List of questions from the Tower of Tragedy Quiz

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The questions have been sorted by order of the different worlds and areas.

o = Correct Answer
x = Incorrect Answer

General Knowledge

Which of these is Bottles' kid?
o - Goggles

What is the difference between Colosseum Kickball compared to Mayahem Kickball?
x -There were more opponents
x -You only played two games
o -Whoever scored the least won

What color are the normal blue eggs?
x - White
o - Blue
x - Red

What do the Jinjos say when they are rescued?
o - Jinjo!
x - I'm free!
x - Cheers!

What color is Mumbo's feeble energy staff attack?
x - Yellow
x - White
o - Pink

Which of the Banjo-only moves is activated by holding Template:Z and pressing Template:C-up?
o - Sack Pack
x - Snack Pack
x - Shack Pack

Isle o' Hags

How many egg nests are there in Heggy's Egg Shed?
x - 5
x - 1
o - 3

Where does King Jingaling live?
x - In a shed
x - In a boat
o - In a throne room

How many times did Banjo defeat Klungo?
x - 2
o - 3
x - 1

What is the name of the female bee who gives you extra energy?
x - Buzzy B
x - Bumble B
o - Honey B

Who lives in Jinjo Village?
x - Master Jiggywiggy
x - Banjo
o - The Jinjos

What type of doll is Bottles' daughter playing with in Jinjo Village?
x - Joanna Dark
x - Banjo
o - Donkey Kong

What can be found in the Isle o' Hags Quagmire area?
o - A railway bridge
x - A large dinosaur head
x - A Mumbo Skull

What color Jinjo house did the digger flatten in Jinjo Village?
o - Grey
x - Yellow
x - White

Mayahem Temple

What animal had a problem with a plague of flies?
o - A cow
x - A pterodactyl
x - A monkey

What is the name of World 1?
o - Mayahem Temple
x - Glitter Gulch Mine
x - Mayahem Mine

How did Banjo get inside the Kickball Stadium in Mayahem Temple?
x - With a grenade egg
o - Disguised as a stony
x - Bribes the guard

Which of these areas is found in Mayahem Temple?
x - Targitzan's Almost Sacred Chamber
o - Targitzan's Slightly Sacred Chamber
x - Targitzan's Super Secret Chamber

Which image isn't on Mayahem Temple's prison switches?
x - A sun
o - Haley's Comet
x - A star

What does Mayahem Temple's catlike warrior baddy carry?
o - A club
x- A spade
x- The Queen of Hearts

Which of these areas is not found in Mayahem Temple?
x - Jade Snake Grove
x - Kickball Stadium
o - Dart Gun Fields

What didn't the Jade Snake do in Mayahem Temple?
o - Bite Banjo
x - Sleep
x - Eat a Jiggy

What spell did Mumbo perform in Mayahem Temple?
o - Summon
x - Power
x - Levitate

How are Mayahem Temple's statue dart guns deactivated?
x - With a big switch
x - Using the Bill Drill
o - Firing an egg between their eyes

What do you have to shoot to gain entry to Mayahem Temple's Treasure Chamber?
x - Mumbo's Head
o - Snake Heads
x - Flies

What is Targitzan the Mayan god of?
x - Sunlight
o - Target Shooting
x - Tiddlywinks

What is found at the top of the highest structure in Mayahem Temple?
x - Jamjars
x - Jinjo
o - Jiggy

Glitter Gulch Mine

What had the prospector lost in Glitter Gulch Mine?
o - His partner
x - His wallet
x - His pickaxe

What is the name of World 2?
x - Jolly Roger's Mine
o - Glitter Gulch Mine
x - Grunty's Mine

Who lurked in the train's boiler in Glitter Gulch Mine?
o - Old King Coal
x - Big Bad Boiler Beast
x - Master Pufta

What is the name of the train that travels between the worlds?
o - Chuffy
x - Pufta
x - Guffo

What is on the picture in the Prospector's Cabin in Glitter Gulch Mine?
x - He and his wife
o - He and his partner
x - He and some glamorous supermodels

What was stuck in Glitter Gulch Mine that belonged in Witchyworld?
x - The Prospector
x - The burger stall owner
o - The saucer (of peril)

What color is the toxic gas in Glitter Gulch Mine?
x - Purple
o - Green
x - Browny Yellow

What tool attacks Banjo in Glitter Gulch Mine?
o - A shovel
x - A cordless drill
x - A hammer

What is the name of the birdlike character in Glitter Gulch Mine?
x - Crow Joe
x - Parakeet Pete
o - Canary Mary

What spell does Mumbo perform in Glitter Gulch Mine?
x - Sunlight
x - 1000-year curse
o - Levitate

What mine-related feature is not in Glitter Gulch Mine?
x - A rail track
o - A drill
x - A power generator

How many water tubs are in the Water Storage Cavern in Glitter Gulch Mine?
o - 2
x - 3
x - 4


What is in the Haunted Cavern's Zoo?
x -
x - The Stick Styracosaurus
o - Gobi the Camel

What is the name of the saucer ride in Witchyworld?
x - Saucer of Milk
o - Saucer of Peril
x - Saucer of Tragedy

What is Witchyworld's inflatable castle called?
o - Crazy Castle
x - Fort O' Fun
x - Silly Stockade

What is the name of World 3?
o - Witchyworld
x - Jolly Roger's Lagoon
x - Jolly's Circus O' Fun

Where is the Jiggy located in Witchyworld's Star Spinner?
x - In a crater
x - Under a UFO
o - On top of a planet

What is Mr. Patch announced as in Witchyworld?
x - Bizarre bouncing blow-up blimp
x - Ridiculous rotund rubber ruffian
o - Strange wobbly inflatable thing

Why was Witchyworld closed?
o - Appalling safety record
x - All the rides were broken
x - The staff were on strike

What does Humba Wumba change Banjo into in Witchyworld?
o - A van
x - A washing machine
x - A kitchen sink

What color is Witchyworld's big top tent?
o - Blue and White
x - Red and White
x - Black and Blue

What fairground fast food is not available in Witchyworld?
x - Burgers
o - Doughnuts
x - Fries

What happens inside Madame Grunty's tent in Witchyworld?
x - Inflatable boss fighting
o - Fortune telling
x - Drinking

What is Witchyworld's strength-based attraction called?
x - Stagecoach of Might
o - Cactus of Strength
x - Poncho of Power

How many tickets are required to get into Witchyworld's Big Top Tent?
x - 3
o - 4
x - 6

What spell does Mumbo perform in Witchyworld?
o - Power
x - Turned lead into gold
x - Life force

In the Witchyworld Star Spinner, how many steps lead you up to the mechanical planet?
x - 2
o - 3
x - 4

Jolly Roger's Lagoon

What is the name of Jolly Roger's partner in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
x - Happy Haggy
o - Merry Maggie
x - Mucky Manky

Which sea-based creature is not seen in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
x - Octopus
o - Shark
x - Anglerfish

Who is not found in Jolly's?
o - Captain Blubber
x - Jamjars
x - Jolly Roger

Which of these moves is learned in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
x - Breegull Blaster
x - Bill Drill
o - Talon Torpedo

What does Blubber rent out from his waveracer shop in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
x - Go-Karts
x - Videos
o - Waveracers

What is Lord Woo Fak Fak announced as in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
x - High and mighty aquatic hero
x - Egotistical locker lurker
o - Self-important anglerfish

What was the pig in the cage in Jolly Roger's Lagoon trying to do?
o - Film the paintings
x - Repair the temple walls
x - Look for lost treasure

What drink is on sale at Jolly's?
x - Orange Squash
o - Ginger Beer
x - Jolly's Juice

What is the name of the seasick pirate in Jolly's?
x - Foureyes
o - Blackeye
x - Browneye

What is the name of the giant anglerfish in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
x - Baron Woo Fak Fak
x - Sir Woo Fak Fak
o - Lord Woo Fak Fak

What name is on the locker you could enter in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
x - M. Bates
o - D. Jones
x - W. Anker

What object did the UFO aliens in Jolly Roger's Lagoon not carry?
x - A ray gun
x - A walking stick
o - A hammer

Which area does not exist in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
o - Anchor Repair Shed
x - Seaweed Sanctum
x - Temple of the Fishes

What was Tiptup the turtle's problem in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
o - His egg wouldn't hatch
x - He'd been hit with a cannonball
x - He'd lost his shell

What's unusual about the Mumbo Skull at Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
x - There was a Jiggy in it
x - An evil Mumbo lived inside
o - It had a secret passage

What was wrong with the pirate in Jolly's?
x - Homesick
x - Sickness and Diarrhea
o - Seasick

How many broken waveracers does Captain Blubber's shop have in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
o - 2
x - 3
x - 4

What is on Jolly's menu in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
o - Seaman's Surprise
x - Cabin Boy's Sausage
x - Pirate Crew Stew

What was wrong with the aliens' UFO in Jolly Roger's Lagoon?
o - It had run out of fuel
x - The toilets were blocked
x - The computer was broken


What is wrong with the dinosaur who lived in the lake inside Terrydactyland's mountain?
x - Broken Neck
o - Stomach Cramp
x - Headache

What is the name of the dinosaur who lived in Terrydactyland's lake?
o - Dippy
x - Chewadocus

What move does Banjo learn on his own inTerrydactyland?
o -Taxi Pack
? -
x - Sack Whack

What do you have to shoot inside the Chompasaur's belly in Terrydactyland?
x - Boils
x - Balloons
o - Ulcers

What did one of the nice Oogle Boogle cavemen do?
x - Threw himself on the fire
o - Rubbed two sticks together
x - Scraped two rocks together

What did the nice Oogle Boogle cavemen need in Terrydactyland?
x - Food and drink
o - Food and warmth
x - Furs and clubs

Which area does not exist in Terrydactyland?
x - Stomping Plains
o - The Hatchery
x - River Passage

What spell does Mumbo perform in Terrydactyland?
o - Enlarge
x - Bubonic Plague
x - Sunlight

What is the name of Terrydactyland's two rival cavemen tribes?
o - Unga Bungas and Oogle Boogles
x - Unga Bungas and Oopsy Doopsies
x - Ugly Buglies and Oogle Boogles

What did the giant pterodactyl accuse Banjo of in Terrydactyland?
x - Messing up his nest
o - Stealing his eggs
x - Hitting the smaller pterodactyls

What type of dinosaur are Terrydactyland's mother and three kids?
x - Styrofoamus
x - Styroramoanasaurus
o - Styracosaurus

What is the name of the pterodactyl in Terrydactyland?
x - Larry
x - Barry
o - Terry

What dinosaur type is not found in Terrydactyland?
x - Stegosaurus
o - Velociraptor
x - Pterodactyl

Grunty Industries

How many floors does Grunty Industries' service elevator stop at?
x - 4
o - 5
x - 6

The oil pipeline in the Grunty Industries Waste Disposal Plant comes from where?
x - Jolly Roger's Lagoon
x - Glitter Gulch Mine
o - Hailfire Peaks

What is at the very top of the lift shaft in Grunty Industries?
o - Signposts
x - A Jinjo
x - An egg nest

What was unusual about the Mumbo Skull in Grunty Industries?
x - There wasn't one
o - It was made of metal
x - It had a secret passage

The water pipeline in the Grunty Industries waste disposal plant comes from where?
x - Glitter Gulch Mine
o - Jolly Roger's Lagoon
x - Hailfire Peaks

What is the name of the factory in World 6?
o - Grunty Industries
x - Witchyworks, Inc.
x - Witch Industrials

What is at the top of Grunty Industries' chimney stack?
o - Empty Honeycomb
x - A Jinjo
x - Jamjars

How many different ways into the factory in Grunty Industries are there?
x - 13
o - 11
x - 9

What item of clothing does Banjo the Washing Machine fire in Grunty Industries?
o - Shorts
x - Socks
x - Shirts

Which is not a cable color in Grunty Industries' Cable Room?
x - White
x - Yellow
o - Black

What is Weldar announced as in Grunty Industries?
x - Sonically limited welding torch
o - Visually impaired welding torch
x - Nasally congested welding torch

What spell does Mumbo perform in Grunty Industries?
x - Petrify
o - EMP
x - Enlarge

Which Jet Force Gemini character can you find a poster of in Grunty Industries?
o - Vela
x - Juno
x - Lupus

What is the color of the rotating lights in Grunty Industries?
o - Yellow
x - Purple
x - Red

What is written on the electromagnet cover in Grunty Industries?
x - Caution - Stay Clear
o - Danger - High Voltage
x - Warning - Powerful Magnet

Which of these is an area in Grunty Industries?
x - Transport Depot
o - Repair Depot
x - Delivery Depot

What is the main danger in Grunty Industries' Quality Control?
o - Toxic gas
x - Crushers
x - Laser beams

What brand of battery is used to open the battery-operated doors in Grunty Industries?
o - Bazza
x - Lezza
x - Shazza

What is the name of Grunty Industries' boss character?
x - Wellard
o - Weldar
x - Weldup

What is blocking the vents in Grunty Industries' Sewer System?
o - Clinkers
x - Turdlets
x - Squitters

How many chimneys does the factory have in Grunty Industries?
x - 0
x - 1
o - 2

What pressure level is shows on the exterior dials of Grunty Industries' Trash Compactor?
o - 10
x - 50
x - 125

Which of these isn't an area in Grunty Industries?
x - Boiler Plant
o - Generator Plant
x - Air Conditioning Plant

What is packed in Grunty Industries' packing room?
o - Twinklies
x - Nuts, bolts and washers
x - Chocolate

In Grunty Industries, what is wrong with Weldar the welding torch?
x - He has stomach cramps
o - His eyesight is bad
x - His nozzle is sore

In Grunty Industries, what do the mean factory workers try to whack you with?
o - A wrench
x - A hammer
x - A pillow

Why did Loggo complain in Grunty Industries?
o - He needed unblocking
x - He needed a cleaning
x - He needed flushing

What is on the wallpaper in the factory workers quarters?
o - Mumbo
x - Joanna Dark
x - Gruntilda

What game does not have a refrigerator magnet in the Workers Quarters in Grunty Industries?
x - Jet Force Gemini
x - Perfect Dark
o - Banjo-Kazooie

Hailfire Peaks

Boggy the Polar Bear has given up sled racing to do what?
x - Go fishing
o - Watch TV
x - Read pawn magazines

What are the names of Mr. and Mrs. Ice Cube in Hailfire Peaks?
x - Ed and Gabby
x - Albert and Ethel
o - George and Mildred

Which of these is one of Boggy's kids?
o - Soggy
x - Doggy
x - Foggy

Which of these is an area in Hailfire Peaks?
o - Icicle Grotto
x - Boggy's Den
x - Crystal Caverns

What is the color of Boggy the polar bear's bedspread in his Hailfire Peaks igloo?
x - Purple and green
x - Red and blue
o - Orange and yellow

Why couldn't Chuffy the train travel to the ice side of Hailfire Peaks?
x - Tracks didn't go there
x - Ran out of steam
o - Boiler was too hot

On Hailfire Peaks, how many different sizes of banjo the Snowball are there?
x - 4
o - 5
x - 6

What is the name of the frozen explorer in Hailfire Peaks?
o - Sabreman
x - Daggerchap
x - Cutlass Guy

What wall-dwelling fiery object attacks you in Hailfire Peaks?
x - A burning torch
x - A massive foot
o - A giant hand

Which of these isn't an area in Hailfire Peaks?
o - Glacier Grotto
x - Lava Crater
x - Inside the Volcano

What is the name of the big-footed yeti in Hailfire Peaks?
o - Biggafoot
x - Biggoboot
x - Clubbafoot

Which item isn't found inside an ice cube in Hailfire Peaks?
x - A Jinjo
x - A treble clef
o - A Cheato page

What spell does Mumbo perform in Hailfire Peaks?
x - Sunlight
x - Stormcloud
o - Life Force

How did Gobi the camel help you once he'd reached Hailfire Peaks?
x - He started the oil drill
o - He cooled the train
x - He freed Sabreman

What object is the alien girl holding in Hailfire Peaks?
o - A mirror
x - A hairbrush
x - A ray gun

What does Hailfire Peaks' oil drill unearth?
x - An alien kid
x - Oil
o - A Jiggy

What game is played in Hailfire Peaks' Colloseum?
o - Kickball
x - Table football
x - Pinball

How many points to the players start with in the semifinal game of the colosseum kickball?
x - 0
x - 25
o - 50

What does Boggy the polar bear want to eat in Hailfire Peaks?
x - Pizza
o - Fish
x - Burgers and Fries

Since when has Sabreman been frozen in his block of ice in Hailfire Peaks?
x - 1982
o - 1984
x - 1986

What miniature doll is one of the alien kids holding on Hailfire Peaks?
o - Jinjo
x - Mumbo
x - Banjo

What falls from the Icicle Grotto roof in Hailfire Peaks?
x - Light fixtures
o - Icicles
x - Rocks

What is the name of a dragon boss brother in Hailfire Peaks?
x - Silly Billy
x - Hottie Tottie
o - Chilly Willy

Cloud Cuckooland

What is delia disguised as in Cloud Cuckooland?
x - Devious Mumbo-a-like
o - Mingy Jongo Crafty Shaman Impersonator
x - Fiendish Master of Disguise


Hag 1 Battle Questions

100-80 Hit Points

80-60 Hit Points

60-40 Hit Points