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Forum:How do you like the new version of banjo-kazooie?

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Forums: Index > Jolly's Tavern > How do you like the new version of banjo-kazooie?

hey do any of you like the new version of banjo and kazooie?? well to me they look ugly!-Boba fett 32 00:39, 5 October 2008 (UTC)

You mean the character designs from Nuts & Bolts? Pretty shocking at first, as any redesign would naturally be, but I think I could get used to it. Jimbo-Jambo

yeah and they should do the old version of them but oh well..-Boba fett 32 20:35, 10 October 2008 (UTC)

  • I am outraged at how Rare changed the game play/looks of the game. It will be fun for kids as it was for me. BK 1 and 2 are challenging and fun. The new N&B will make new BK fans. I think kids will love it, and older fans of BK will buy it and play, just for memories. Just guessing, if it is on the WII, it will be a hit for kids. Big hit. My feelings towards the new game, lead to disappointment. Sorry, that's the way it is for me. (Have to play if first...I know :p). --Arav the Undersith 09:36, 12 October 2008 (UTC)
Banjo's not actually that bad, but Kazooie is ugly now, I agree. Ld760

Even though Banjo has been changed a lot, I think he is alright-ish. Kazooie is OK, but maybe she was over-tweaked and differs too much from the original Kazooie. Cheers, Chicken7 >talk >sign 13:05, 13 October 2008 (UTC)

i started playing B-K when i was 5 years old and i still play it! and sadly they are hideous looking!!-Boba fett 32 19:11, 16 October 2008 (UTC)