Spiral Mountain

Revision as of 15:02, September 13, 2008 by bkwikia>Meta58

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Spiral Mountain is a world featured in all of the games in the Banjo-Kazooie Series so far and will also be appearing in the as of yet unreleased game, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. It gets its name from the large spiral shaped mountain at its center that is surrounded by a moat.

Players start off here in all three of the main games where it acts like a tutorial for new players to the game, teaching them basic controls and moves to help them through the game. Banjo lives at Spiral Mountain along with Kazooie, Bottles and Tooty.


To be added



Banjo lives here along with Kazooie, Tooty and Bottles. After Gruntilda kidnapps Tooty, Bottles trains Banjo and Kazooie in some of the game's basic moves.


  • Banjo's House
  • Grunty's Bridge
  • Farm
  • Tree Stumps
  • Spiral Mountain (mountain)
  • Gruntilda's Lair entrance
  • Waterfall


Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge



Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

  • Spiral Mountain (mountain)

Abilities Learned


Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge




  • Jinjo #1 under waterfall on right(need talon torpedo)

Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge

A Spiral Mountain Jinjo

The five Spiral Mountain Jinjos are Pink.

  • It may take only with the platform of leap
  • In water behind the Spiral Mountain

Extra Honeycombs

  • Defeat the 4th Quarrie once you have learnt the Beak barge ability
  • Defeat all enemies
  • On tree stumps where you learn jumps
  • On top of the tree next to where you learn how to swim
  • On a ledge between waterfalls
  • In a small cave underwater, underneath the bridge

Cheato Pages

  • In a cave next to Grunty's old lair (shock jump)

Extra Lives

  • Use the platforms behind the large waterfall to jump inside a small alcove.
  • Use the trash cans, on the left side of Banjo's house, and jump onto the roof. Stand on the chimney and jump to get the Extra Life.


Spiral Mountain Jinjo Oracle



  • Jinjos are magical creatures that look like me, but smaller. There's a pink one far to my left. Listen out for their distinctive call.
  • Gruntilda has cast a spell on the Jiggy Priest. He needs your help in his temple to the South.
  • Spiral Mountain sits to the North. On your way there, why not stop by and visit Honey B.'s Hive?
  • Gruntilda's magic is strongest here, around her lair. Mumbo Jumbo has done well to keep away.
  • Poor little Jinjos. Gruntilda's scattered them in all sorts of awkward places.
  • Well done, you've freed all of Spiral Mountain's Jinjos! Maybe the Jinjos will be able to settle down when Grunty has been defeated.




Grunty's Revenge


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