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Hag 1

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The Hag 1 is the drill-equipped tank used by the Winkybunion sisters throughout Banjo-Tooie. It's first used by Mingella and Blobellda to rescue Gruntilda, and as it burrows its way through the Isle O' Hags, it causes massive destruction, scattering and mowing down the poor Jinjos. Finally, right at the end of the game, Gruntilda pilots it in her final battle with Banjo and Kazooie.


Stage 1 - Laser Tag

Grunty turns on two lasers of the Hag 1 and makes it spin around. If you simply stand still and jump whenever a laser comes to you, you won't get hit. Eventually, Grunty will pop out of the hatch and ask you a question. If you get the question right, she'll use a slower attack. If you get it wrong, she'll fire her spells much faster.

You'll switch into Breegull Blaster mode. Press up C until you're high enough to blast her. Switch to Grenade Eggs and hold right C or left C. As long as you keep moving, you won't get hit. Blast her with four Grenade Eggs, since each Egg does three damage. You can't get her any lower than 90, so stop when you've done so.

Gruntilda goes back into the hatch and drops a honeycomb. Save it for later, when you're low on honeycombs.

Stage 2 - Harder Laser Tag

Grunty turns on another two lasers of the Hag 1 and makes it spin around. If you simply stand still and jump whenever a laser comes to you, you won't get hit, despite the fact that there are four lasers. This time, the Hag 1 spins a lot faster, but it still isn't hard to dodge the lasers. Don't switch to Talon Trot, or you'll being facing backwards when you go into Breegull Blaster mode. Eventually, Grunty will pop out of the hatch and ask you a question. If you get the question right, she'll use a slower attack. If you get it wrong, she'll fire her spells much faster.

Once you're in Breegul Blaster mode, aim at Grunty. Strafe left or right to avoid her spells. You won't get hit if you keep moving. Use the control stick to aim. After you've lowered her to 80 HP, stop, because you can't do any more damage right now.

Save the honeycomb Grunty drops for later, when you really need them.

Stage 3 - Pop Goes the Bear

Grunty deactivates the lasers and calls in the mortar cannons. This time, you want to switch to Talon Trot. Head around in a circle. The Hag 1 will spin, then stop and fire a cannon. It's easy to dodge the initial blast, but you also have to jump, or the shrapnel will hit you. You know when the blasting is over when the Hag 1 stops for a long time. When that happens, get out of Talon Trot and face her. She'll pop out of the hatch and ask a question. Answer it correctly so she uses her slower attacks.

If you want to avoid the spells, you have to move non-stop. Fire Grenade Eggs at her and aim with the control stick. You might have to adjust your vertical direction with the up and down C buttons so you can hit her. Blast her down to 70 HP.

Grunty drops another honeycomb, but don't waste it! You'll be needing them eventually...

Stage 4 - Pop Goes the Bear and the bird

Grunty will call in another mortar cannon. This time the Hag 1 spins faster and the blast is larger. There is also more shrapnel to avoid. If you stay in Talon Trot and keep moving and jumping when the shrapnel comes, you shouldn't get hit. However, you have to move back a little when you jump or you'll land on the shrapnel and get hurt anyways. Answer Grunty's question correctly or she'll use the quick spells.

Again, keep moving right or left and aim with the control stick. Blast her down to 60 HP with Grenade Eggs. When you hit 60 HP, stop firing or you'll just waste eggs.

Grunty drops another honeycomb, fortunately. Save them for the later stages of the battle.

Stage 5 - Crank Up the Drill...

Grunty calls the cannons back in, fires up the drill, and switches on two lasers. She also opens the exhaust port to air out the engine. You absolutely have to Talon Trot if you expect to avoid damage. She'll spin around, then try to move forward with the drill, attempting to hit you. Talon Trot to the edge of the castle. Eventually, she'll throw in a sudden change in direction. You have to anticipate these so you can jump at the right moment. It's much easier if you make sure you're equally distant from both lasers on your sides. You want to be near the edge, but not on the absolute edge, or you won't be able to jump properly. You also have to be near the back of the Hag 1. Don't expect to be constantly in the back, but you want to be near it when she stops. Once Grunty pops out of the hatch, answer her question and start blasting.

You have to be a little more careful when you strafe. The lasers stay turned on, so you only have a limited area to move. Keep an eye on the lasers or you'll strafe right into them. Blast her with grenade eggs until she's down to 50 HP.

The engine will crack down because of her reckless driving. Quickly shoot a Clockwork Kazooie and make it jump into the exhaust port, which isn't letting out exhaust anymore. If you don't make it before the exhaust comes out again, you'll have to go through another round of dodging lasers and the drill.

Hop over the cables inside the Hag 1 and avoid the enemies. Clockwork Kazooie bombs detonate automatically on contact with enemies, so you don't want to hit them. Head to the back and blow up either of the batteries.

Grunty hears the explosion and proceeds to the next stage.

Stage 6 - And Switch Four Laserz On

This stage can be pretty difficult, but if you make it out, you stand a pretty good chance of winning. The Hag 1 is a lot faster and changes direction more suddenly as well. If you don't anticipate the direction changes, you're going to get hit. Stay equidistant between the two lasers to make the direction changes as easy as possible. The drill will force you back, but head to the left or right a little if you get too close to the edge. Being right on the edge will impair your ability to jump. Stay close to the back of the Hag 1, as you'll need to be for this stage. Grunty will eventually pop her question, so answer it correctly for the sake of you

When you see that you're about to strafe into a laser, head back the other way. Keep changing direction like this and you won't get hit by her spells. Blast her with Grenade Eggs down to 40 HP. It's okay to start picking up honeycombs now, as you might be running low.

Grunty drops another honeycomb.

The engine breaks down, so fire another clockwork Kazooie into the exhaust port.

Hop the cables and destroy the other battery.

Stage 7 - No! Poor Mr. Drill...

This stage is extremely easy. With both batteries destroyed, Hag 1 shuts down. Grunty's fed up, so she sticks to the fast spells now and ditches the questions, but you have unlimited space to move as Mr. Drill is no longer here to scare you and neither are the lasers. Just strafe left or right to dodge the spells. Blast her down to 30 HP to start the next phase. The rest of the battle is in Breegull Blasting mode, by the way.

Grunty drops a honeycomb. Pick it up if you are in need.

Stage 8 - The Flying Minions

Grunty ponders whether or not there's anything left the Hag 1 can do, and indeed, there are still a couple of tricks you haven't seen. Grunty sends minions to hop out of the hatch and attack you.

The minions can actually be a good thing. First of all, if you keep moving, you probably won't get hit by them. Second of all, they sometimes drop honeycombs, and I bet you'll be needing them now. Strafe to avoid the spells and blast Grunty down. In between spells (you have to be really fast), grab a honeycomb or kill off a minion. This is of superb importance.

When you lower her to 15 HP, stop. She drops a honeycomb and starts the next stage.

Stage 9 - Toxic Shock Attack

I should note that minions keep coming out here, and Grunty continues to fire spells. She releases purple cyanide and mustard gas into the air, limiting the amount of time you have to kill her. You should've gotten 10 bubbles from Roysten, so you definitely shouldn't lose due to running out of oxygen.

Continue blasting her with Grenade Eggs. You might not have many Grenade Eggs left, so switch to Blue Eggs and blast her down. Keep strafing to avoid minions and spells. Pick up honeycombs in between spells. When you get her down to a mere 1 HP, the final stage begins, after she drops a honeycomb, of course.

Stage 10 - Winkybunion's Big Oops

Gruntilda, finally through messing around, prepares her most powerful spell ever, and as she does, she lets her last name slip out. Keep strafing. DO NOT STOP OR YOU WILL DIE! You probably are down to a couple honeycombs, and her final purplish spell will roast you if you stop moving. She doesn't stop firing these things, so you can't rest. What you have to do is shoot an egg at her while she holds the spell, causing her to drop the explosive spell. Oops.

Grunty doesn't manage to find the spell in time, and as a result, the entire Hag 1 along with her body explodes into a million pieces. Congratulations, you've beaten Grutilda Winkybunion!

Banjo and Kazooie head to the party at Bottles' house.

Attack lists

Most attacks are Grunty's spells. But the machine's attacks include...

  • Mortar canons
  • Lasers
  • The Drill
  • Gas

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