Forum:Post your interesting vehicle ideas here!

Revision as of 12:30, January 5, 2009 by wikia:banjokazooie>Learner4
Forums: Index > Game help > Post your interesting vehicle ideas here!

I know that it looks like a wall of text, but if you get the idea ahead of time (and I don't mean by the end of the first sentence), then you can just skip to the end to hear the important bit. I recently made a trailer that is suppose to hold a wide assortment of parts. I started out with the Humba's Go Anywhere blueprint. Then I added two tow bars to the back of it. Then I made a seperate vehicle that has a large box. Then I added heavy wedges to the top of the box so that way parts slide in. (it has to be heavy because they have a smoother side) Then I added a LARGE assortment of parts, fuel, gadgets, weapons, ammo, and engines and jets. O yes, one important thing is to make sure that NO parts that are to be towed are connected. In the building process, just place the parts over the big box and then test it out in the Test-O-track. If the parts Another thing, it might be a good idea to add air cushions and propellors to the trailer so that way the trailer doesn't sink with all of your parts. You see, the purpose of this is to have all the parts at your simple disposal out in the field. The reason you have tow bars is so you can disconnect the trailer to go faster. Fourth, be sure not to use multible ammounts of very large parts, such as sticky balls, they just take way to much room. Humba's Go anywhere blueprint also has a small tray, so you can place a small number of parts (out in the field, not in the building process). To attach the parts, press B when the front part of the vehicle is Highlighted and the option appears. Then just press the (left bumber?) to go through some of the parts. Warning, this vehicle may slightly lower the speed of your game (it isn't a problem when you disconnect the trailer part, and it is a PAIN when your trailer flips over, because all the parts spill out. And REMEMBER, don't connect the two halfs with a detacher, it isn't always a wise idea to use this in a Jiggy race (doesn't mean you can't ;) (as a matter of fact, you can use the trailer as an obstacle, I actually once built a wall of body parts to mess up the opponents in a race, just make sure it doesn't backfire), and finally, you can attach parts to your trailer and remove them later for when you need them. (If you attach weapons to your trailer, then you better hope there isn't an ammo crate attached, because the gadgets on your trailer, and your driving half share buttons for actions.) PHEW WHAT A MOUTHFUL. Well, sorry for wasting your time with this long speech. Learner4 20:50, 2 January 2009 (UTC)

Woah.So far i made 50 blueprints.I have a UFO,crane, truck, fastest boat(speed meter full) and some other stuff.I also made a tank with four turrets and a ship with a turret.--Alice 02:13, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

50 blueprints, nice. I have about 70, and some in a few cases are improved versions of older blueprints. I have an Assault blueprint that takes up about 15. But often they got better. I also made a new vehicle that can launch crud far distances. All I did was make a vehicle using body blocks starting with an L. Then I made the blocks twice as thick so springs can be put in on the bottom and the side. (If the vehicle is potitioned like L <-- this, then have the springs face > and ^). I made two versions of this vehicle, one of them has folding wings to trap things that get caught inside, and once they are trapped inside, then weapons can shoot at them. Two flame throwers and an egg gun + two egg turrets make up the weapons. The only problem is found in the flamethrowers, they can damage MY vehicle if used for extended ammounts of time. Any ideas or subsitutions? Learner4 12:30, 5 January 2009 (UTC)