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User:Link The Hero of Time

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Template:User Banjo-Kazooie

Template:User Banjo-Tooie

Template:User Grunty's Revenge

Template:User Banjo-Pilot

About me[edit]

All you need to know is I'm a die hard Banjo-Kazooie fan. I've been playing forever.


I own the games listed above. I played:


Twice, one was non 100 percent (when I was about 5) The other was when I replayed, years later, 100%


Twice, the N64 edition I played my heart out when I was about 6, I got to Hailfire Peaks, then I lost the game. I got the XBLA edition many years later and beat it. I finally found the Nintendo 64 Banjo-Tooie and then finished what I started. Neither times were 100% though, but they were both ALMOST 100%.

Grunty's Revenge

Finally gave it a try, and I must say, it's pretty cool. Not done with it yet.


Its ok, I guess.

Nuts & Bolts

Played a demo, and hated it. It's NOT a Banjo game.