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L.O.G. first makes his appearance at boobie[[Spiral Mountain| Mountain]], where he easily stops a fight between Banjo-Kazooie and Gruntilda occurring by (literally) pausing it (the word Pause appears on screen and Banjo, Kazooie, and Gruntilda are frozen in time). After deciding a pointless challenge he concocted is, well, pointless, he sends the three to Showdown Town, where the game (really) begins to show who's worthy of owning Spiral Mountain, and who's to be subjected tobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbborithgwuierhjg3w toil at the video game factory. Every world in which they compete is made by L.O.G.
L.O.G. first makes his appearance at boobie[[Spiral Mountain| Mountain]], where he easily stops a fight between Banjo-Kazooie and Gruntilda occurring by (literally) pausing it (the word Pause appears on screen and Banjo, Kazooie, and Gruntilda are frozen in time). After deciding a pointless challenge he concocted is, well, pointless, he sends the three to Showdown Town, where the game (really) begins to show who's worthy of owning Spiral Mountain, and who's to be subjected tobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbborithgwuierhjg3w toil at the video game factory. Every world in which they compete is made by L.O.G.

He makes his final appearance at Spiral Mountain, where he awards 6 Jiggies for the completion of his "Six Of The Best" task. Afterwards, once Grunty is defeated, he stops the heroes from finishing her off by, again, "pausing" the game. He instantly teleports Grunty to his video game factory and hands [[Banjo]] and [[Kazooie]] sucksthe deeds to Spiral Mountain.
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Anonymous user