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Banjo-Kazooie (Xbox Live Arcade)

From Jiggywikki, a Banjo-Kazooie wiki
Revision as of 02:42, March 9, 2009 by bkwikia>Banjosfera
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Template:Infobox game info This port of the original B-K has been brought to the XBLA. It was released on December 3rd, 2008. The main changes are the polished graphics and new control system. Other changes were when you collect Musical Notes you keep them, so when you go back into a world you don't need to collect all the notes again. Some glitches are that if you collect a Jiggy and don't trigger the short cutscene the data is lost. If you use cheat codes for Stop 'n' Swop your score can´t be introduced in score board.

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