List of questions from the Tower of Tragedy Quiz

Revision as of 23:24, February 4, 2009 by bkwikia>DarknessLord ( great list, not all of them, but a lot of them)

Template:Under construction

The questions have been sorted by order of the different worlds and areas.

o = Correct Answer
x = Incorrect Answer

General Knowledge

What color are the normal blue eggs?
x - White
o - Blue
x - Red

What do the Jinjos say when they are rescued?
o - Jinjo!
x - I'm free!
x - Cheers!

What color is Mumbo's feeble energy staff attack?
x - Yellow
x - White
o - Pink

Which of the Banjo-only moves is activated by holding Template:Z and pressing Template:C-up?
o - Sack Pack
x - Snack Pack
x - Shack Pack

Isle o' Hags

How many egg nests are there in Heggy's Egg Shed?
x - 5
x - 1
o - 3

Where does King Jingaling live?
x - In a shed
x - In a boat
o - In a throne room

How many times did Banjo defeat Klungo?
x - 2
o - 3
x - 1

What is the name of the female bee who gives you extra energy?
x - Buzzy B
x - Bumble B
o - Honey B

Who lives in Jinjo Village?
x - Master Jiggywiggy
x - Banjo
o - The Jinjos

What type of doll is Bottles' daughter playing with in Jinjo Village?
x - Joanna Dark x - Banjo o - Donkey Kong

What can be found in the Isle o' Hags Quagmire area?
o - A railway bridge x - A large dinosaur head x - A Mumbo Skull

What color Jinjo house did the digger flatten in Jinjo Village?
o - Grey x - Yellow x - White

Mayahem Temple

What had Terrydactyland's nasty Unga cavemen stolen from Mayahem Temple?
o - A gold relic
x - A car
x - A sacred stone

What animal had a problem with a plague of flies?
o - A cow
x - A pterodactyl
x - A monkey

Who is the 'Mighty Mayan God of Target-Shooting?
o - Targitzan
x - Fryingpan
x - Marzipan

What is the name of World 1?
o - Mayahem Temple
x - Glitter Gulch Mine
x - Mayahem Mine

How did Banjo get inside the Kickball Stadium in Mayahem Temple?
x - With a grenade egg
o - Disguised as a stony
x - Bribes the guard

Which of these areas is found in Mayahem Temple?
x - Targitzan's Almost Sacred Chamber
o - Targitzan's Slightly Sacred Chamber
x - Targitzan's Super Secret Chamber

Which image isn't on Mayahem Temple's prison switches?
x - A sun
o - Haley's Comet
x - A star

What does Mayahem Temple's catlike warrior baddy carry?
o - A club
x- A spade
x- The Queen of Hearts

Which of these areas is not found in Mayahem Temple?
x - Jade Snake Grove
x - Kickball Stadium
o - Dart Gun Fields

Glitter Gulch Mine

What had the prospector lost in Glitter Gulch Mine?
o - His partner
x - His wallet
x - His pickaxe

What is the name of World 2?
x - Jolly Roger's Mine
o - Glitter Gulch Mine
x - Grunty's Mine

Who lurked in the train's boiler in Glitter Gulch Mine?
o - Old King Coal
x - Big Bad Boiler Beast
x - Master Pufta

What is the name of the train that travels between the worlds?
o - Chuffy
x - Pufta
x - Guffo


What is in the Haunted Cavern's Zoo?
x -
x - The Stick Styracosaurus
o - Gobi the Camel

What is the name of the saucer ride in Witchyworld?
x - Saucer of Milk
o - Saucer of Peril
x - Saucer of Tragedy

Jolly Roger's Lagoon

What is the name of Jolly Roger's partner in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
x - Happy Haggy
o - Merry Maggie
x - Mucky Manky

Which sea-based creature is not seen in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
x - Octopus
o - Shark
x - Anglerfish

Who is not found in Jolly's?
o - Captain Blubber
x - Jamjars
x - Jolly Roger


What is wrong with the dinosaur who lived in the lake inside Terrydactyland's mountain?
x - Broken Neck
o - Stomach Cramp
x - Headache

What do you have to shoot inside the Chompasaur's belly in Terrydactyland?
x - Boils
x - Balloons
o - Ulcers

Grunty Industries

How many floors does Grunty Industries' service elevator stop at?
x - 4
o - 5
x - 6

The oil pipe in the Grunty Industries Waste Disposal Plant comes from where?
x - Jolly Roger's Lagoon
x - Glitter Gulch Mine
o - Hailfire Peaks

What is at the very top of the lift shaft in Grunty Industries?
o - Signposts
x - A Jinjo
x - An egg nest

Hailfire Peaks

Boggy the Polar Bear has given up sled racing to do what?
x - Go fishing
o - Watch TV
x - Read pawn magazines

What are the names of Mr. and Mrs. Ice Cube in Hailfire Peaks?
x - Ed and Gabby
x - Albert and Ethel
o - George and Mildred

Which of these is one of Boggy's kids?
o - Soggy
x - Doggy
x - Foggy

Which of these is an area in Hailfire Peaks?
o - Icicle Grotto
x - Boggy's Den
x - Crystal Caverns

Cloud Cuckooland

What is Mingy Jongo announced as in Cloud Cuckooland?
x - Devious Mumbo-a-like
o - Crafty Shaman Impersonator
x - Fiendish Master of Disguise

Cauldron Keep