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Forum:Jolly's Tavern

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Welcome to Jolly's Tavern. This is a place for community discussion about Jiggywikki. To add a new topic, please type the title in the box below and click "add new topic".

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TopicLast editLast author
Editor-in-Chief20:57, May 7, 2022Toomai
Full names23:44, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Youtube account21:51, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Infobox: world21:51, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
IRC Channel made!20:48, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
New wiki skin20:47, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Logo update20:47, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Affiliation with Roysten's Fishbowl20:47, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Will there ever be another Banjo game for the nintendo platform?20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Who is he?20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Welcome to the watercooler20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
What defines a hitpoint?20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Tabbed browsing in articles20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
The secrets of Banjo-kazooie20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Proposal Event20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
The worlds are crying20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Nuts and Bolts Parts20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Nuts and bolts enemies and T.T Trophies20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Pink or Purple Jinjos?20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Notability advice20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
New wiki name proposal20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Naming Standards20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Need some help?20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Music tunes20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
New icon for admins20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Moving to better name20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
New infoboxes20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
More links on YT20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
JPEG compression pictures20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Ginger beer talk20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
How do you like the new version of banjo-kazooie?20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Gruntildas death: when is her death!?!?20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Emulators, ROMs, illegal20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Change the wiki title20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Fandom Staff introduction20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Category Policy Proposal20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Do you think Stop 'n' Swap is fake?20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Doing a Banjo-Kazooie playthrough20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Blocking Policy Proposal20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge Walkthrough20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts&Bolts feedback20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Banjo 4?20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
An award template made!20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
...Okay, my patience has left the building.20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
2007 Banjo Nuts & Bolts Christmas Card20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Affiliation with Banjo-Universe20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary
Arav's Farewell20:04, January 29, 2022Results May Vary