List of Brentilda quotes

Revision as of 11:42, January 7, 2021 by Magma (talk | contribs) (rewrite)

A list of quotes said by Brentilda throughout Banjo-Kazooie.


    • "Ugly Grunty's nickname was Jelly Belly/Cauldron Butt/Hog Breath at Witch School!"
    • "I also know that freshly burst boils/sweaty gorilla feet/putrid parrot puke is her favorite smell!"
    • "And the old hag's favorite color is ghastly grey/dung brown/gruesome green!"
    • "My lazy sister often sleeps in a pig sty/on a pile of treasure/in a dumpster, the dirty hag!"
    • "The only thing she's ever won was the biggest butt/dirtiest undies/sweatiest socks competition at witch school!"
    • "She often boasts of appearing on the cover of Fat Hag Monthly, posing in her long-johns/sitting on her broomstick/polishing her crystal ball!"
    • "My fat old sister's favorite sport is broomstick racing/belly barging/loogie flicking!"
    • "Although she's dim, she attended Fat Hag High/St. Dungball's School/Cauldron College!"
    • "You won't believe that Gruntilda's party trick is blowing balloons up with her butt/performing a scary striptease/eating a bucket of beans!"
    • "Grunty's best friend at witch school was the awful Fatty Hatty/Sweaty Betty/Saggy Maggy!"
    • "When relaxing, she usually reads Fat Hag Monthly/Big Butts and Guts/Warty Girls Weekly magazine!"
    • "While sipping a glass of her favorite camel spit milkshake/cold worm juice/smoothie elephant sweat!"
    • "The disgusting Gruntilda has spider pancakes/rat bagels/tadpoles on toast for breakfast!"
    • "Then she usually has slug stew/maggot pie/dog dung burgers for dinner. Yuk!"
    • "Wartbags then finishes with eyeball ice cream/cockroaches and cream/rat sorbet for dessert. How horrid!"
    • "Revolting Gruntilda's bedroom has smelly socks/rotting fish/dirty undies hanging from the ceiling!"
    • "She also has an eyeball flower/a loogie bush/a verruca plant growing in a pot beside her bed! Filthy old bag!"
    • "And you'd be sick if you saw her enormous spotty purple/sweaty yellow/streaky brown undies!"
    • "Did you know Wartbags keeps a dragon's foot/loogie filled hanky/shrunken head in her pocket for luck?"
    • "I've also seen my sister cuddling a huge sweaty baboon/her dirty undies/a scary teddy bear in bed at night!"
    • "She's really proud of her broomstick. It's a top of the range Super Gutlifter Pro/Lardmaster 2000/Rough Rider Deluxe!"