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Objects in Banjo-Kazooie

From Jiggywikki, a Banjo-Kazooie wiki
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This page shows a list of objects in Banjo-Kazooie.


Artwork Name Description
Beehive Beehives are breakable objects containing three Honeycombs inside.
Exit Pad Each level has an Exit Pad, which is how Banjo and Kazooie enter and leave the area.
Flight Pad A Flight Pad springs up Banjo and Kazooie, who then spreads out her wings and flies in the air.
Molehill By approaching a Molehill, Banjo and Kazooie can speak to Bottles, who teaches them a new ability from each Molehill.
Shock Jump Pad These pads allow Banjo and Kazooie to perform the Shock Spring Jump to reach some higher areas.
Witch Switch There is a Witch Switch in each level. Banjo and Kazooie can use Beak Buster on it, causing a Jiggy to spawn in the level's corresponding room within Grunty's Lair.