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Nintendo Power

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Official guide of Banjo-Kazooie from Nintendo Power.
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Nintendo Power was an official print and online publication created by Nintendo. It started in August, 1988 as a subscription based magazine by an in-house journalism department at Nintendo of America. It specifically provided new and upcoming information and content relating to the company, their games, reviews, and game strategies. Future US, the American branch of British publisher Future, took over production in December, 2007 with Nintendo still producing and overseeing. The Magazine was officially discontinued on December 2012 after 285 issues. The brand was revived on December 20, 2017 with the Nintendo Power Podcast, with new installments being made to this day. The podcast is run by many of the same staff that worked on the original magazine, and servers a similar function, albeit in a less formal fashion.

Several issues featured content from Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie, and both were given a respective strategy guide to coincide with their releases.


Issue 109[1][edit]

  • Mumbo Jumbo is featured on page 2 in front of an inverted tiki background.
  • The same background continues into page 3, with the copy that promotes the Nintendo Power Line changed to be from Mumbo's perspective.
    • The copy reads: "You won't want to miss an appointment with Mumbo Jumbo, the mysterious witch-doctor who practices a special kind of medicine in Banjo-Kazooie.

That's Because you'll need this shaman to cast a spell to transform you into another creature. Why? Because the only way to retrieve some of the puzzle pieces is to take the form of a crocodile or other native creature.

But you'd know that if you subscribed to NINTENO POWER. So what are you waiting for? Follow the doctor's orders and order your subscription today!

Then you'll get all the tips and tricks, maps and moves, strategies and secret codes for all Nintendo games. At $19.95* a year, your subscription saves you $39.54 OFF the newsstand cover price!

Call now. You'll feel so much better. And the FREE Player's Guide can help you stay alive much longer."

  • Page 4 features Banjo and Kazooie in front of a jigsaw background that features Jinxy. Copy is at the bottom of the page
    • The copy reads: "The ugly Gruntilda has bearnapped Banjo's cute sister and stowed her away in a puzzling witch's lair. Now it's up to Banjo the bear and his breegul buddy, Kazooie, to save Tooty's hide. This month we'll guide you through the first three worlds of Banjo-Kazooie."
  • The background continues into page 5, with images on this page being cropped to have puzzle piece borders.
  • Pages 10-21 is a guide to the early game of Banjo-Kazooie. The guide is divided into several sections.
    • Opening- Gives a brief plot description
    • Banjo Treasures- A list of collectible items
    • A Message from Bottles- Explains how Bottles teaches Banjo and Kazooie new abilities throughout the game.
    • Witch's Lair- Explains several items, characters, and landmarks found in Gruntilda's Lair, as well as tips to find them.
    • Mumbo's Mountain- Explains several items, characters, and landmarks found in Mumbo's Mountain, as well as tips to find them. The level is divided into several sections, with the items in that section put on a corresponding list. These sections include Pond and Pasture, Mumbo's Mountain Summit, Stones Unhinged, Conga's Corner, and Termite Hill.
    • Treasure Trove Cove- Explains several items, characters, and landmarks found in Treasure Trove Cove, as well as tips to find them. The level is divided into several sections, with the items in that section put on a corresponding list. These sections include The Pier, Nipper the Hermit Crab, Blubber's Ship, The Lighthouse, The High Roads, Shock Jump Pillars, Tower Troubles, The Far Side, and Perilous Pools.
    • Clanker's Cavern- Explains several items, characters, and landmarks found in Clanker's Cavern, as well as tips to find them. The level is divided into several sections, with the items in that section put on a corresponding list. These sections include Rough Start, Clanker's Cave, Free Clanker, Clanker's Throat, Clanker's Belly, and Clanker's Mouth and Tail.
    • There's More on the Way- Promises that another guide that covers more of the game will be released in issue 110.
  • Banjo-Kazooie was reviewed on page 95. The graphics were rated 9.3/10. Controls were rated 8.5/10. Game design was rated 9.3/10. Satisfaction was rated 9.5/10. Sound was rated 9.0/10. The overall rating was 9.2/10.
  • Page 106 featured a reminder that another guide would be included in the next issue.

Issue 110[2][edit]

  • Page 2 and 3 are identical to those same pages in issue 109.
  • Page 5 explains that Part 2 of the Banjo-Kazooie guide is on page 18.
  • Page 18-27 picks up where the previous issue left off. Like the previous issue, the guide is split into several sections:
    • The Bear Necessities- Explains that this guide continues from the previous issue and said issue is needed to get full context.
    • Bubble Gloop Swamp- Explains several items, characters, and landmarks found in Bubble Gloop Swamp, as well as tips to find them. The level is divided into several sections, with the items in that section put on a corresponding list. These sections include In Hip Deep, The Big Egg, High Roads, Flibbits, Tanktup, Treetops, The Gator, and The Maze.
    • Freezeezy Peak- Explains several items, characters, and landmarks found in Freezeezy Peak, as well as tips to find them. The level is divided into several sections, with the items in that section put on a corresponding list. These sections include The Igloo, The Tree, Present Pile, The Village, The Snowman, I Am The Walrus, Sled Race, and Wozza's Cave.
    • Gobi's Valley- Explains several items, characters, and landmarks found in Gobi's Valley, as well as tips to find them. The level is divided into several sections, with the items in that section put on a corresponding list. These sections include The Oasis, Jinxy, Hands And Feet, Mummy's Tomb, The Ziggurat, The Maze, and Bird Shrine.
    • Grin And Bear It...- Explains that there still are worlds that have not been featured yet and will be covered in the Official Player's Guide.
  • The cover of Issue 109 was featured on page 81 as a part of a 10 year retrospective of Nintendo Power.
  • The cover of Issue 109 is used on page 83 as an example of a sweepstakes where grand prize winners would get to pick 10 games that have been featured on Nintendo Power covers.

Banjo-Kazooie Official Nintendo Player's Guide[edit]

Issue 139[edit]

Issue 140[edit]

Banjo-Tooie Official Nintendo Player's Guide[edit]

"The path to Grunty's Cauldron Keep hideout is filled with fights, flights and frights. You'll need courage, skill and some extra help from Nintendo Power to reach her putrid perch. Let our experts show you the way."

  • Detailed maps of every world to help you get your bearings
  • Easy-to-use reference sections for items, moves and more
  • Solid strategies for finding all the Jinjos and Jiggies
  • Tips for unlocking Cheato's Codes and special abilities
  • Comprehensive coverage of Multiplayer and Replay Modes

