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Difference between revisions of "Banjo-Kazooie (Xbox Live Arcade)"

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(→‎Trivia: Not *All* of the Nintendo references were removed; Banjo still plays a gameboy in his cabin)
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Revision as of 00:03, June 21, 2010

Template:Infobox game info Banjo-Kazooie was ported to the Xbox Live Arcade on December 3rd, 2008. The game is essentialy identical to its N64-based original, with some minor differences, like the obvious change of controls and the existence of an online leaderboard, in which the state of completion of the game and the needed amount of time are recorded. The graphics are also slightly improved. The original graphics of the N64 remain, but the textures are now high resolution. The only major changing in the graphics is the icon of Banjo and Kazooie next to the healthbar. Notes, once collected, don't appear again, if one exits the level and reenters it or loses a life. The dialogue text uses a different font, which happens to be the same initial font used in Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts.

Stop 'n' Swop

There are seven Stop 'n' Swop items through out the game. Pink Mystery Egg is in the Treasure Trove Cove cave that is only in Banjo-Kazooie XBLA. Ice Key is in Wozza's cave in Freezeezy Peak. Blue Mystery Egg is in the tomb in Gobi's Valley. Green Mystery Egg is in Loggo the Toilet and Cyan Mystery Egg is in the wine barrels in Mad Monster Mansion. Red Mystery Egg is in Rusty Bucket Bay on the Captain's Bed in the Captain's Quarters. Yellow Mystery Egg is in Click Clock Wood when it's winter in Nabnut's house.



  • The new programming of the notes actually lead to a bug in the Arcade version. If one played the secret Bottles-Puzzles before the notes shown in the puzzle are collected, and the computer controlled Banjo collects them (like in the puzzle showing a room from Mad Monster Mansion) the notes stay collected and can not be found by the player himself. A patch released shortly after the release of the game solves this problem.
  • Some of the Nintendo references have been taken out of the game. Some references are on the opening and main menu. In the opening, whereas the N64 version of the game has Mumbo playing an Xylophone with the Nintendo logo on it, in the XBLA version it is replaced with a Microsoft Games Studios logo and in the main menu, Microsoft took out the Game Boy start-up sound from the Game Boy Banjo is playing.
