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Right, so I, [[User:Mr. Fit|Mr. Fit]] 02:12, 6 January 2009 (UTC), have created ad least 100 blue prints with many interesting vehicles(if I may say so myself), amoung them a repleca of the Enterprize (Star Trek, in case anybody here isn't a nerd. Har har har) Serenity (from the show Firefly), and of have mande many vehicles making the most use of the rope-like tow bars to suspend Banjo in mid air and beat the snoz out of him with a boot-in-the-box or spring to turn Banjo into a piñata, then make excellent use of the springs and detachers to create a frog cannon, so eject the papery pal far distances for kicks. I have also created a stage-like thing that dosen't move, but uses the stereo (with a pole attacthed to it) to look like a musical instrument of some sort for Banjo to play, a bunch of passenger seats for buddies and musical instruments for them to play (even though I control them) out of the Horn and, for kicks, a laser (painted gold with a pole attached to it to make it look like a saxphone or something). Also making use of the flamethrowers and spotlights for pyrotechnics and....spotlights, giving the stage a great feel of a live musical theatre (or perhaps that's just my justification to make it seem like it wasn't a waste of time). --[[User:Mr. Fit|Mr. Fit]] 02:12, 6 January 2009 (UTC)
Right, so I, [[User:Mr. Fit|Mr. Fit]] 02:12, 6 January 2009 (UTC), have created ad least 100 blue prints with many interesting vehicles(if I may say so myself), amoung them a repleca of the Enterprize (Star Trek, in case anybody here isn't a nerd. Har har har) Serenity (from the show Firefly), and of have mande many vehicles making the most use of the rope-like tow bars to suspend Banjo in mid air and beat the snoz out of him with a boot-in-the-box or spring to turn Banjo into a piñata, then make excellent use of the springs and detachers to create a frog cannon, so eject the papery pal far distances for kicks. I have also created a stage-like thing that dosen't move, but uses the stereo (with a pole attacthed to it) to look like a musical instrument of some sort for Banjo to play, a bunch of passenger seats for buddies and musical instruments for them to play (even though I control them) out of the Horn and, for kicks, a laser (painted gold with a pole attached to it to make it look like a saxphone or something). Also making use of the flamethrowers and spotlights for pyrotechnics and....spotlights, giving the stage a great feel of a live musical theatre (or perhaps that's just my justification to make it seem like it wasn't a waste of time). --[[User:Mr. Fit|Mr. Fit]] 02:12, 6 January 2009 (UTC)

Cool, I now have 80 blueprints, and one of them is literally a bridge. I got the idea when I looked at the broken bridge in Spiral Mountain. It is really heavy so it doen't go flying, and it actually works well. It can also be used to bridge the river in Nutty Acres, and if you want the notes, the lava in the volcano (I had to remove a portion of the bridge to help extend it. It is 7 blocks wide, and has ramps on the front. It doesn't move so you have to drag it. I also made a U.F.O. starting with the Humba blueprint. Then I replaced the blocks with super blocks. Then I added a laser! (with gyroscopes to help it aim down). Then I added an energy shield on the bottom, and then added a torpedile. I put in a replenisher after I moved the origional jet and moved it into two other spots that touch the origional spot, but not each other. That way I got an empty row for the replenisher. Then I finally added a foldy propellor so it can at least move once it gets into the air. In one case, I also added a Chamealeon, and a sticky ball, and now, I can ABDUCT things. O yea, I also made a fortess vehicle, It can fly and hover, and the top bit is a wheel-less version of the Shopping trolley, only this can shoot eggs, fly, AND glide. It can disconnect from the fourtess bit, allowing you o shoot down enemies. The fourtress bit also has two large jets attached by towbars. That way it uses it's fuel tanks. The purpose is to help you get somewhere faster, bewarned, if your vehicle falls, the jets will point up and push you down too. Thats why I added foldy propelers to the castle bit to help it keep up. I found this vehicle useful in prottecting the statue in Nutty Acres. It was 7 wide, 6 deep, and 8 tall. [[User:Learner4|Learner4]] 18:15, 6 January 2009 (UTC)
Cool, I now have 80 blueprints, and one of them is literally a bridge. I got the idea when I looked at the broken bridge in Spiral Mountain. It is really heavy so it doen't go flying, and it actually works well. It can also be used to bridge the river in Nutty Acres, and if you want the notes, the lava in the volcano (I had to remove a portion of the bridge to help extend it. It is 7 blocks wide, and has ramps on the front. It doesn't move so you have to drag it. I also made a U.F.O. starting with the Humba blueprint. Then I replaced the blocks with super blocks. Then I added a laser! (with gyroscopes to help it aim down). Then I added an energy shield on the bottom, and then added a torpedile. I put in a replenisher after I moved the origional jet and moved it into two other spots that touch the origional spot, but not each other. That way I got an empty row for the replenisher. Then I finally added a foldy propellor so it can at least move once it gets into the air. In one case, I also added a Chamealeon, and a sticky ball, and now, I can ABDUCT things. O yea, I also made a fortess vehicle, It can fly and hover, and the top bit is a wheel-less version of the Shopping trolley, only this can shoot eggs, fly, AND glide. It can disconnect from the fourtess bit, allowing you o shoot down enemies. The fourtress bit also has two large jets attached by towbars. That way it uses it's own fuel tanks. The purpose is to help you get somewhere faster, bewarned, if your vehicle falls, the jets will point up and push you down too. Thats why I added foldy propelers to the castle bit to help it keep up. I found this vehicle useful in prottecting the statue in Nutty Acres. It was 7 wide, 6 deep, and 8 tall. [[User:Learner4|Learner4]] 18:15, 6 January 2009 (UTC)
I made a vehicle thats designed just LIKE Grunty's broomstick. Only I added replenishers, and moved the Clockwork Kazooie egg behind me. My view now is that I can see the laser and I can actually aim with it. [[User:Learner4|Learner4]] 17:48, 22 January 2009 (UTC)