Talk:Main Page

Revision as of 20:12, May 8, 2008 by wikia>banjokazooie>Jimbo Jambo

Now, its come to my attention that we need another admin, so were going to have a vote. For any candidate you want, copy and paste this:
==<Candidate>== ===Support=== ===Oppose=== ===Comments==
Happy voting. Ill be back in a few days to see who won. :D - LD760{Grovel for mercy}File:Mr.L.PNG 21:57, 23 April 2008 (UTC)

Toys Section

I was thinking that a new section we could add is about toys based on the Banjo-Kazooie section. We could have it split up into areas like plush toys and action figures. If anyone thinks this could be a good idea I will go ahead and begin taking pictures of my own Banjo-Kazooie toys. Or we could just make it Banjo-Kazooie Collectables instead of just toys and have magazine covers, and toys, and posters, players guides, etc. Thanks, Dekudan312 23:24, 30 April 2008 (UTC)

I believe it is a good idea. Although, don't put it at the top and maybe call it Merchndise. Cheers, Chicken7 >talk 08:50, 1 May 2008 (UTC)

New Main Page Header

What does anyone think about this as a header?





Cool. But we still need a nother sysop.- LD760{Grovel for mercy}File:Mr.L.PNG 22:37, 3 May 2008 (UTC)
Sorry, but to tell the truth, I kind of prefer the one we have now just because it's large, easy to read, and links for beginners are placed right in the path your eyes would likely take. I do think a lot of other wikis actually use the layout you have there, and it does help to save space, but I think the current one is a little more user-friendly. That's just my opinion though. Jimbo-Jambo
Also, Lego, I'm not sure asking the wiki's three active members to vote for each other is really the best idea... I would think that usually admins op people who they've observed to be responsible and such, but it seems like you don't have a lot of time to spend here. I suppose you could just op all three of us. Haha, no though, that'd be a terrible idea. I don't know. Jimbo-Jambo
Yeah I see what you're saying about it's user friendlyness. Oh and I'd say just op either Jimbo Jambo or Chicken because they probably know a lot more about code on a Wiki than I do Dekudan312 23:15, 3 May 2008 (UTC)
Actually, now that I think about it, three admins who can't agree on anything is probably a lot better than one admin whose opinion is absolute but shared by absolutely nobody, and I speak from experience there. Checks 'n' balances. Heck, you probably could op us all if you wanted. Jimbo-Jambo
Should i? from wjhat Ive seen, you guy seem like good editors. o: - LD760{Grovel for mercy}File:Mr.L.PNG 21:56, 7 May 2008 (UTC)
Well I mean, ideally you'd get a chance to know us all and only op us when things get too hectic for one person to handle (like I'm sure they will when B-T 3 is released and we get a flood of new users), but you yourself don't seem to have a lot of time to spend here, so...I dunno. At the moment there's not a lot of administrative stuff that needs to get done, although it might help to have the rights to screw with the MediaWiki stuff once I figure out what I'm actually doing. Jimbo-Jambo


We may want to switch the About Us information with the Poll because I think people would rather vote in the Poll than read the About us info. Also people wouldn't have to scroll down so far to reach the poll. Doing this also may take up less space on the main page. Dekudan312 18:23, 8 May 2008 (UTC)

Any chance we could put the poll on the sidebar? Jimbo-Jambo
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