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References in the Banjo-Kazooie series

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Many games made by Rare have references to other games hidden within them, and the Banjo-Kazooie series is no exception. From names of characters to pieces of music, there's another cameo around every corner if you know what to look for.


  • In the Grunty's Furnace Fun game, among the wrong answers for a question regarding Nabnut's name is "Conker the Squirrel," a reference to the main character from Conker's Pocket Tales for the Gameboy Color and its M-rated sequel Conker's Bad Fur Day for the Nintendo 64.
  • In the crew quarters of the Rusty Bucket there's a pinup picture of Berri, Conker's girlfriend, as she appears in Conker's Pocket Tales.
  • The fanfare which plays upon the player discovering a Mystery Egg or the Ice Key can also be heard in Donkey Kong 64 after feeding bananas to Scoff.


  • In Bottles' House, Bottles' son, Goggles, is seen playing with a Donkey Kong doll. In Goggles' room, he has a poster of Juno from Jet Force Gemini. In another area of the house, there is a poster of Vela from Jet Force Gemini.
  • In Witchyworld, in the Dodgem Dome Lobby, there is a constellation in the background, shaped like Rare's website mascot, Mr. Pants.
  • Loggo the toilet mentions Mario, Nintendo's mascot and the most famous and successful video game character of all time.
  • Boggy and his family return in Hailfire Peaks, living in an igloo on the Icy Side. Showing on Boggy's TV, is static, with an image of Mr. Pants appearing every few seconds.
  • In Grunty Industries, there is a fridge with the logos of Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Perfect Dark and Donkey Kong.

Other games

  • In the file selection area of Conker's Bad Fur Day, Banjo's head can be seen as a trophy mounted over the fireplace. There's also an umbrella handle which looks like Kazooie's head.
  • Both Banjo and Tiptup appeared as selectable characters in the Donkey Kong spin-off Diddy Kong Racing for the N64. The game was actually released several months before Banjo-Kazooie, and as such Tiptup is usually considered to be originally from Diddy Kong Racing, although the two games were in production at the same time, and the release of Banjo-Kazooie was also delayed.
