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From Jiggywikki, a Banjo-Kazooie wiki
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  • "You know, I created the first-person shooter, I really regret that now..."
  • "No no no, it's all too painful to watch, gamers today don't want all this, they just want to shoot things! What a pity..." - L.O.G.



I love to see people give a crap about my opinion, please sign here. :)

JollyDodger Bio[edit]

Hey there folks! I be JollyDodger! I edit most major gaming Wiki's, but am more active on Nintendo ones. To make a long story short, because I'm sure y'all don't really care much for my personal life, I've played video games to unwind for almost 18 years now. My first system was a SNES when I was 6 years old. I prefer RPG's, Platformers, and Action/Adventure although I'll play pretty much any genre, the one exception to that is FPS's. I hate them. If you really want to know why? Ask me, because my problems with them shouldn't tarnish my beautiful Bio.


Banjo-Kazooie: Extremely well-done. I always liked Tooie better, but this turned me into the fan-boy you see here. The level size, graphics, music and sheer amount of things you could do/get in the game we're unheard of at the time. Aside from the that, I have to say, I've played over 200 games since the SNES came out and very few boss fights even come close up to the climactic fight on the top of Grunty's tower (Ganondorf's battle in Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of the very few.) The final fight's music is amazing. I remember being pretty frustrated with Grunty's shield when I first battled her but I laughed really hard when the Jinjos appeared to help me and said something like "Quickly brothers! Our new friends need our aid!" All in all, one of Rare's best games.

Banjo-Tooie: My favorite in the series. simply because I felt it at least doubled the content in Kazooie. The levels were even better in this one, you couldn't get all 10 jiggies in one play-through of a level, making you backtrack and letting only the determined get all 100%. Not a fan of the final boss battle however. A sad shake of the head towards Breegull Blaster, turning BK into an FPS is just... wrong...

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts: I have 3 major points to say about N&B and one of them may irk some people. (1) I LOVE it, it isn't on the same level as the first 2, but it's so much fun to play with. (2) I really want to stress this, as many of you have looked past this. BK: N&B is a good thing whether you liked the game or not, it shows Rare REMEMBERS BANJO AND KAZOOIE, it means we still have hope for Banjo-Fourie! (3) Platforming > Vehicle gameplay, but that doesn't mean it's any less fun! It's at least worth a rent if your a true BK fan.



  1. Banjo
  2. L.O.G.
  3. Jolly Roger/Dodger
  4. Grunty
  5. Mumbo



  1. Freezeezy Peak
  2. Gobi's Valley
  3. Grunty's Furnace Fun


  1. Jolly Roger's Lagoon
  2. Terrydactyland
  3. Hailfire Peaks

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts[edit]

  1. Banjoland
  2. Nutty Acres
  3. Logbox720


By fight, not character.

  1. Gruntilda(Banjo-Kazooie)
  2. Weldar
  3. Mr. Patch


  1. Submarine
  2. Bee
  3. Crocodile



  1. Gruntilda Battle
  2. Grunty's Lair
  3. Freezeezy Peak
  4. Spiral Mountain
  5. Gobi's Valley


  1. Chilly Willy/Chili Billi Boss Theme
  2. Jinjo Village
  3. Witchyworld
  4. Jolly Roger's Lagoon
  5. Hailfire Peaks

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts[edit]

  1. Banjoland (Even more nostalgic!!)
  2. Grunty Challenge Theme (More Nostalgic!)
  3. Showdown Town (You can't help but sing along with the Jingo Village segment!)
  4. Spiral Mountain (Nostalgic!)
  5. Hero Klungo Sssavesss teh World levels 1-4 (Hooray for 8-bit!)

Least Favorites[edit]


  1. Trophy Thomas
  2. Blobbelda
  3. Mingella
  4. Tooty
  5. Mr. Fit



  1. Rusty Bucket Bay
  2. Mumbo's Mountain
  3. Mad Monster Mansion


  1. Mayahem Temple
  2. Cloud Cuckooland
  3. Grunty Industries

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts[edit]

  1. Terrarium of Terror
  2. Jiggoseum
  3. Hero Klungo Sssavesss Teh World Level 4


  1. HAG 1
  2. Mr. Patch (Nuts&Bolts)
  3. Targitzan


  1. Stony Banjo
  2. Snowball Banjo
  3. Termite Banjo


To explain the more interesting choices I made in the above lists, I made this section. Alot of people don't like LOG, but comon folks, if he really is the "Lord" of Games, he made the decision to make another BK! Jolly Roger always makes me laugh, I enjoy how Rare hints that he's a little fruity, but you can't be 100% sure. Trophy Thomas just comes off on me as a punk. Blobby and Mingy stopped Grunty from rhyming, Mr. Fit just never stood out to me in Tooie, so I always wonder why they decided to put him in instead of, I dunno, Jamjars or someone more important. The Breegull Blaster ruined the final boss fight in Tooie IMO.

Currently Playing[edit]

  • Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots -PS3 *Big Boss Extreme*
  • Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts -Xbox 360 *Multiplayer with Roommate*
  • Banjo-Tooie -N64
  • Super Paper Mario -Wii
  • Pokèmon: Diamond/FireRed - DS/GBA
  • Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion- Xbox 360/PC
  • Zelda: Ocarina of Time *3-heart Run*
  • Diablo 2 *Battle-net*

Systems I Own In Order By Amount Used[edit]

  • N64
  • SNES
  • GBA/DS
  • Playstation 3
  • PC
  • Xbox 360

Currently Active on the Following Wiki's[edit]

  • Mario Wiki - [1]
  • Pokemon Wiki - [2]