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List of questions from The Six of the Best

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This is a list of all possible questions that may appear in Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts during the Lord of Games' "The Six of the Best" challenge in Spiral Mountain. They are sorted by category; for convenience, the general category is also sorted by area.

General category[edit]

Showdown Town[edit]

What's wrong with Captain Blubber in Showdown Town?
He'd crashed his UFO He'd stubbed his toe He didn't know where to go He'd been attacked by a crow
Which second-rate shaman runs the garage in Showdown Town?
Mumbo Jumbo Mr. Mumbles Jumbo Bumbo Magic Mumbo
What is the name of the cake shop next to Humba's shop in Showdown Town?
Delicious Dishes Cake My Day Mr. Packet Mix Sponge Heaven
Which of these is not in Showdown Town's central square, where the Jiggy Bank stands?
Jingaling's Bingo Palace The Jiggy Bank A Jig-O-Vend Decent gameplay
What numbers are on the bingo balls outside Jingaling's Bingo Palace in Showdown Town?
3 and 91 45 and 50 11 and 44 1 and 90
How many cranes are there in the docks area of Showdown Town?
None 4 2 3
What is the name of Klungo's precious arcade game in Showdown Town?
Super Klungo Klungo-Klungooie Hero Klungo Sssavesss Teh World Klungo Kart
Which outlet is run by Boggy in Showdown Town?
Boggy's pie shop Boggy's gym Boggy's ship shop Boggy's car wash

LOGBOX 720[edit]

What is the name of the Game World based inside a console?
LOGBOX 720 Speccy 48K W.H.O.P.P.A. Conso-world
How many vertical levels does the LOGBOX 720 Game World have?
1 4 6 12
Which rotating circurlar objects can be found on Level 1 of the LOGBOX 720 Game World?
Giant cogs L.O.G.'s finest China plates Merry-go-rounds Video game discs
What flavor is the glubber tablet in the LOGBOX 720 Game World?
Strawberry Blackcurrant cheesecake Grape Carrot
What is the color of the liquid that cools down the LOGBOX 720 Game World?
Green Pink Blue Black with white dots
What hangs on a chain above the CPU chip in the LOGBOX 720 Game World?
Bats Some coats A sponge A giant lightbulb
How many legs does the central CPU chip have in the LOGBOX 720 Game World?
3 8 12 10
Which of these can be seen in the LOGBOX 720 Game World?
Chips Chops Chaps Chumps
Which character plays the part of the celebrity programmer in the LOGBOX 720 Game World?
Pikelet Jolly Dodger Mumbo Jumbo Lord Woo Fak Fak
Which videogame is featured on the largest disc in the LOGBOX 720 Game World?
Grabbed by the Ghoulies Banjo-Kazooie Dr. Klungo's Brain Draining Captain Skyhawk
Which object is on the graphics in the LOGBOX 720 Game World?
Some crayons A speaker A paint can Three small mice


What is the name of Banjoland?
Banjolard Bajnoland Banjoland Bingoland
What can be found in Terry the Terrydactyl's Nest in Banjoland?
The stench of recycled games Feathers Terry Eggs
What is the name of the large rusty metal ship in Banjoland?
The rusty bucket S.S. Gruntilda The Salty hippo H.M.S. Clanker


What color are the awnings above the Jiggoseum spectator stands?
Red Green Blue Bright pink
What did Banjo have to deliver to the hungry spectators in the Jiggosseum?
A five course meal Pizza Ice cream Tea and biscuits
Which of these is not a ball in the Jiggoseum central arena?
Basketball Baseball Tennis ball Golf ball
What's underneath the stadium in the Jiggoseum?
T.T.'s trophy cabinets Changing rooms A food hall Timewarp to when games were fun
Which item of food is not available from the stalls in the Jiggosseum food hall?
Burgers Pizza Popcorn Hot dogs

Terrarium of Terror[edit]

What is the name of Klungo's drink in the Terrarium of Terror?
Floaty Fruit Juice Diet Klungo The Tassste of the Terrarium 1-Up
What's written on the space junk rocket in the Terrarium of Terror?
U3 U2 U1 Made by L.O.G.
Which object circles the Terrarium of Terror?
A moon A ship covered in tacky ads A flaming comet A discarded satellite
What are the walls made out of in Terrarium of Terror?
Glass Rock Wood Cardboard

Spiral Mountain[edit]

How many crates are there in the quarry area just behind my back in Spiral Mountain?
None 10 6 8
What type of vegetable is seen hopping around Spiral Mountain?
Broccoli Parsnip Carrot Onion
Who has a grave outside Banjo's House in Spiral Mountain?
Tooty Banjo Bottles Grunty
What is written on your house door in Spiral Mountain?
We like window salesmen Please ring Welcome Banjo
Which of these used to lead into Grunty's Lair in Spiral Mountain?
A bridge A road A rope swing A catapult
What is at the center of Spiral Mountain?
Banjo's House Grunty's old lair What I'm standing on right now A vegetable plot


Which game featured a Banjo appearance but wasn't a Banjo game?
Diddy Kong Racing Killer Instinct Grabbed by the Ghoulies Time Lord
What's the name of Banjo's sister who hasn't been seen since Banjo-Kazooie?
Tooty Tarty Treaty Tufty
Which of these is the name of a previous Banjo game?
Ultra Banjo Universe Banjo-Threeie Banjo-Kazooie Jiggy Force Gemini
What was the name of the first level in Banjo-Kazooie?
Fulgore's Fountain Mumbo's Mountain Mayahem Temple Garden of Pointless Collection
In the good old days before all this vehicle rubbish, what did Kazooie need in order to fly?
Blue Eggs Golden Honeycombs Caffeine drinks Red Feathers
What was the much-better-than-this-one quiz called in Banjo-Kazooie?
Multiple Choice Mayhem Wheel of Misfortune Bash That Buzzer Grunty's Furnace Fun
Who knocked Grunty off her tower at the end of Banjo-Kazooie?
Her grandfather Mumbo Jumbo Klungo The Jinjonator
What was the name of the supposed secret link between Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie that some fansites still won't shut up about?
Jolt 'n' Bolt Stop 'n' Swop Pull 'n' Push Stick 'n' Stuck
In which year was Banjo-Tooie released?
1888 1998 2000 2008
Who was Banjo's adversary in Banjo-Tooie?
Kazooie Mingella Gruntilda Brentilda
What was the name of Grunty's giant life-sucking gun in Banjo-Tooie?
A.L.F. S.U.X.X.O.R.Z. B.O.B. E.R.S.A.
At the release of this game, how many years has it been since the launch of Banjo-Kazooie?
3 months 10 years 8 years 20 years
Which of the following talents does Mumbo possess?
He can juggle his eyeballs He can swap his arms and legs He can do the splits He can take his head off