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Forum:New admin?
We should get an active admin in here so they can change the navigation, background, etc.... it looks pretty ugly. I will say that I, (CrustyMuffin33) am an admin for the Yooka Laylee wiki, and I would love to help. I am not asking, I am merely stating that I am a possibility. And yes, this is pretty ugly.
Scaarfii (talk) 02:48, May 15, 2017 (UTC)
CrustyMuffin33, you can drop an application at the adoption center . However there are certain conditions that must be met (inactive admins being one of them, don't see that as being a problem). I just adopted a wiki a few weeks ago and I don't think my time is up yet to adopt again (also I don't think it's right for me as I haven't done much here.) If you've had the Yooka-Laylee wiki for longer than a month and you're active on here then you should be able to get this one too, so long as nobody here opposes.
Scaarfii (talk) 22:24, May 22, 2017 (UTC)
Alright. Here is my request: