List of questions from Grunty's Furnace Fun

Revision as of 03:11, December 21, 2008 by bkwikia>Jimbo Jambo (Ah, no wonder)

The questions have been sorted by order of the different worlds and areas.

o = Correct Answer
x = Incorrect Answer

Spiral Mountain

  • Spiral Mountain's got my face, how many molehills are in this place?
x - 9
o - 8
x - 7
  • In Spiral Mountain, fields are green, which veggie baddie isn't seen?
x - Topper the Carrot
x - Colliwobble the Cauliflower
o - Spuddy the Potato

Gruntilda's Lair

  • You found enough, you know the score, how many notes for the first note door?
x - 100
x - 75
o - 50
  • Me and her look just the same, Grunty's sister what's her name?
o - Brentilda
x - Bruntella
x - Boghandle

Mumbo's Mountain

  • In Mumbo's Village in the middle, which tall object solves this riddle?
x - Lu-Be-Ju the Totem Pole
o - Juju the Totem Pole
x - Tojo the Totem Pole
  • In Mumbo's Mountain you don't know, what does that big gorilla throw?
o - Oranges
x - Chocolates
x - Barrels
  • On Mumbo's Mountain in the lake, what's in there make no mistake?
o - A school of fish
x - A dirty hippo
x - A hungry shark
  • Mumbo's Mountain is a thrilla, what's the name of the gorilla?
o - Conga
x - Wonga
x - Bonga
  • Mumbo's Mountain, Bottles is there, which move was learned, you stupid pair?
o - Talon Trot
x - Shock Jump
x - Wonderwing Invulnerability
  • Mumbo's Mountain is easy for sure, how many Jigsaws open its door?
o - 1
x - 2
x - 3
  • On Mumbo's Mountain, it's not dull, what's in the eye of Mumbo's Skull?
o - Something Else
x - Musical Notes
x - Mumbo Token
  • On Mumbo's Mountain, surrounded by sea, there's a Jinjo, what color is he?
x - Green
o - Blue
x - Black
  • On Mumbo's Mountain, they look flash, how many huts were there to smash?
o - 6
x - 5
x - 8
  • There's a tower in which they hide, on Mumbo's Mountain, what's inside?
x - Fatty the Bat
o - Ticker the Termite
x - Bongo the Bee

Treasure Trove Cove

  • In Treasure Trove Cove, within this game, what is the leaking bucket's name?
x - Holey
o - Leaky
x - Mr. Sieve
  • In Treasure Trove you need quick legs, which of my nasties ate your eggs?
x - Lockup the Treasure Chest
x - Snippet the Crab
o - Yum-Yum the Clam
  • Jinjos are a crafty lot, on Treasure Trove Cove, where are they not?
o - Inside a giant treasure chest
x - Under the pier at the start
x - On top of a tree
  • My hungry shark will end your game, on Treasure Trove Cove, what's his name?
x - Slacker
o - Snacker
x - Stacker
  • Of these items on the ground, on Treasure Trove Cove, which was first found?"
x - Gold Feathers
x - Feather Dusters
o - Red Feathers
  • On Treasure Trove Cove, there is a boat, what's its name, it doesn't float?
o - The Salty Hippo
x - The Sweaty Rhino
x - The Wobbly Whale
  • Treasure Trove's got Cap'n Blubber, what's wrong with that sobbing lubber?
o - He'd lost his gold
x - He wanted a drink
x - He couldn't remember his name
  • Treasure Trove Cove's got a treasure hunt, how many X's, you little runt?
x - More
o - 6
x - 5
  • Treasure Trove Cove's Sandcastle floor, is missing a letter, guess once more?
x - X
x - None of them
o - Q
  • Treasure Trove Cove had a feature, what was the giant armored creature?
o - A giant hermit crab
x - A mighty tank
x - A huge metal whale

Clanker's Cavern

  • In Clanker's Cavern it's a pain, what's attached to Clanker's chain?
x - A Huge Boulder
x - A Colossal Cauldron
o - A Massive Anvil
  • Inside Clanker spinning fast, what was tough for you to get past?
x - Rotating merry-go-round
o - Rotating sawblades
x - Rotating bones
  • Clanker's Cavern whale needed air, what did you swim through way down there?
x - A series of hoops
o - A large key
x - The sound barrier
  • Clanker's Cavern smells real stale, how many ways to get into the whale?
o - More than 4
x - 6
x - Less than 5

Bubblegloop Swamp

  • In Bubblegloop Swamp, there's no doubt, which of these is the odd one out?
x - Red Frog
x - Yellow Frog
o - Green Frog
  • The crocodiles in Bubblegloop Swamp, give me the names of what they chomp?
x - YumYums and BumBums
x - Bumblies and Dumblies
o - Yumblies and Grumblies
  • In Bubblegloop Swamp, tell me now, which fact's made up by this old cow?
x - There are two different colored frogs
o - Bottles teaches you two new moves
x - It features two crocodiles
  • In Bubblegloop Swamp's marshy mound, what thing's highest above the ground?
x - A muddy turtle
x - A turtle
o - A mud hut

Freezeezy Peak

  • Here's three facts on Freezeezy Peak, the one that's true is what you seek!
o - It features five bears
x - Five giant ice cubes live there
x - There are five snowmen
  • Freezeezy's slalom course is crass, through how many gates do you pass?
o - 38
x - 28
x - 48
  • Freezeezy Peak is full of snow, but which of these isn't on show?
x - A pathetic polar bear
x - A wobbly walrus
o - A slippery seal
  • On Freezeezy Peak you have been, but which of these can't be seen?
x - Christmas Tree
o - Christmans Pudding
x - Christmas Presents
  • Freezeezy Snowman's Giant scarf, what are its colors that make me barf?
o - Yellow and red
x - Green and grey
x - Orange and red

Gobi's Valley

  • In a pyramid, some tiles you match, who's not included in this batch?
x - Jinjo
o - Gruntilda
x - Mumbo Jumbo
  • Gobi's Valley had many a trick, how many pyramids, take your pick?
x - 3
o - 4
x - 5
  • An easy one or maybe a jinx, how many carpets in Gobi's Sphinx?
x - 6
x - 4
o - 5
  • In Gobi's Valley there's a tree, on its head what can you see?
x - A hat
x - A leafy wig
x - A pair of sunglasses

Mad Monster Mansion

  • The haunted mansion in my ground, how many ways in could be found?
x - 9
x - 8
x - 7
  • Playing my music is his game, what's the church ghost hand's name?
x - Strausand
x - Bachand
o - Motzand
  • Mad Monster Mansion is real hard, but what's not found in the graveyard?
x - Gravestones
o - Ghosts
x - Flowers

Rusty Bucket Bay

  • The boxes in the hold of Rusty Bucket Bay, how many to break would you say?
x - 9
o - 15
x - 11
  • Here's three facts about Rusty Bay, pick the one that's true today!
x - The engine room has four cogs
o - There are four lifeboats
x - The ship has three funnels
  • Get this wrong you little toad, Rusty Bay's whistles, what's the code?
x - 213-111
o - 312-111
x - 321-123
  • In Rusty Bay you have been, but what on the walls isn't seen?
x - Toll 8
o - Toll 7
x - Toll 6

Click Clock Wood

  • In Click Clock Wood I've no doubt, in which season is there a drought?
x - Autumn
x - Winter
o - Summer
  • In Click Clock Wood the eagle's lame, can you recall the stupid bird's name?
o - Eyrie
x - Beerie
x - Goldie
  • Click Clock Wood's Winter is dull, what's Mumbo doing in his skull?
x - Building a snowman
x - Warming himself by the fire
o - He's not even there

Information About Gruntilda

(Note: Answers to personal questions about Gruntilda are random and are different on every game file. Only Brentilda can reveal the true answers for that particular file.)

  • A little more, it wouldn't hurt, what would I have for dessert?
x - Cockroaches and Cream
x - Eyeball Ice-Cream
x - Rat Sorbet
  • Grunty's got a beautiful pose, where do I get my delightful clothes?
x - The Witches Warehouse
x - The Trashcan
x - Saggy Maggy's Boutique
  • Don't be smart, you've not won yet, when I was small, what was my pet?
x - A Baby Dragon
x - A Greasy Warthog
x - A Mad Vulture
  • Is it this, now let me think, what is Grunty's favorite drink?
x - Cold Worm Juice
x - Camel Spit Milkshake
x - Smoothie Elephant Sweat
  • It keeps me safe and free from harm, what have I as a lucky charm?
x - A Dragon's Foot
x - A Loogie-Filled Hanky
x - A Shrunken Head
  • I really wish I was thinner, what does Grunty like for dinner?
x - Slug Stew
x - Maggot Pie
x - Dog Dung Burgers
  • Do you know, and can you tell, what on earth's my favorite smell?
x - Freshly Burst Boils
x - Sweaty Gorilla Feet
x - Putrid Parrot Puke
  • Let's see if your memory's foggy, What's the name of my pet doggy?
x - Ripper
x - Bignacka
x - Legchomper
  • We didn't wash, there was no pool, where did I go to witch school?
x - St. Dungball's
x - Fat Hag High
x - Cauldron College
  • Look at my hair, see it flow, what's it washed with, do you know?
x - Rancid milk
x - Engine oil
x - Baked beans
  • 'Cuz of all those spells I lend, whom at school was my best friend?
x - Sweaty Betty
x - Saggy Maggy
x - Fatty Hatty
  • Guess this right or you may lose, what's the only color I'd choose?
x - Ghastly grey
x - Gruesome green
x - Dung brown
  • Banjo's stupid Grunty's cool, what was my name at witches' school?
x - Jelly Belly
x - Hog Breath
x - Cauldron Butt
  • The news stand is where I've been, what's my favorite magazine?
x - Big Butts and Guts
x - Fat Hag Monthly
x - Warty Girls Weekly
  • Across the sky I love to glide, what type of broomstick do I ride?
X - Rough Rider
x - Super Gutlifter Pro
x - Lardmaster 2000
  • I like 'em fried, they're quite a treat, what for breakfast do I eat?
x - Tadpoles on toast
x - Rat bagels
x - Spider pancakes

Basic Game Information

  • At Mumbo's Skull you made a stop, how many feathers were on top?
x - 4
o - 3
x - 2
  • Get this wrong, make a mistake, which color Jingo is a fake?
x - Green
x - Yellow
o - Brown
  • She will soon be fat and lame, what is your little sister's name?
o - Tooty
x - Looty
x - Booty
  • When your air meter's on the screen, how many segments can be seen?
x - 7
o - 6
x - 5
  • Your moves are slow, style they lack, what's the name of your jump attack?
o - Rat-a-tat Rap
x - Bill-a-bong Beak
x - Pik-a-pok Peck

Grunty's Furnace Fun

  • You can't win, I've been assured, how many squares are on this board?"
x - 113
o - 94
x - 78

Visual challenges

  • See the picture on the screen, do you know where you have been?
  • Here’s a character from the game, Do you know the dumb/cool thing’s name?

Physical challenges

  • Mighty Big Box you must now fight, but be quick as the time is tight! (Boss Boom Box battle)
  • Little stings that make a bear shout, whack them all before time's out! (Zubbas battle)
  • The tiles await for you to match, time is tight, but that's the catch! (Gobi's Valley's memory match)
  • This is tough, your chances are slim, of you eating more than him! (Mr. Vile's eating contest, a more difficult form of the third version)
  • The name of your game you must spell, backwards through, be quick as well! (Type "EIOOZAKOJNAB" on the Sandcastle floor)
  • Tiptup's turles sing their song, repeat it quick, you won't get long! (The Tiptup Choir's seven-note song, no chance to have it repeated)

Sound challenges

  • Listen carefully then make your choice, which character has this silly voice?
  • Listen carefully then make your choice, which character has this cool voice? (when the answer is Gruntilda)