Template talk:Infobox transformation

Revision as of 23:30, May 14, 2008 by wikia:banjokazooie>Jimbo Jambo

Er, a few things before we start making too many pages. I've gotten into the habit of calling the transformations things like "Washer Banjo" and "Crocodile Banjo" rather than just "Crocodile" and so on. Not that we have to call them that, but I think it kind of acs like its own little namespace to separate the transformations from other things. It also helps to distinguish Stony Banjo and Stony pages from each other. What do you think?

Also, walking up hills isn't really a special ability of the Termite transformation. All the B-K transformations are immune to hazardous terrain and don't slide on slopes, making them able to walk up any slope they can stand on. When I think of special abilities of transformations, I think of Washer Banjo washing clothes or Bee Banjo being able to fly.

Lastly, as for the worlds, I think we can leave out Gruntilda's Lair, just because any transformation can be taken outside the world for a limited distance. I think hat box should refer to where the spell is cast rather than where it can be taken. Jimbo-Jambo

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