Beak Bayonet

Revision as of 21:48, August 2, 2015 by bkwikia>Theballaam96

The Beak Bayonet is an ability learned from Jamjars in Glitter Gulch Mine which can only be used in Breegull Blaster areas.

If Template:B is pressed while using the Breegull Blaster, Kazooie will rear her head back and then lunge forward, hitting enemies with her beak. It is an effective attack at close range and especially useful if ammunition is low.

This ability can also be used to safely disable TNT bundles in the Ordnance Storage Challenge mini-game without causing them to explode.


  • Although the final battle uses Beak Bayonet, the move is not required to beat the game because there is no detection point in the final battle for whether the move has been bought.

Jamjars' Rhyme

Another use for the
feathered freak,
makes good use of her
pointy beak!
The bad guys know that
it's no joke,
just press Template:B to give
'em a poke!
