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Mention of hacks[edit]

The trivia section describes visiting the Stomping Plains as a Van, which is only possible via a hacking device or an emulator. Since these alter the game in ways that were not intended, I generally try to avoid their mention altogether unless their use solves some big mystery, like Bottles' Revenge or what's behind a certain inaccessible door. Since this doesn't really, shall I just remove it? Jimbo-Jambo 00:28, September 2, 2011 (UTC)

Go ahead. You may remove it. Conker's Bad Fur Day 16:20, September 2, 2011 (UTC)

annoying enemy[edit]

stomponadon is the most annoying enemy!

Stomponado's Gender[edit]

I have read somewhere here in Banjo-Kazooie wiki a quote of Gruntilda calling Stomponadon a girl. I don't remember she talking it on the game. Now I am confused, is Stomponado a boy or a girl?

Template:Grunty_quote Here it is.

File:Stompoandon enderg.png


Where in any game does Grunty say that the Stomponadon is a she? I need a source. I am certain that she never does say that. The Ice Key, the sole Banjo-Kazooie character who is a Yooka-Laylee supporter! (talk) 22:10, April 9, 2018 (UTC)