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From Jiggywikki, a Banjo-Kazooie wiki
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This is Toomai's userpage. He used to be a big cheese around here back when the wiki was first created, but kinda fell out for Reasons. He's vaguely angling to see if he can make a comeback, but isn't expecting much.
Toomai is a Canadian user who is a fan of the Banjo-Kazooie series. After taking one look at this wiki, Toomai decided he could really help the place out. So he started going to [[Special:Random|random pages]] and buffed them up a bit. His near-omnipresense, vast knowledge, and continuous support has made him an administrator.
Toomai is responsible for adding these images to this wiki:
|+Button Images
|- align="center"
![[Nintendo 64]]
|[[Image:Control Stick (N64).png|20px|This is a Stick.]]
|[[Image:Start button (N64).png|15px|Press Start to start.]]
|[[Image:A button (N64).png|15px|Jump! Jump!]]
|[[Image:B button (N64).png|15px|greeeeen]]
|[[Image:C up button (N64).png|15px|USE THE BOOST TO GET THROUGH]]
|[[Image:C down button (N64).png|15px|Cv]]
|[[Image:C left button (N64).png|15px|To see to the left]]
|[[Image:C right button (N64).png|15px|C-wrong]]
|[[Image:R button (N64).png|25px|DO A BARREL ROLL]]
|[[Image:Z button (N64).png|15px|Trigger, more like.]]
|- align="center"
![[Game Boy Advance]]
|[[Image:D-Pad (Nintendo).png|20px|D for directional.]]
|[[Image:Start button (GBA).png|25px|Start != Select.]]
|[[Image:A button (GBA).png|15px|Eh.]]
|[[Image:B button (GBA).png|15px|greeeey]]
|[[Image:L button (GBA).png|25px|Mine is broken. (DS)]]
|[[Image:R button (GBA).png|25px|Arrr.]]
|- align="center"
![[Xbox 360]]
|[[Image:Left stick (X360).png|20px|'Cause there are two.]]
|[[Image:Right stick (X360).png|20px|Wrong.]]
|[[Image:A button (X360).png|15px|EH?]]
|[[Image:B button (X360).png|15px|Bee]]
|[[Image:X button (X360).png|15px|Jellybeans!]]
|[[Image:Y button (X360).png|15px|Because.]]
|[[Image:L bumper (X360).png|25px|Bumper? Dumb name.]]
|[[Image:R bumper (X360).png|25px|RB is R.O.B.'s two-letter abbreviation, didn't you know?]]
|[[Image:L trigger (X360).png|15px|LB and LT. Why not ZL and ZR or something?]]
|[[Image:R trigger (X360).png|15px|Ttrriiggggeerr.]]
If you need more buttons (I don't automatically upload the ones that aren't needed in the BK series, such as L on the N64), just ask me. (It's better if I do them all, that way consistency is perfect.)
|+Nuts & Bolts Icons
|[[Image:StrengthNone.png|32px|Nothing has 0 strength, so this just means no damage.]]||[[Image:StrengthVeryLow.png|32px|Weak!]]||[[Image:StrengthLow.png|32px|Flimsy.]]||[[Image:StrengthMedium.png|32px|Decidedly average.]]||[[Image:StrengthHigh.png|32px|Buff.]]||[[Image:StrengthVeryHigh.png|32px|Either offensive or defensive, depending on whether this is strength or damage you're talkin' 'bout.]]
|[[Image:AmmoNone.png|32px|Drop your weapons!]]||[[Image:AmmoVeryLow.png|32px|Bang bang.]]||[[Image:AmmoLow.png|32px|Bang, bang, and bang.]]||[[Image:AmmoMedium.png|32px|Bigger bang.]]||[[Image:AmmoHigh.png|32px|Bang for bucks.]]||[[Image:AmmoVeryHigh.png|32px|Banjo wants big boom.]]
|[[Image:PowerNone.png|32px|None of these are useless, by the way.]]||[[Image:PowerVeryLow.png|32px|yelllooowww]]||[[Image:PowerLow.png|32px|2/5]]||[[Image:PowerMedium.png|32px|You're still reading these, eh? Nutter.]]||[[Image:PowerHigh.png|32px|It ain't no Hydro One.]]||[[Image:PowerVeryHigh.png|32px|MOAR POWERZ!!!!1]]
|[[Image:FuelNone.png|32px|Gassed.]]||[[Image:FuelVeryLow.png|32px|Those Mynocks got into the tank again.]]||[[Image:FuelLow.png|32px|Fossil fuels.]]||[[Image:FuelMedium.png|32px|What is this "fuel", anyway? Toxic waste?]]||[[Image:FuelHigh.png|32px|Fart power.]]||[[Image:FuelVeryHigh.png|32px|Gassed, in a good way.]]
|[[Image:PartsNone.png|32px|Just for completion. How could you have NO parts?]]||[[Image:PartsVeryLow.png|32px|These Part Amount images aren't used right now.]]||[[Image:PartsLow.png|32px|But if you post your vehicle stats up here...]]||[[Image:PartsMedium.png|32px| could use them. I don't mind.]]||[[Image:PartsHigh.png|32px|I mean, that's part of the point.]]||[[Image:PartsVeryHigh.png|32px|So yeah.]]
|[[Image:WeightNone.png|32px|Again, just for completion.]]||[[Image:WeightVeryLow.png|32px|Definately NOT William Shatner. OHSNAPZ]]||[[Image:WeightLow.png|32px|It's purple. Not violet. Physics says so.]]||[[Image:WeightMedium.png|32px|"Weight" != "wait".]]||[[Image:WeightHigh.png|32px|High weight is, like, a curling term.]]||[[Image:WeightVeryHigh.png|32px|Cronk.]]
As for Toomai's video game life and skills, here's some stats:
*I've completed [[Banjo-Kazooie]] 100% at least 10 times (probably more) with a best time of between 5 and six hours (without a strategy other than "get all Jiggies and Notes without non-Cheato cheats").
*I don't fear the [[Engine Room]]. :P
*I've completed [[Banjo-Tooie]] 5 times with 100% once (the only blemish those other times was Canary Mary's races in Cloud Cuckooland, which I can beat cleanly now).
*I don't own the GBA BK games, with the reasons being:
**My DS's L button is busted.
**From what I hear, they're crap.
**There's probably no way to get them nowadays.
*I don't own [[Nuts & Bolts]] because:
**I don't have a 360 and have no reason to get one (I would need more than one game of motivation).
*I run a site called [ Ask The Smashers], an interaction-based Smash Bros. fanfiction.
*I have created a Smash Bros. moveset for Banjo and Kazooie and have an in-universe reason for why they aren't part of Nintendo anymore.
*I started the [ Cosmic Encounter Wiki].


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