Forum:JPEG compression pictures

Revision as of 07:06, August 15, 2008 by wikia:banjokazooie>Chicken7 (New page: {{Forumheader|Jolly's Tavern}} <!-- Please put your content under this line. Be sure to sign your edits with four tildes ~~~~ --> Hey everyone. I just thought I'd let people in on someth...)
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Forums: Index > Jolly's Tavern > JPEG compression pictures

Hey everyone. I just thought I'd let people in on something. When we get screenshots and stuff from the games, they should preferably be in PNG (Portable network graphics) image format. Each format has it's own use really. PNG is specifically for computerized images, JPEG is for photos, SVG is for drawings and diagrams, etc. If we use JPEG for our images, it loses a lot of quality, and I mean A LOT!!! So it is OK to upload in JPEG but PNG is preferred. And last thing, once a image is a JPEG, it is scarred (however you spell the past tense of scar) for life. The quality has been reckoned with and there is no going back. So don't upload an image in PNG if it was a JPEG. You can see the image is scrambled around major lines. Anyway, Cheers. BK XBLA Kazooie icon.pngChicken7 >talk >signBK XBLA Banjo icon.png 07:06, 15 August 2008 (UTC)