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Items in Banjo-Kazooie

From Jiggywikki, a Banjo-Kazooie wiki
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This page is a listing of items in Banjo-Kazooie.


Artwork Name Description
BK Blue Egg art.png Egg Eggs are collectible items that Kazooie can use as projectile once taught by Bottles.
BK Extra Honeycomb Piece art.png Empty Honeycomb Piece Items that are hidden in every level. By collecting a certain number of them, an extra honeycomb is added into Banjo and Kazooie's health bar.
BK Extra Life art.png Extra Life As the name suggests, Extra Lives give another life to Banjo and Kazooie. A few of them are hidden in each level.
BK Golden Feather art.jpg Gold Feather Gold Feathers allow Kazooie to use Wonderwing for a longer period of time.
BK Honeycomb art.png Honeycomb Honeycombs restore a missing segment of Banjo and Kazooie's health bar, if they have previously been injured.
BK Jiggy art.png Jiggy Jiggies are the main collectible item, and are required to finish the incomplete Jigsaw Pictures throughout Grunty's Lair. If the duo complete a picture, its corresponding level is unlocked.
BK Green Jinjo art.png Jinjo Jinjos are small, colorful creatures, and five of them are located throughout each level. By rescuing all of them in a level, Banjo and Kazooie are rewarded with a Jiggy.
BK Mumbo Token art.jpg Mumbo Token By collecting a certain number of Mumbo Tokens, Banjo and Kazooie can go to a Mumbo's Hut where Mumbo transforms Banjo into another creature or vehicle.
BK Musical Note art.png Musical Note Each level features 100 Musical Notes. Collecting them adds up to a best score within the level, and the combined total allows Banjo and Kazooie to open Note Doors throughout Gruntilda's Lair. If the duo lose a life or leave the level, all Musical Notes are reset back to their original positions.
BK Red Feather art.png Red Feather Red Feathers allow Kazooie to flap higher while airborne.
BK Turbo Trainers art.png Running Shoes Kazooie can use the Running Shoes temporarily to rapidly move around after Bottles teaches her the Turbo Talon Trot.
BK Wading Boots art.png Wading Boots Kazooie can temporarily use the Wading Boots to walk through swamp or icy water without harm.