Forum:The secrets of Banjo-kazooie

Revision as of 00:03, August 12, 2012 by (talk)
Forums: Index > Jolly's Tavern > The secrets of Banjo-kazooie

hey i just watched the Beta video of the old version of B-K and it just seems so interesting that there was going to have the missing levels and man! just look at clanker! he is like a whale! cool huh?-Boba fett 32 17:40, 31 October 2008 (UTC)

I've noticed something about the map room in Rusty Bucket Bay, the map on the wall looks exactly like the map of Treasure Trove Cove, except with an X over where Sharkfood island would be. This would have to be a stop and swap reference wouldn't it? Please tell me i'm not crazy and someone else has noticed this.-non user 10:02 12 August 2012