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From Jiggywikki, a Banjo-Kazooie wiki
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It has been decided that Jiggywikki will no longer support this feature. This page is kept and protected strictly for historical purposes.


This page is for all the news that had been featured on the Main Page. It keeps track of all the history of the wiki which is irreplaceable.

News in italics was not listed on the wiki news template. This may be because the template was not created that early.


2007 was when the wiki was started and the founder did heaps of work to get it on its feet.


  • The wiki was requested on Wikia at
  • On 28th of August 2007, the Banjo-Kazooie Wiki was created






2008 was when the wiki started to get the majority of its users. It grew and more efforts and ideas were used to boost notability.




  • The wiki is improving with more users creating more articles!


  • Numerous infoboxes have been created. Make sure to add them to appropriate articles.
  • The wiki's url has been submitted to Google. Its Google ranking may increase soon.
  • An About Us box has recently been added to the main page. Make sure to edit it with appropriate information about the wiki's history and goal.
  • A Featured Video box has recently been added to the main page.
  • A Grunty Quote of the Month box has been added to the main page. As the wiki begins to grow in members, the quote rate will most likely rise to a weekly quote.
  • A Did You Know... box has been added to the wiki. This template requires much information. Make sure to edit it with appropriate information.
  • The wiki has reached 300 articles as of April 10, 2008
  • We may be merging with another wiki. Keep notified about the changes
  • The Wiki's sound playing system has been established. Articles may now have sound files in them.
  • The wiki has reached 400 articles as of April 30, 2008



  • Chicken7, Arav the Undersith, Jimbo Jambo and Dekudan312 are now all administrators.


  • A IRC channel was made after Arav the Undersith asked Darth Tom to make it. Please see the forum post.
  • The wiki now has a YouTube channel thanks to Dekudan312. See here.
  • The 500th article on the wiki, Future Fun Land, was created on July 19, 2008.