunty Acres! You two, prepare to meet your makers!''"
*"''This monster truck's something, it can't be denied! I'll flatten you into the mountainside!''"
*"''My truck's been scrapped, but I'm not one to fret. We're just getting started, don't celebrate yet!''"
*"''You'll walk the plank for that, I swear. Roll on stage 3 of this epic affair!''"
*"''So much for stealth, it wasn't just enough. You want me to give up with dignity? Tough!''"
*"''You're still in my way, that's typically thoughtless. I'll size up the options inside this fortress!''"
*"''My pirate galleon should be more successful. Avast ye swabs! You'll find this quite stressful!''"
*"''It's time I switched to a stealth attack. If you can't even see me, how can you fight back?''"
*"''The fortress is breached! Its defenses smashed! My vehicle options are dwindling fast.''"
*"''Behold the broomstick, our last fight approaches! I'll sweep you aside like troublesome roaches!''"

*See my vehicle, I'm proud to man it! Full of surprises and bad for the planet!
====If hit====
*This vehicle guzzles so much gas, destroying more ozone with every pass!
*"''I know you're not a fan of mine, but this behavior's out of line!''"
*Don't get in the way, your plans will flop! I'm hard to see and harder to stop!
*"''Don't pick on me, 'cause I'll fight back. I'll show you Grunty's breath attack!''"
*I'd curse if this game had a higher rating, your confidence is so nauseating!

=== <u>[[Spiral Mountain]]</u>===
*"''How I lost I fail to see. A three time loser I cannot be!''"
*"''Leaving me here was a big mistake! Just wait for the devious game I make!''"

*You can whip the game worlds and trounce the town, don't think for a minute you'll keep me down!
*My body was still, but my mind was racing, inventing new vehicles to give you a pasting!
*You underestimate my cunning, hear my plan and then start running!
*My minions have built them, I knew they'd look after me. I'll claim this place while you slave in that factory!
*Goodbye Spiral Mountain, hello Grunty Acres! You two, prepare to meet your makers!
*My truck's been scrapped, but I'm not one to fret. We're just getting started, don't celebrate yet!
*You'll walk the plane like that, I swear. Roll on stage of this epic affair!
*So much for stealth, it wasn't just enough. You want me to give up with dignity? Tough!
*You're still in my way, that typically thoughtless. I'll size up the options inside this fortress!
*My pirate galleon should be more successful. Avast ye swabs! You'll find this quite stressful!
*It's time I switched to a stealth attack. If you can't even see me, how can you fight back?
*The fortress is breached! Its defenses smashed! My vehicle options are dwindling fast.
*Behold the broomstick, our last fight approaches! I'll sweep you aside like troublesome roaches!
If hit
*I know you're not a fan of mine, but this behavior's out of line!
*Don't pick on me, 'cause I'll fight back. I'll show you Grunty's breath attack!
*How I lost I fail to see. A three time loser I cannot be!
*Leaving me here was a big mistake! Just wait for the devious game I make!

Latest revision as of 00:52, May 19, 2023

This is a list of quotes from Gruntilda throughout the Banjo-Kazooie series.


Instruction bookletEdit

  • "Tiny creatures far below, which of you'll be first to go?"
  • "As cute as me, you stupid pot? For her own sake, I hope she's not!"
  • "I need those looks far more than she, and finally perfect I shall be!"


  • "Dingpot, Dingpot, by the bench, who is the nicest looking wench?"
  • "Yes you're right, I'm rather proud, my looks stand me out from the crowd!"
  • "What do you mean, this cannot be, there's no one prettier than me!"
  • "No, no, no, you must be mad, nicer beauty can't be had!"
  • "If Tooty thinks she's fairer than me, I'll steal her looks and ugly she'll be!"
  • "Come to me, my little pretty, you'll soon be ugly, what a pity!"
  • "Don't scratch and bite, my little bear, you'll soon need bigger underwear!"
  • "This fine contraption, so I'm told, will make me young and Tooty old!"
  • "Rescue you he will not dare, there's many dangers in my lair!"
  • "Hurry, Klungo, push that switch, I'm tired of being an ugly witch!"

Gruntilda's LairEdit


  • "Many tricks are up my sleeve, to save yourself you'd better leave!"
  • "Grunty's plan is rather cunning, when I'm thin, guys will be running!"
  • "Long of tooth and strong of arm, Grunty's got the lasting charm!"
  • "I don't like stairs much in my lair, they always make me gasp for air!"
  • "Can't you get here any faster? Come and fight me, I'm the master!"
  • "If you think I'm rather soft, I'll be waiting in the loft!"
  • "Why do I talk all the time, it's really hard to make these rhyme!"
  • "I'm still here, I watch you play, but I can't think of much to say!"
  • "It really does sound quite absurd, adventure of a bear and bird!"
  • "How bright they are, your stupid shorts, a target for my dumb cohorts!"
  • "That ugly bear, you feathered freak, is nothing but a stupid geek!"
  • "Join me now and dump the bear, that little backpack then I'll wear!"
  • "Your side with Banjo but change tack, imagine you on Grunty's back!"
  • "Your feathered buddy, that you've brung, useless like a pile of dung!"
  • "I can see it's quite hard work, to lump around that squawking jerk!"
  • "My next world is the hardest yet, and you will fail, on that I'll bet!"
  • "Tooty's fate is looking grim, it's because her brother's dim!"
  • "I've got this skirt so when I'm thinner, it really makes me look a winner!"
  • "When Tooty is a big ole lump, I've got just the frock to hide her rump!"
  • "Your butt will tell you and you'll know, when my boot swings to and fro!"
  • "When the back of Grunty's hand, whups your butt you'll hardly stand!"
  • "Hey Banjo, you're looking glum, it must be hard, being so dumb!"
  • "Grunty's stomach and leg thins, goodbye to all those double chins!"
  • "Once I'm nice and thin once more, burgers, fries, and chips galore!"
  • "Tooty says she's fine with me, if you go home I'll set her free!"
  • "Grunty admits she's a hog, I really need a big hot dog!"
  • "Monsters chase you, they're a hounding, then you'll get a Grunty pounding!"
  • "My belly's big, it's rather neat, it's years since I have seen my feet!"
  • "I've learned this spell, it's really neat, I'll keep it later for your treat!"

Specific EventsEdit

  • "There he is, the fun begins, my tricks and traps will see who wins!"
  • "That was such an easy fit, the others may just test your wit!"
  • "You've found some Notes but you need more, to break my spell and pass this door!"
  • "That door was easy you got past, unfortunately your first and last!"
  • "When you open a world door, baddies escape and roam once more!"
  • "Hey, book brain, what did you say? You'd better not give my spells away!"
  • "If one more page I see you turn, then Grunty shall make Cheato burn!"
  • "That traitor book has pushed its luck, so in the burning fire I'll chuck!"
  • "What's wrong Banjo, is it tough? Let me know when you've had enough!"
  • "It's not over stupid bear, see my picture over there!"
  • "To fill it up is no mean feat, lots of Jiggies make it complete!"
  • "Pieces that you've left behind, to battle me you must go find!"
  • "I'm sad to say down there you'll stop, 'cuz I'm safe here at the top!"
  • "Don't be sure you silly pot, soon I'll have you nice and hot!"
  • "See these filthy clothes I've got, when I've won you'll wash the lot!"
  • "Grunty's fate this should not be, so hurry, Klungo, rescue me!"
  • "Stop using cheats in my tower, you are getting all the power."
  • "Now I will erase your Game Pak, because you had the need to hack!"
  • "The free trial's over so here's where you're staying, or buy the full game to carry on playing."

Treasure Trove CoveEdit

  • "That golden treasure was for me, now harder still the game will be!"
  • "That lousy cheat for extra eggs, won't help bear and chicken legs!"
  • "All my feathers, it makes me sick, fly to me, your butt I'll kick!"
  • "Golden Feathers you may have twenty, but bruises you'll still get plenty!"
  • "Stop this cheating Grunty says, or your Game Pak I'll erase!"
  • "You didn't listen, I'm amazed, so now your save game is erased!"

Bubblegloop SwampEdit

  • "First you see it, now you don't, the fast one wins, the slow one won't!"
  • "I'll be young and Tooty old, before you get Gruntilda's gold!"

Gobi's ValleyEdit

  • "Grunty's race you cannot beat, until you find some faster feet!"

Mad Monster MansionEdit

  • "Oh, those lovely thorns, how they've grown, music to my ears as you moan!"
  • "I can't believe you went in there, wash your hands now, filthy bear!"
  • "These two guests are rather dumb, let's make sure they're unwelcome!"
  • "Yes I'm mad, my boot I'll put, up your useless spooky butt!"
  • "Big oak door is very tough, stupid bear's not fast enough!"

Rusty Bucket BayEdit

  • "My oily water, in you plunge, you'll lose air while in that gunge!"
  • "Under the scum you'll breathe your last, 'cuz air is used twice as fast!"
  • "Stupid bear, you'll have to learn, that red hot ovens tend to burn!"
  • "A simple task you were sure, but Grunty's engines start once more!"

Click Clock WoodEdit

  • "My bramble field makes you yelp, and loss of life it sure does help!"
  • "You'll use your air up double fold, I've made this water double cold!"
  • "Yes that's right, swim under there, icy water takes double air!"

Grunty's Furnace FunEdit


  • "Welcome all, Grunty's the name, Banjo's here to play my game!"
  • "My lair is done and there he stands, through all my tricks and traps and lands!"
  • "This final test will see me win, when Banjo fails then I'll be thin!"
  • "The prizes on this stand bring joy, from Tooty down to cuddly toy!"
  • "My little quiz will make you sweat, and Tooty you shall never get!"
  • "'Cuz somewhere soon along the way, your lack of skill will make my day!"
  • "'Cuz in the fiery pit you'll go, and I will win the prize on show!"
  • "So step on over to the square, press   to try it if you dare!"
  • "So I see you're back to try, one more time but you will fry!"


  • "A little answer's all I seek, about this game you furry geek!"
  • "A visual challenge you stupid bear, to tell me who is it or where!"
  • "A question on the sounds I play, get it wrong to make my day!"
  • "Just one chance to get this right, win a joker and help it might!"
  • "Each joker card that you have got, will skip your question, that's your lot!"
  • "Press   to use it you little cheat, when on a square you get cold feet!"
  • "Your joker misses out on a square, accept the test you did not dare!"
  • "Prepare yourself to take a whack, pick this test, you won't come back!"
  • "I think it's time, so let me see, how much you know of little old me!"
  • "Get this wrong for Grunty's sake, then a lava bath you will take!"
  • "Try this one, but don't be lame, you'll lose a life and lose the game!"


  • "The name of your game you must spell, backwards though, be quick as well!"
  • "Mighty Big Box you must now fight, but be quick as the time is tight!"
  • "This is tough, your chances are slim, of you eating more than him!"
  • "Little stings that make a bear shout, whack them all before time's out!"
  • "The tiles await for you to match, time is tight but that's the catch!"
  • "Watch as the turtles sing their song, repeat it quick, you won't get long!"

Answering correctlyEdit

  • "A lucky guess, you got it right, the next square's yours without a fight!"
  • "Hear the crowd, they boo and hiss, to see you fail they would not miss!"
  • "That's a secret, how did you know? Did my sister tell you so?"

Failing a squareEdit

  • "Fail a square and you'll feel pain, please press   to try again!"
  • "Get more wrong, yes that's the way, the crowds are happier today!"
  • "An easy challenge you have assumed, one more wrong and you are doomed!"
  • "No lives are left, he burns and chokes, I'm pleased to say that's all folks!"

Collecting an item on the boardEdit

  • "An Extra Life, I do not care, It will not help you scruffy bear!"
  • "The energy that you have found, won't stop me making Tooty round!"


  • "No one can win, I was assured, by the makers of this board!"
  • "It's not fair, I want to win, how I longed to be real thin!"
  • "Now you can take the prize on show, while up the winding stairs I go!"
  • "You won't catch me, I've made sure, all the credits you'll now endure!"


Banjo and Kazooie enteringEdit

  • "I can't believe that furry pair, got right up here it's so unfair!"
  • "But now the stupid bear must fight, this battle tests your skill and might!"
  • "Back once more, you'll never learn, that suits me fine, your butts I'll burn!"
  • "Who's back up here, oh my word, it's beaky fool and hairy nerd!"
  • "I can't believe you're up here again, stupid bear and dumb bird brain!"
  • "I'm not one to brag or boast, but after this you'll both be toast!"
  • "So you're back, you must be thick, you'll lose again, I'll make it quick."

1st PhaseEdit

Gruntilda gets hitEdit
  • "Ouch my butt, it's now quite sore, I'll make you suffer, that's for sure!"
  • "What was that, you got me now, you've really angered this old cow!"
  • "A glancing blow, nothing more, now I'll knock you through the floor!"
  • "Now you've got me in a fluster, faster spells I'll have to muster!"
Banjo and Kazooie get hitEdit
  • "Did you hear that lovely clack, my broomstick gave you such a whack!"
  • "Aaah! I see it makes you sad, to know your skills are really bad!"
  • "I hit that bird right on the beak, let it be the end of her cheek!"
  • "My fiery blast you just tasted, Grunty's spells on you are wasted!"
  • "See the swoop and how I flew, my broomstick made a meal of you!"
  • "Hopeless bear runs to and fro, but takes a whack for being so slow!"
  • "Mmm. I see you took that one, a few more and your life is gone!"

2nd PhaseEdit

  • "It's too easy, so I fear, now watch me step things up a gear!"
  • "Don't hit me, that's quite enough, I think you'll find the next bit tough!"
  • "That last hit did clip my ear, but you can't get me over here!"
  • "Ah, it's time for me to change, my spot to put me out of range!"
Gruntilda gets hitEdit
  • "That didn't hurt, I feel no pain, Grunty's back to fight again!"
  • "Aargh! I'm slow with all of this lard. That egg of yours caught me off guard!"
  • "I can't dodge with all this weight, those nasty eggs I sure do hate!"
  • "Ouch! My gut you nearly hit, if your shot was down a bit!"
  • "This spot is proving rough, I'll have to move to make it more tough!"
  • "That's not fair, I wasn't ready! Now I feel faint and all unsteady..."
  • "Ahh, it's time for me to change, my spot just to put me out of range!"
  • "Ooof! I took another whack, but watch me give you double back!"
Banjo and Kazooie get hitEdit
  • "So I got you there once more, I knew your skill was very poor!"
  • "Simply put I'm rather proud, your yelps and screams I heard quite loud!"
  • "Hah! You took another zap, I got you through that little gap!"
  • "Grunty's fireball you did kiss, you're so slow I can hardly miss!"
  • "You're so sad and little lame — I've moved on, keep playing this game!"
  • "Hear the fireball fizz and bang, your hairy butt took quite a clang!"

3rd PhaseEdit

  • "Off I fly 'cuz then we'll see, if you can get the best of me!"
  • "Did you know I learned to fly? At Witch School, I'm sure you know why."
  • "A big old gal I may be, but when I fly you can't get me!"
  • "Old bottle brain has taught you well, but bears can't fly and I can tell!"
  • "Now I'm off into the air, leaving Banjo way down there."
  • "See my broomstick, watch me fly, I'll beat your butt, don't even try!"
  • "Up in the air I'll be safe, at my leisure your butt I'll strafe!"
Gruntilda gets hitEdit
  • "Another hit, I'm getting weak, I really need to take a leak!"
  • "Arrgh! You got me once again, prepare to take this sizzle brain!"
  • "Oooh! You sniveling little pup, have this bolt, I'm speeding up!"
  • "Yow! That beak sure gave me a jolt, so you can have this here lightning bolt!"
  • "Ouch! Now that one really stung, take this nasty spell I've brung!"
Banjo and Kazooie get hurtEdit
  • "This broom is hard and as it streaks, across the sky it chafes my cheeks!"
  • "Fireball fizz and fireball fly, blast that bear out of my sky!"
  • "Another hit, that's how it goes, watch me fly and pick my nose!"
  • "Soon you'll lose and when you've gone, I have to go and use the john!"
  • "Grunty's spell your body numbs, an easy task to hit those bums!"

4th PhaseEdit

  • "I may be old and rather wide, but underneath this shield I'll hide!"
  • "That pointy beak did not miss, but let's see it get through this!"
  • "Look at me I'm quite a mess, here's a shield to hide my dress!"
  • "A special shield I need to call, to stop your hits once and for all!"
  • "So Grunty doesn't come to grief, here's a spell I can hide beneath!"
Jinjo statues appearEdit
  • "Come on then you little punks, Grunty's spells will make you chunks!"
  • "I hid those Jinjos really well, but must have used a lousy spell!"
  • "I hid you well for being bad, don't help the bear, you'll make me mad!"
  • "So your little furry friends, come here to share your very end!"
Gruntilda gets hitEdit
  • "How that Jinjo stung and burned, he got me when my back was turned!"
  • "That's unfair, I wasn't ready, Jinjos make me so unsteady!"
  • "Hey, that Jinjo really hurt, now I'll rub you in the dirt!"
  • "That wasn't fair, I wasn't ready, I feel all faint and unsteady!"
  • "I hold on hard and grit my teeth, to stop it dangling underneath!"
  • "Useless Jinjos sneer and hoot, go back right now or taste my boot!"
  • "Ooh! Those nasty pointy beaks, are causing swelling in my cheeks!"
  • "Don't hit me you flying pig, my anger is now growing big!"
Banjo and Kazooie get hurtEdit
  • "Your stupid friends aren't much help, they stand there while I make you yelp!"
  • "Your silly friends upon their blocks, they're going to take a couple of knocks!"
  • "Your Jinjos really are a joke, now watch your lives go up in smoke!"
  • "Another hit, I don't believe, you didn't dodge, why don't you weave!"
  • "Get used to that, there's plenty more of other nasty spells in store!"

5th PhaseEdit

  • "Useless broomsticks I can't stand, it's left me stranded back on land!"
  • "That last shot I failed to stop, so down onto the ground I drop!"
  • "My broomstick failed with that last blow, now on my legs I have to go!"
  • "Ooof! You've winded me all around, to catch my breath I'm on the ground!"
  • "I've bet you thought you had me beat, but look! I've landed on my feet!"
The Mighty Jinjonator appearsEdit
  • "What's all this, how dare you cheat, but I don't care, I can't be beat!"
  • "That's no good you stupid jerk, the Jinjo statue will not work!"
  • "I really think you ought to run, when I beat him and spoil your fun!"
  • "That rocky moron can't hurt me, 'cuz Grunty will the winner be!"
Banjo and Kazooie get hitEdit
  • "Hear the fizzle and feel the pain, you're going to lose a life again!"
  • "Spells rain down upon your head, you stand no chance when I see red!"
  • "The bear is dumb, the bird's a twit, 'cuz I just got another hit!"
  • "I'm just warming up right now, such fine shots from this old cow!"
  • "Grunty's aim is rather good, if you could run, I know you would!"
The Mighty Jinjonator attacksEdit
  • "I could take these shots all day, there's no way I'm going to sway!"
  • "See your Jinjo fail to work, he's nothing but a feeble jerk!"
  • "Your crafty plan stands no chance, I'm firmly rooted in this stance!"
  • "There's no way he'll shift my bulk, I watch you cry and have a sulk!"
  • "Even with your extra friend, I know you'll meet a nasty end!"
  • "Grunty's strength will see me through, when Jinjo's gone, I'll batter you!"
Attack succeedsEdit
  • "That last Jinjo has finished me, but who laughs last we shall soon see!"
  • "I'm done for now, hear me choke, but look what's hidden in my cloak!"
  • "Poor old Grunty, set to fall, upon this spell I'll now call!"
  • "Aargh! I'm beaten fair and square, before I go I've got this to share!"
  • "It's all over I can tell, but Grunty's got just one more spell!"
Magnet SpellEdit
  • "Here's my Magnet Spell at last, run and hide you won't get past!"
  • "Magic spell, seek out your prey, it's sure to hit, O' happy day!"
  • "See this spell, I think you'll find, its target will be your behind!"
  • "Here is a spell of Banjo homing, get him now to stop his roaming!"
  • "It's now time to end your fun, here comes a spell you can't outrun!"

Game OverEdit

  • "Banjo's game ends in my tower, turn it up, I need full power!"
  • "Look at Grunty she's a beauty, I'm much prettier than Tooty!"


  • "Stupid bear and dumb Kazooie, I'll be back for Banjo-Tooie!"
  • "All the Jiggies you did snatch, but I'll be back for my rematch!"



  • "No, no, no, this cannot be! What happened to little old me?"
  • "I hate bones, a body I need, can you help with this little deed?"
  • "Right then, girls, let's fix me up, then Banjo's hairy butt I'll whup!"
  • "Leave it to me, he's no hassle! I'll kick butt, then off to the castle!"
  • "Revenge is mine, I cannot miss, let's see that furry fool dodge this!"
  • "Hold on, sis, I'm nearly there, I've just been to blast that bear!"
  • "No, no, Klungo, you stay here, I'll be back, have no fear!"

When the witches arrive Cauldron KeepEdit

  • "Come on, sisters, time I lack! What's the plan to get my body back?"
  • "Oh... If I must.""

Tower of TragedyEdit

  • "Thank you, thank you... I'm Grunty, your host, and may I welcome you to my Tower of Tragedy quiz! Let me run the rules for you all. There are three rounds of general knowledge questions, and the person with the lowest score at the end of each round will be eliminated! Correct answers score 2 points, with 1 point being awarded if it was a second guess following the incorrect answer from another contestant. Get one wrong and I'll take 2 points off you! Press B to buzz in and then A to answer if you can. Now let's meet tonight's victims, err...I mean contestants, shall we?"
  • "Introducing on the left...It's my gorgeous, slim sister, Mingella!"
  • "On the right we have...my lovely, err...shapely sister, Blobbelda!"
  • "And in the middle...just some loser bear called Banjo."
  • "Welcome. it's my Tower of Tragedy "Just for Fun" quiz round 1. Do you need the rules?"
  • "Fair enough."
  • "Not bad."
  • "You know-it-all."
  • "A lucky guess."
  • "Hmm...okay."
  • "I'll accept that."
  • "Well, it was 50/50..."
  • "I'll give you 1 point."
  • "1 point, I suppose..."
  • "Only 1 point though."
  • "About time too."
  • "Scavenger!"
  • "What about the rest of you?"
  • "Any other takers?"
  • "I'll have to offer it..."
  • "Missed your chance..."
  • "Buzzer broken, huh?"
  • "You fool! Anyone else?"
  • "Dunce! Anyone else?"
  • "You half-wit! Anyone else?"
  • "Thicko! Anyone else?"
  • "Numbskull! Anyone else?"
  • "You plank! Anyone else?"
  • "No, no, no, you idiot."
  • "That was easy..."
  • "Yippee! Wrong again!"
  • "No, no, no, you idiots!"
  • "I'm surrounded by morons..."
  • "That's the end of round 1. Looks like my sister Blobbelda is as thick as her waist, and her score of [x] is as low as her IQ. Here's your consolation prize, Blobby..."
  • "That's the end of round 1. It seems that my sister Mingella has set a new standard of dumbness, with a hopeless score of [x]. Time to say goodbye, Mingy..."
  • "That's the end of round 2. It seems that my sister Mingella has also been beaten by that useless bear. Time to say goodbye, Mingy..."
  • "That's the end of round 2. Looks like my sister Blobbelda has also failed to beat that dumb bear. Here's your consolation prize, Blobby..."
  • "Oh goody. Round 1's ended in a draw. So I'll just unfairly select a loser at random. I choose... [x]!"
  • "Excellent. It's a draw after Round 2, so I'll just unfairly select a loser at random. I choose... [x]!"
  • "That's the end of round 1. As expected, it's the dunce bear who's last, with a loser's score of [x]."
  • "That's the end of round 2. Your luck's run out, furface. I'm pleased to say you lost."
  • "That's the end of the final round. Look at the bear's score, everyone. Isn't it pathetic? I declare me the winner!"

Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's RevengeEdit


  • "With the Mecha-Grunty Klungo's made, Banjo's favor will be repaid."
  • "I'll steal Kazooie and in a blast, I'll use my suit to change the past."
  • "Without his bird, Banjo's lost, I won't give up at any cost!"
  • "Now I have your feathered friend, on my sisters I won't depend."
  • "With this duo split in two, there's nothing that I cannot do!"
  • "Hold tight, Kazooie, we'll move quite fast, to travel back into the past."

Breegull BeachEdit


  • "Captive Breegulls are the best, they work all day without a rest."
  • "Now that I have trapped Kazooie, Banjo I can make chop-suey."
  • "Look, Banjo's here without Kazooie's beak! No doubt your efforts will be weak."
  • "You won't hurt me much without a bill, so I hope you've written out your will!"

After beatingEdit

  • "My defeat was a surprise, I think the sun was in my eyes!"
  • "I'd better get this suit upgraded, the bear alone I underrated."

Spiller's HarborEdit


  • "Kazooie seems a little bitter, she should be my heavy hitter."
  • "Since she's stayed by Banjo's arm, I'm going to have to do her harm!"

After beatingEdit

  • "This jumbo-mecha really stinks, a few small holes and it just sinks."
  • "But when I meet you in my tower, I won't hold back, I'll use full power!"

Grunty's LairEdit


  • "Thank you Klungo, that's fantastic, to stop the bear my plans are drastic."
  • "If this won't work, you know what to do, 'cos I'll be counting on plan two!"

After beating Grunty at the first battleEdit

  • "Don't think you've beaten me so quick, I've got a plan, I'm not so thick!"

Before starting a quizEdit

  • "Now you've entered my fair castle, I'm giving you lots of hassle."
  • "Before you go up a floor, I'll test your brain a little more."
  • "With an answer is correct, with   you can select."

After finishing a quizEdit

  • "Drat, I'll see you at the next fight, it seems you got the answer right."
  • "Hah, you got the answer wrong, I don't think you'll be living long."
  • "This quiz is great, it builds my power! It's time to see you on the tower!"

Final Boss BattleEdit

  • "The time has come to end this game, the future cannot be the same."
  • "To your destruction you both race, of bear and bird I'll leave no trace!"
  • "My victory will be most splendid, when I rule all, and your life's ended!"
  • "Although you've smashed my mecha-suit, don't think you given me the boot."
  • "Now I trapped you on my tower, I'll crush you with my ghostly power!"
  • "Aaah! This can't be, my plan's a ruin, it's all Banjo and Kazooie's doing!"


  • "Why are my henchmen fools and twits? That Mecha-Grunty just fell to bits."
  • "Klungo!! Get here now! Be quick! This defeat makes me feel sick!"
  • "Listen Klungo, save your shoulder, you'll never shift this massive boulder."
  • "If you insist on getting blisters, first send a message to my sisters!"

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & BoltsEdit


  • "Eight long years to bounce back here. I'll win this time and make you cheer!"
  • "Yes, it's me, you podgy fool. I'm back again and ready to rule!"
  • "At least I haven't got a gut. Let's rumble now, I'll bite your butt!"
  • "Your name is odd and you look a bit queer, So tell old Grunty, what brings L.O.G. here?"
  • "That sounds like a preposterous ruse. What'll you do if we refuse?"
  • "My body's gone, but not my eyes. All I see is a pack of lies!"
  • "Bird was bad in our last game, now it seems she's extra lame!"
  • "Too slow losers, watch me go! I'll win this time, I just know!"
  • "While you've slept I've become a mechanic, building my Gruntbots to make you panic!"
  • "So birdbrain gets a nice new wrench, well what do you have for this lovely wench?"

Showdown TownEdit

  • "Hey there bear, go fetch me a drink. I'm getting hot and my armpits stink!"
  • "After some deep consideration, I'll treat this farce as a free vacation!"
  • "Your feathered friend is such a joke, where are the "funny" lines she once spoke?"
  • "The race is on, the game is afoot, Banjo's chances just went kaput!"
  • "With special abilities left on the bench, all you have is that stupid wrench!"
  • "I came all the way to take you down, to bust your butt and reclaim my crown!"
  • "A bear, a bird, and a Lord of Games? How nice to have rivals so shockingly lame!"
  • "You must think you're a champion bruiser, all I see is a fleabag loser!"
  • "This town is such a confusing place, I'd slap the planner across the face!"
  • "Is it just me or is your nose square? The fans will hate it, you butt-ugly bear!"
  • "The Safehouse is open, the police are coming, I'll just stand here innocently humming!"
  • "You've open up more Showdown Town districts, shame they're full of freaks and misfits!
  • "Jinjos and Jiggies? Bottles and Mumbo? Remind me again why I came back, dumbo!"
  • "My Gruntbots are out there causing trouble, smashing those cretinous worlds to rubble!"
  • "Spiral Mountain isn't so great, but it's Grunty's slice of real estate!"
  • "My body's not mine and my skull's all cracked. You still can't beat me and that's a fact!"
  • "You must have gone mad from Kazooie's blabbing, lazing around for years in that cabin!"
  • "I'll build a car from sticks and twine, and still outclass your best design!"
  • "All those years since we've butted heads, and still you're wearing those horrible threads?"
  • "Hunting Jiggies, I don't see the point. Why drag us here to this dead-end joint?"
  • "You're stubborn, bear, I can't deny it. If this goes wrong, I'll start a riot!"
  • "You can't beat me good in this game, I'll still come out as an eyeball or brain!"
  • "Beating my challenge, I think you're so clever. Your next success approximately never!"
  • "Can't be long from until the finale? Don't put too much faith in the Jiggy tally!"
  • "You were so porky and in such a mess. I'm stunned you got this far, I confess!"
  • "That smell doesn't mean I'm starving to worry, it's what happens after a Dingpot curry!"

Nutty AcresEdit

  • "Now, what's this before my eyes? A coconut of such a size!"
  • "The Loco Coco this must be. Soon it's Grunty's, wait and see."
  • "With a nut so big, so hard and strong, to flatten the farm won't take too long."
  • "Loco Coco, you'll soon be mine. I'll ace this place before bedtime."
  • "The Loco Coco is lost for all time, all I have left is my talent for rhyme!"

LOGBOX 720Edit

  • "Porky bear needs to move a lot quicker, to stop the glubber being used as cat litter!"
  • "I'll give you a chance, since I'm no gloater. Race me to stop Piddles leaving a floater!"
  • "My plan's destroyed, you're in the top rank. This cat's worse than Klungo if I'm being frank!"
  • "Persistence pays off, I've always found! I've rebuilt my boat for another round!"


  • "Thick-witted bear and feather face, do you know why I'm here in this dreary place?"
  • "No, you fools, I came to lay waste. But it's already trashed. I should have made haste!"
  • "Fine then, freaks. I'll wreck it some more! Now don't interrupt my childish chore!"
  • "Useless bear, come here and fight! I stayed up building this thing all night!"
  • "Where are you, bear? I'll pound you flat, and wear the bird as a novelty hat!"
  • "You've taken the spring right out of my step. I've got to stop losing, it's ruining my rep!"
  • "Looks like I'm thwarted good and proper. This thing's become a hopping cropper!"


  • "Water Polo, it's the finest of sports, I'll never lose to a bear in shorts!"
  • "I scored all those goals in my first try. Beat that, you can't! Now don't you cry!"
  • "All those balls, and you won't come close. Just try it and you'll end up toast."
  • "I'll bash and block, ram and charge! Competitive Grunty giving it large!"
  • "Stop looking so smug, you brainless bear! You trounced me, so what? I don't even care!"
  • "9-Ball is my latest game. Grunty's the hustler, that's the name!"
  • "My new weapon's rather glorious. I'll smash your balls and be victorious!"
  • "You can't do that, it's just not fair! You pay the price, you sweaty bear!"
  • "Don't spoil my fun, you furry clown! You set 'em up, I'll knock 'em down!"
  • "You're cheating now, come on, come clean! Don't interfere with my machine!"
  • "These laser blasts were meant to break you. It's going wrong, I really hate you!"
  • "This laser makes me hard to beat. Bend down and kiss my warty feet!"
  • "Thanks for nothing, stubborn fool. You're undermining my new tool!"
  • "You took me out without missing a trick. You scruffy old bear, you make me sick!"
  • "I'm working hard to cause you grief. Now lose the torch you Jiggy thief!"
  • "Dropping stuff is tons of fun! I'll drown or squash you as you run!"
  • "I see you're making one last dash. Do try to dodge the massive splash!"

Terrarium of TerrorEdit

  • "See my vehicle, I'm proud to man it! Full of surprises and bad for the planet!"
  • "This vehicle guzzles so much gas, destroying more ozone with every pass!"
  • "Don't get in the way, your plans will flop! I'm hard to see and harder to stop!"
  • "I'd curse if this game had a higher rating, your confidence is so nauseating!"

Spiral MountainEdit

  • "You can whip the game worlds and trounce the town, don't think for a minute you'll keep me down!"
  • "My body was still, but my mind was racing, inventing new vehicles to give you a pacing!"
  • "You underestimate my cunning, hear my plan and then start running!"
  • "My minions have built them, I knew they'd look after me. I'll claim this place while you slave in that factory!"
  • "Goodbye Spiral Mountain, hello Grunty Acres! You two, prepare to meet your makers!"
  • "This monster truck's something, it can't be denied! I'll flatten you into the mountainside!"
  • "My truck's been scrapped, but I'm not one to fret. We're just getting started, don't celebrate yet!"
  • "You'll walk the plank for that, I swear. Roll on stage 3 of this epic affair!"
  • "So much for stealth, it wasn't just enough. You want me to give up with dignity? Tough!"
  • "You're still in my way, that's typically thoughtless. I'll size up the options inside this fortress!"
  • "My pirate galleon should be more successful. Avast ye swabs! You'll find this quite stressful!"
  • "It's time I switched to a stealth attack. If you can't even see me, how can you fight back?"
  • "The fortress is breached! Its defenses smashed! My vehicle options are dwindling fast."
  • "Behold the broomstick, our last fight approaches! I'll sweep you aside like troublesome roaches!"

If hitEdit

  • "I know you're not a fan of mine, but this behavior's out of line!"
  • "Don't pick on me, 'cause I'll fight back. I'll show you Grunty's breath attack!"


  • "How I lost I fail to see. A three time loser I cannot be!"
  • "Leaving me here was a big mistake! Just wait for the devious game I make!"