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Forum:Trolly help on Banjo-Kazooie:Nuts and Bolts.
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Ok i need some help I dont know how to change trollys in showdown town...
Some one answer ~ Anon
- Well, I have no clue on how to change as I have given up on the piece of junk game, but I don't think you can change till you get further in the game. Thats my bet. Anyone? --
Arav the Undersith 00:03, 19 January 2009 (UTC)
If you're wondering how to change your trolley to a different vehicle, you can't. You can, however, add parts onto it by completing Grunty's challenges that show up in the worlds. With all the parts you collect from challenges, your trolley should have High-Grip Wheels, Floaters, a Spring, a Scuba Seat, a Laser (with unlimited ammo when you're in Showdown Town), and a Horn (which is necessary to get some of the spare part boxes). File:Jamjars icon.pngDroginator1